As promised prepared a detailed description of how to make shabby soap gift for Easter eggs :) As for the very first time I tried to work with wool, it's helped a great Lina (in 1001 the idea of the founder) bar table base live advice ;) Ingredients: * wool * Soap (100% olive oil ) * blade * tulle mesh or metal mesh * bubble wrap * lay or so. * Towel * plastic bag soap slice blade support circumcise, apskutinėju as extracting an egg shape :) same soap shavings left over from soap erasing Suber in the sink (3) (you can use a container) and pour hot water (4), a little mixing bar table base the water becomes soapy :) mode band wool (5) and wrapped bar table base (6), then the next mode wool piece (8), and the soap I put crosses (9) (susiveltų that if you do the one direction, wool does not get involved) the main color wool already wrapped soap, now mode small pieces (11) different colors of wool and it spreads its cheering placed the soap (12) ;) yes dressed soap egg wrapped in a piece of tulle (13) flaps so that all the soap is safely hidden the tulle (15) - much like cooking pancakes with cheese :))) mode wool and dressed and tulle wrapped soap egg and dipped in hot water (16), the fleece wet and overflowed soap (just sponge down with your fingers bar table base (18 ) it is important to constantly bar table base soaked in hot water, so it will be easier and faster to put felt soap egg, because hot water scrubbed wool shrinks bar table base to nenusizulinti bar table base all hands (the hand after the felting is healthy and without ulcers) bar table base to delete using the metal grid (19), which is often out of all sides of the "rub off" soap egg. dunking after the first (20) and "rubbing off" cautiously išvyioju soap egg from tulle to add additional different color wool (21) (as added later as wool neprisivels) and how much trimmed, bar table base spread evenly wool soap egg. again wrapped it in tulle - I took hot water and rubbing (later) regularly bar table base unwrapping that look like wool close "siege" soap egg: (22) and (23) Check - gripping fingers wool, it easily "unstuck," stretch "from the soap - which means that there is still felt, felt felt .... soaked-friction, soaked-friction, soaked-friction, roll-to see again and again .... :) (25) before trying again fingers (26) to arrest wool, it is difficult to "tears" from soap egg - hence, bar table base wool apsivėlė, shrunk :) so should check out all the soap egg surface where the wool would be "skystokai" aptraukusi soap (soap rises from) those places should be added " calloused, privelti. It is important to maintain regular hot water! again a good soaps are obstructing and check the egg from all sides (27), holding the presses the soap scum and excess perplaunu water cooling (28) then dry hair help (29,30) then place the eggs into the felt of soap Plastinin bags that they neperdžiūtų (or soap nemuiluos)'s bar table base soap and Easter eggs - the fine arts, although inedible :) uztāda the perfect for use vonoje - delete sideways :)))) and how funny colorful bathroom interior detail and spot sponges (here as a 2-in-1 - soap and a sponge in one) when soap susimuiluoja remain piece of wool, which can be simply thrown away :)
Iveta, a relatively bar table base short-lived, ie, prior to packaging, and the bestowal of the moment ;) Delete Reply
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