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In the case endings of nouns and withdrawal affect the final consonant black bread bins base (hard, soft and mixed groups) and belongs to a category of creatures or neistot (in the plural). Inflection soft and mixed groups are mostly graphic on soft consonant black bread bins value basis. black bread bins Paradigms and withholding solid group of singular plural N. sisters black bread bins and a sister-hand-and-hand-and the sisters-and hand-hand movement and sisters and sisters and sisters-ruts am hand am Acq. sister-in-hand in hand-and sisters Op. sister-th-th-hand sister-s-s soft hands singular set of group n. Tcak-I hope-I Tcak and empowered her, the Tcak and empowered her hopes weavers etc. Tcak and empowered and wove pits empowered holes 197 MODERN UKRAINIAN language that 1 Acq. Op. of Cl. NR D. Acq. Op. of Cl. Tcak th Nadi Nadi weavers th-th-Tcak eyu empowered tion Tcak-pit-pit mercy (on) scales and (in) hope th (at) tksyyi-Yah (at) empowered Yah Tcak th of Hope sir Tcak and empowered her mixed group of singular M-nozhyna mouse and myiy and arsenic and arsenic-in-myiy eyu cliffs, and cliffs and steeps and cliffs, cliffs-eyu in (on) and arsenic black bread bins ( on) and cliffs (at) mouse-mouse-f s-f cliffs black bread bins mouse and mouse-mouse and mouse-hey-hey-am mouse mouse-s black bread bins cliffs and steeps black bread bins cliffs am cliffs and cliffs-s (for )-s cliffs cliffs and in the singular black bread bins genitive singular nouns first firm undo groups have zakin nite s (s schools, flies s) and, in m 'where and mixed groups (ceiling-and-hruyiy i) . In nouns with final consonant and basic, black bread bins serving a graphic inflection th (Hope st, mrich). In the dative in nouns of all three groups and advocates flexion (school, ceilings, pears), which on the basis of nouns, and graphically transmitted inflections h (Sofia). In a solid group of nouns, the foundations of which end in-d,-c or-s before inflection, and a transition of consonants in-s,-c,-s (leg - leg, arm, hand, Strikha - strisi). In the accusative singular nouns in the solid mixture anoyi groups acting Flack siya-in (spring ruzhu) that graphically sent the letter black bread bins to th nouns m 'which group (cherry, black bread bins poplar). In ablative nouns end in a solid group of th (fish, lime, strip), m 'where and mixed groups - eyu (cherry, labor, below), or (after the final base-k)-tion (hope grace). In the form of prepositional acts the same inflection, ni o in the dative (and or graphically ies), but is expressed by means of case value preposition to in (c), and O (r): on the mountain, in the woods , in the house, at n 'Fifth hour. Vocative form is created from solid group of nouns inflection-o (Anna, spring), from noun m 'which and mixed groups - mainly inflection-e (h) or endearing to zvah-in (S): Sofia, land, cliffs , Paul, grandmother (and this woman). Set in the nominative plural nouns have a solid group of end-Th and (Z horns, mountains), and m 'of which mixed groups - the end and graphically or th (apple trees, cliffs, dreams) - genitive plural is mainly characterized by zero f l Aix (willow, black bread bins poplar, cherry, borders, dreams). However, some words stands inflection s (babiv) or la 1statey mice). 198 Morphology as part obituary in the form of the genitive case alternation pattern of sounds [o] [s] with [and] often violated, compare, for example; mountain, mountains, person - people, however. limits "-limits poplar - poplar, stork - stork, etc. If at the end of the same fundamentals of two consonants, it appears to the resonant plug (epentetychnyy) [O] (mainly in nouns with the final hard pryho losnym): Spark - spark, pine - pine trees (and pine) chips - kryhot black bread bins or [f (g)]: broom - broom, Spring - springs; drop - Drops, Cherry - cherry; war - a war, stables - stables. black bread bins In the words of foreign origin black bread bins of the embedded loud no: letters, miles, vows, trees, firms mines. In the dative plural ending-s stands (in solid and mixed groups: sisters, mice, cliffs) or graphically-holes (in the mild group: songs, dreams). Accusative plural of nouns of the first withdrawal expresses the distinction of names and creatures neistot: the names of creatures form the accusative case coincides with the family (sisters cry), and in the names of inanimate objects form the accusative case coincides black bread bins with the nominative (I put the book). Violation of these rules occurs in the names of insects and some domestic animals (sheep black bread bins and a cross sheep bred bees and bees). In ablative nouns end in cancellation of the first-Omi (in solid and mixed groups: women, pears) or-ments (as pictogram softness pryho losnoho basics: land, lines). Some words speaks flexion-mi (tears and tears, pigs and pigs). In the local case stands black bread bins inflection-s (in nouns solid and mixed groups in books, on the cliffs) or-tions (in the soft band: on shelves, on the lines).
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