Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dear colleagues, the elaboration of an overall strategy of organizational development of CSOs Ukrai

Read more Consultant to develop a 5-year strategy Charitable Foundation "Open Heart Ukraine Trainer for training to prepare a strategic plan for the organization Expert driftwood table base in marketing strategy development City Public discussion of the Regional Development driftwood table base Strategy Vinnytsia Oblast until 2020 Charity * training seminar "Development of PR-strategy"
Who needs an organizational development (OD) and how to increase the effectiveness of investments in capacity driftwood table base building of civil society organizations (CSOs) Ukraine? What exactly should be able to local CSOs and how to overcome driftwood table base the gap between driftwood table base organizational driftwood table base needs of CSOs and the actual needs of communities and target groups with whom / which CSOs work? Answers to these questions are not easy to find, but the answers will put the development of civil society in Ukraine to a new level.
Yes, the topic is interesting driftwood table base and relevant and the concept looks realistic to implement, but it seems that still need to think about the standards to which CSOs should hold out, so that with them were interested donors to work, then indeed the motivation of CSOs in building its capacity to grow. This should be generally applicable to all CSOs Ukraine, for example, in Moldova.
An interesting proposition. We must make strategic roadmap development, and meet periodically and discuss the implementation of all points cards to all scheduled driftwood table base embodied in real life. Then be real results. A theme is really urgent, very urgent.
An interesting proposition. We must make strategic roadmap development, and meet periodically and discuss driftwood table base the implementation of all points cards to all scheduled embodied in real life. Then be real results. A theme is really urgent, very urgent.
Predlahaemaya concept of organizational development nehosudarstvennыh Ukrainian organizations - is Attempts "Merge spirit of freedom and the spirit of religion." Standardization, and the dear How else unyversalnoe concept, akin to religion, "Following the standard, and Will you happiness." In òîæå TIME povыshenye urovnja orhrazvytyya - this tvorcheskyy upravlencheskyy process. Creativity slozhno driftwood table base bend in the frame standartov. When we udastsya reshyt эtu puzzle sdelaem We znachytelnыy step forward in Formation Control Organization Culture Civil society.
Goal 3. Provide access CSO services in organizational development driftwood table base Establish regular large-scale projects with joint participation of many organizations (interaction between them during the implementation of major projects will contribute to the development of their capacity). driftwood table base
Short-term GOALS * Library (100 items Ukrainian, Russian, driftwood table base English) - materials must be well illustrated and easy to understand driftwood table base (perhaps mostly be PPT-or Prezi-presentation or video);
1) analysis of organizational culture (such as values, norms, symbols of reproducing maskulynnist familiar to Ukrainian. Society hierarchy, or otherwise promote the equal status of women in Org. Development) 2) analysis of Org. structures (decision makers, horizontal or vertical management structure present in the org., the number of women in governing bodies, the difference in CL, duties and functions in the org, etc) 3) analysis of Org. practices (difference in CL, duties and functions in org between men and women, recruitment policies, etc.).
Without a gender approach to organizational development can not talk about a complete and harmonious organizational driftwood table base development based on principles of social justice and democratic representativeness
Dear colleagues, the elaboration of an overall strategy of organizational development of CSOs Ukraine attracted considerable attention. We received a lot of emails with questions, ideas and suggestions. Now there is a question: how to make all stakeholders were able to participate in the process of finalizing the strategy? Sell: October 18, 2012. from 11:00 to 13:00 to meet to discuss next steps and create a working plan revision and promotion strategy. We invite all who are able at this time to come to the CCC office driftwood table base at the address: Kyiv, boulevard Preferred 30 k 8 meeting will be broadcast on Member groups in real time, so everyone will be able to see and hear what is going on, and using Skype can remotely take part in the discussion.
I would have added a training program for coaches. Since training today read almost every NGO, lost in space and substandard quality is easy. It would be nice (and this need is long overdue) prepare certified trainers from different directions and create a kind of database. This is practiced in today's business environment.
"How to make all stakeholders an opportunity to

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