Sunday, January 18, 2015

First, decide where will the stove and sink. In the past, the sink was usually at the window, becau

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If you want to arrange or rearrange the kitchen, it is advisable not to hurry with furniture and household appliance purchase. First, pick up a pen and notepad and write down the answers to some simple questions.
Measure the space length, width and do not forget the ceiling height. Then draft a plan for space, highlight the windows, doors (preferably also indicate the opening direction), radiators (if any), and specify how they are located away from the wall. Lock and all other details. Then draw each wall separately and all that is on it. Measurements should preferably be done from space one corner - it also will begin furniture assembly. Later, while walking around the shops, this information will come in handy. A look at this plan, designer or consultant will be able to recommend the most appropriate options.
Offers a wide range of manufacturers. First, estimate how much time veltāt tuytelaars cooking and, above all, do you like to do? If you will be happy you are having dinner outside, I wonder whether tuytelaars it would be appropriate to choose the expensive kitchen equipment and modern household appliances. An exception is the so-called prestigious kitchen. It is little used, the more housing serves as a decorative tuytelaars element.
For those who have great family, the main problem - where to put the large dining table. Although still in vogue is to remove a partition which divides the kitchen from the adjacent spaces, carefully consider whether it is appropriate. If you choose tuytelaars a separate kitchen, you may need to sacrifice some of the less-used packs to make space for the table. tuytelaars
First, decide where will the stove and sink. In the past, the sink was usually at the window, because water supply came from the outer wall of the building. Also, the position of the stove is still largely determined by the gas pipeline location, so less of a problem creates an electric fireplace. If possible, tuytelaars leave a space on both sides of the hearth, so that they can be placed with basic cooking utensils and dishes. The space between tuytelaars the stove and sink should be sufficient not only for cooking but also washed dish placement. Do not place the stove near the door, it can sometimes be dangerous. tuytelaars Better placed in the fridge there, of course, if it does not interfere with the door open and close.
It should not be cluttered with furniture to avoid becoming a burden cooking, with the only exception where the artistic clutter your life style. Remember tuytelaars that small space does not lack, on the contrary - it may be a cozy and functional. If you ever needed to relax on the water, you have certainly noticed how functionally and practically furnished kitchen on a ship or yacht.
There is also an option - a kitchen cupboard. True, it is mainly meant for office or other work rooms, but great also applicable to small-sized apartments. In this cabinet into both stainless tuytelaars steel sink and electric hob and a fridge and coffee tuytelaars maker, as well as some shelves dishes. Such kitchen is well supplied with another - as cabinets, stainless steel housing, which has a small work surface, tuytelaars a sink and an electric fireplace. These kits are easy to install and to use, since only be added to sewerage.
Small kitchenette very carefully thought-lighting. tuytelaars If possible, try to increase the window, allowing light to enter the room. Perhaps the door can be removed, visually increasing the space area. Although health standards require that doors separate the kitchen from the lavatory.
Choosing a ready-made kitchen equipment, get more room to place and keep all the necessary farm. The designers have thought of everything. Non-standard kitchen installation requires more effort and the minimal knowledge and understanding of space planning, but the result may turn out to be much more gratifying - kitchen will be easier and more practical, tuytelaars appropriate tuytelaars for its occupants tastes and needs.
The kitchen, which is assembled from the individual furniture, usually the most important is a great buffet sideboard, which kept the dishes and household items. The country-style kitchen is well suited tuytelaars to the old-time wooden closet. It is likely that many of the has remained rural home or holiday home, just a question - what to do with it? So according renovated, newly painted, tuytelaars with new shelves and drawers, it can become an indispensable piece of furniture of this style in the kitchen. Also, book shelves, which that was not the room, it may be useful in the kitchen. They can not just place the dishes and home appliances, but also dry flower arrangements, spices, wine bottles, culinary tuytelaars books u. like. Open shelves, unlike the cabinets and cupboards, a spacious effect. Conversely, if the dishes you want to look like a pro, select stainless steel shelves and lay them on the pots, pans and other metal attributes. Everyday dishes tuytelaars can be stored on a small serving trolley, but if it is binding on marble tuytelaars or other material coating tuytelaars gives the work surface. tuytelaars
Now the world is a different hanged

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