Monday, February 2, 2015

2014 (12418) December (356) Concrete Septic Tank Septic tank sewage Digging Autonomous House co

For many years we have ourselves умалчивали of soil and groundwater. Normal выгребные holes in each house, отравляли soil around trestle table base kit himself. In today's environmental requirements led to the design and construction of септиков. Septic tank is Viimsis, which go all the stages of cleaning waste water. Only after such a cleansing of these water can be used for irrigation. trestle table base kit Modern detached house is full of equipment trestle table base kit that makes people's life more comfortable: washing machines, dishwashers, laundry rooms, swimming pools and санузлы. All of this unit uses water, which subsequently needs to be cleaned. Septic tank is divided into two types: The cumulative - the power of the accumulation of waste water by draining occurs naturally, ie when going through the soil. The wastewater treatment plant has a capacity which accumulate in the effluent, but cleaned using micro-organisms. The only flaw: his septic tank - this is the need to be emptied every three months. The wastewater treatment plant is also a septic tank needs to be cleaned, but not more than once a year. Work септиков done in two stages. The first step is for you отстойный wastewater reservoir, where the fermentation process бескислородного. This process reduces the contamination of the waste water to 60-70%. In the second stage, the system is added to speed up the fermentation биопрепарат. The large spread of the septic tank was plastic. This is different from the low-cost, long service life and нетрудоемкий installation. The cumulative septic tanks operate on the principle of clarifiers, which consist of two cameras. In one cell accumulation occurs биоотходов, another camera in the influent. The accumulation of sewage purification is necessary for the Via ассенизаторской machines. Septic Tanks Sewage treatment plants are working схожему principle, but биоотходов used to reduce the bacteria in contact with the camera to ensure the receipt trestle table base kit of the waste, trestle table base kit and the addition of oxygen in the solid state reaction and treated wastes. Thus, the sewage treatment plant to clean septic tanks require a solid residue trestle table base kit job bacteria. Undoubtedly visible prefer септиков installation. Each of us wants to land and water around us to keep clean, and our descendants.
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