Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It was the enormous amount of money, so the Society was able to carry print and Matthew Valančiaus

Panevezys region can be proud of the rich history of book smuggling. However, it is not only happy, but also make it all passed on to future generations. In a small village Garšva acted secretly carriers society has focused enlightened Lithuanian spread the word and helped to restore the foundations of Lithuanian statehood.
Panevezys region might rightly be proud of the rich history of book smuggling. In a small village glass chrome coffee table located Garšva carriers society, which belonged to the famous Lithuanian Jurgis Bielinis knygnešys, almost glass chrome coffee table a decade has been the main bearer of culture and light Panevezys region. It has contributed to the strong foundations of Lithuanian statehood restored.
Book smuggling nineteenth century. Lithuania was a unique phenomenon, which is inseparable from Lithuanian excited and perpetuation of ethnic identity. Forty years of Tsarist Russia pursued policies prohibit any Lithuanian word of it was destroyed, the opposite - focused the scattered remnants of the intelligentsia to unite a common goal - to preserve Lithuanian identity and statehood. In 2004, the UNESCO book smuggling evaluated as unique and has no equivalent in the world.
Lithuania glass chrome coffee table sole book smugglers museum established Ustron glass chrome coffee table Panevezys district museum Audrius Daukšos said that in order to understand the phenomenon of book smuggling should look, what conditions led to the Lithuanian nation Russianization resistance.
"We know the history glass chrome coffee table of mankind infinite variety of prohibitions. In Tsarist glass chrome coffee table times were forbidden to speak and write in their native Lithuanian language, but we Lithuanians are unique in the nation: this ban lasted four decades, he managed glass chrome coffee table to fight back and won the insurance file "-" Seconds "said A.Daukša.
According to the museum, the press ban was threefold. It was originally banned Lithuanian Latin alphabet. Lithuanian books could be printed, but only Russian letters - Cyrillic. However, none of these books bought for the loss of their publishing activities were suspended.
Even more threatening ban was to prevent the establishment of Lithuanian schools. During glass chrome coffee table the 45-year-old has not been any Lithuania Lithuanian schools, even in the original. Not one thing, even the Catholic religion was not taught in Lithuanian language. Although part of the teachers were Lithuanians, glass chrome coffee table they had to teach their subject in Russian only.
"Now it's glass chrome coffee table hard to imagine, glass chrome coffee table though relatively recently. Prohibition repealed only in 1904., Just over a hundred years ago. If you are forty years now banned Lithuanian language, all just speak English, glass chrome coffee table Lithuanian nebemokėtų "- my A.Daukša.
Lithuaniaty tsarist government tried to suppress and denying Graduates of higher education to live and work in Lithuania. It could work just the priests to have a conversation with the faithful, some lawyers and doctors.
According to the book smuggling who are interested in the history museum, the prohibitions, as in Lithuania, has been in Estonia, Latvia, Daugavpils except land, where he lived many Catholics. It is true that the restrictions were in Ukraine and Belarus, but less and not so many years ago.
"It is natural that these prohibitions developed in opposition - and the book smugglers daraktorių movement. Enciklopedinėje book "Lithuanian book smugglers and daraktoriai 'name is mentioned even in 6131. It shows how great was the extent of book smuggling, although the Czar's government kept the people smugglers and criminals and persecuted, "- said A.Daukša.
According to the museum, the main reasons for the tsar's government withdrew the ban on the Lithuanian press was economic - the books were smuggling unprofitable activities. Huge money for printing books, journeyed to Prussia, Kaliningrad, Tilsit, Ragainė, Bitėnai printers. Jewish and German printers of money has been committed to print, even the Chinese character or Sanskrit, but as the books will be transported across the border, they did not care.
During those forty years, until the tsar's government withdrew the ban, the book smugglers roads were encompassed the whole of Lithuania: one book smugglers, the natives, who knew all the subtleties glass chrome coffee table of the border crossing, reported glass chrome coffee table on the books, the other carriages, shipped all over Lithuania.
"It was an illegal business, book smugglers risked their freedom and their lives. We should also mention the fact that in those days there were no pensions or benefits, and if the person did not have children, who would take care of him, book smuggling has been a way of living. Even if the police and captured, seeing that this is a person with a disability, Ispiron in the ass, and usually prigrasydavo run - said museum.
Panevezys edge of book smuggling fireplace was one of the most famous throughout Lithuania in 1885 and George Bielinio Casimir Otters Garšva established carriers society. It was that, unlike the others, it is founded after gaining sodiečiai consisted of 500 rubles tsar.
It was the enormous amount of money, so the Society was able to carry print and Matthew Valančiaus Maironis, John Basanavičius, Donelaitis, Daukantas glass chrome coffee table books, brochures and various periodicals

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