Monday, September 1, 2014

Kupiškio land and people now remembers that before the Holy Saturday, before going to church end up

Easter - one of the most beautiful celebrations on Sunday, the first full moon after the spring equinox. It is unique not only intertwined Christianity and agricultural understanding explication but also its vibrant regional identity. AukStaitija now beaten the drum of Easter morning, and the children waiting for the Easter Grandma.
Lithuanian Easter has always been a very important and a big celebration. It has a long tradition of bringing the message of Christ's resurrection and eternal life. This is - the belief of white light coming back, life, energy oxo tot bottle drying rack deposits.
As told ethnologist, Panevezys Regional Museum of Ethnic Culture, senior museum Vitaly Vasiliauskaite, a traditional village oxo tot bottle drying rack of the Easter holiday is coming, maybe even more than Christmas. She seemed to symbolize the new agricultural understanding of the beginning of the year, the day is longer, the cold is slowly receding, there is the sun appears above. Usually after a big Easter began plowing, sowing.
"Easter is the greatest feast of the Roman Catholic Church, the essence of which - the resurrection of Christ. Lithuanians have passed gamtatikystės white base, it coincides with the celebration of the revival of life. The earth is radiated life ancestors looked with great respect, faith and holiness. Easter coincides with the celebrations of the first green of spring, the festival dedicated to the worship of life, "- said Mr. Vasiliauskaitė.
AukStaitija began with an introduction to the Easter Holy Week. Maundy Thursday also called čystuoju or green. oxo tot bottle drying rack On this day, it is necessary to clean up all the corners of the house, after a winter burn ruined fences, sweepings.
Maundy Thursday was sometimes called green. It was believed that on this day water becomes holy, so if taking bath on the east side of the river flowing against the flow of the sun, all year-energizing, health, strength, even beauty.
Ethnologist knowledge Casimir Buga twentieth century. the beginning of Holy Thursday Easter called ghost - all ghosts then turns to the church that night, and the living oxo tot bottle drying rack must not walk. Overall, it was believed that most of the week all the ghosts return to their places lived. oxo tot bottle drying rack In some places, the custom of honoring surviving to the present day.
Kupiškio land and people now remembers that before the Holy Saturday, before going to church end up bringing the sacred fire and water Be sure to visit the graves of relatives and helped last year's Easter oxo tot bottle drying rack eggs. It was believed that the most beautiful Easter eggs, maintaining throughout the year, there are abundance in the house, good character, "- oxo tot bottle drying rack said V. Vasiliauskaitė.
This Saturday tradition is very similar to that. Christmas Eve - people went to the sauna to sit at the Passover table clean, change bedding, mattresses hay, houses decorated with various cuttings. Housewives is preparing Easter meals.
Be on the table had to be Easter Bob aptepta nubarstytos various putty or powdered sugar. And what about cottage cheese, a variety of cheeses, eggs, horseradish. Seven weeks of fasting people Easter table was extremely satisfying and delicious, "- said the museum.
Easter morning began with Mass, where they waited for the evening. And Panevezys land was very common custom of the Easter Vigil - vigil at the tomb of Christ throughout the night. Young men dressed some of the Roman soldiers and the others - Jews who kėsindavosi steal the body of Christ. Jews embody and junk that dėdavosi the death of Christ.
"Northern Highland tradition of steady oxo tot bottle drying rack existed before sunrise to beat the drums, they are invited to the church. The drum and now battered Vadoklių Easter morning. It is believed that the drum sounds are emitted by the sounds of joy, inviting the Mass of the Resurrection. In addition, they are scared off evil spirits, oxo tot bottle drying rack that they do not interfere with the resurrection, oxo tot bottle drying rack "- said Mr. Vasiliauskaitė.
After the Mass, the home owners rush into the house, believing that the first will be the first to return to the farm work. Therefore, often the race, struggle, and sometimes even from the carriage išvirsdavę. oxo tot bottle drying rack The young men, mercenaries, gathered in the marketplace began daužavimo match. According to the ethnologist, it is a very old custom in agri things. During the match was elected daužavimo strongest Margutis owner. It was believed that the successful man is the coolest groom and strongest worker. But here neapsieita no tricks - all tried to make a fake egg - the so-called pamaininką. From spent egg yolk and albumen, and to admit the interior tar, wax or melted sugar, and make it even stronger, bakes in the oven. However, if caught with a fake Easter egg, the punishment was to eat all pamaininką shell.
After the morning Mass, the whole family to sit down at the table. First was sprinkled with holy water table and all the family, especially in patients, as well as the animals, even the water poured into the well that atjaunėtų.
As for Christmas dinner, Easter pusrytį began eldest member of the family - holy egg divided into sections, each of the family members. oxo tot bottle drying rack Then everyone would elect the strongest egg. It was believed that someone Duš egg last

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