Friday, December 26, 2014

1. The Rosh idolatry (Chapter V, Article thirty-six) wrote:

Source of law:
Verse twenty-two: "Ac At Hzhb and At Hcsf At Hnhst At Hbrzl At Hbdil and At Hafrat" - means: Metal tools:
v "Cl Dber Asr Iba brigade, Tabiro brigade:
What utensil by (cooked with water) stew, Igailno hot water.
What utensil by roast (cook straight fire) ..., Ilbnno light "[1]).
v ... Ac Bmi Nda Ithta - (must baptize metal tools).
v and Cl א ש ר He shall not come in fire ",
Stated: Rashi (Numbers EW Kaf-Gimel) wrote:
Ñ and pottery, wood - Exemption dip. And it is not today's pottery vessels, which are coated cleaning a dishwasher with glaze (glass). Some say that they must dip in greeting.
1. The Rosh idolatry (Chapter V, Article thirty-six) wrote:

Baptism tools - even if the tool is new, and is no prohibition pharyngitis. But if the vessel was owned by a non-Jew at a certain point, when you want to move it to the sanctity of the Jews, the tool must dip. If the tool was owned by a non-Jew, there is no difference whether the tool is new or old.

If Jews have "control shares",
- If it is sold to a gentile and Jew sold pronunciation, immersion tool loaded with a blessing. So buyer's shop tool nation, even if the plant produces belongs to the Jews, to baptize the tool with a blessing.
B) factory produced tools of the Jews prohibited on the Sabbath: Although long Vosner that very afraid, that he might be charged a dip. But the custom of the world is - not to baptize this tool. The reason: The tool was not a pagan impurity.
G) tools come out, to Israel, says the methods of an answer, if the tool is not known who created it, although there factories belonging to Jews (without partner nations). cleaning a dishwasher But a rule: "All Dfris Rifleman Parrish". And the majority of enterprises in the world belong to the nations. So we have to baptize the tools.
If not baptized, breaking the law of any use.
à binding cleaning a dishwasher materials have welcomed immersion.
A. Dip completely exempt materials: Surface paper, wood, straw, stone, bone, clay, earth, cleaning a dishwasher ceramics.
B. The materials that must dip: Surface metals cleaning a dishwasher (as cited verses). And would also welcome baptize aluminum tools - even aluminum is not mentioned in the verse.

cleaning a dishwasher - Or without a blessing.
o If eating tool made of stone, exempt a dip.
- Tools that cut cookie dough lives, to give them the shape of the moon, a star and the like.
- Hammer schnitzel, even if the hammer is

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