Monday, December 15, 2014

Summer Saturday night with a final Champions League, cloudy glasses dishwasher good company for all

Summer Saturday night with a final Champions League, cloudy glasses dishwasher good company for all (men, women, young and old) and sinful culinary delights type pizza, cola & spagghetti (with extra bonus sweet) is an excellent way to close a difficult week and one first order excuse to stay home.
As one of the simplest Italian appetizers the "home pizza has no secrets. cloudy glasses dishwasher I say "home" because the difference that separates it from that which is baked in a wood oven is just huge. You only have homemade pizza is good materials and respect the times and the steps required by the dough to become, this does not mean that it is difficult and time consuming. Repeatedly tried to "cut road", or other prescription or shortening the process, the result had nothing to do with what I call a pizza.
Proper pizza dough should cloudy glasses dishwasher be airy and slightly elastic when we prefer thick and fluffy (not to fall on the stomach from the second track) and crunchy but not hard when we are fine. The "top" is another story. Imagination and improvisation or simplicity and clear flavors, left clean at the disposal of each p izzaiuolo or gang.
I played in both Dashboard: for small simple daisy for large Greek salad with feta cheese, olives, onion and oregano, with a spicy soutzouki and a more "evil" with portobello mushrooms (who happened to find in popular morning) mozzarella and truffle oil. In all used as base my tomato sauce, smoked ham cubes, and a little grated gouda (as enhance feta or mozzarella).
The match provided ambiguous focusing on defense and coverage of vacant space and this is where comes the "spaghetti" to play the role of the central instrument cloudy glasses dishwasher knows closing holes (for those not polychonefoun the pizza), playing in many positions (that stray into taperaki Office) and puts and goals if needed (more if you get enough, comes the extension and glykokoitazeis again Pyrex ...). The salad is present only for associations with the grass of the field (come on and the ladies who after 4 pizza pieces remember the diet Tsimtsili and the bikini that will "cut" in the region).
H sympathetic "Americans" cloudy glasses dishwasher who listens to Mac & cheese name is a must for such a night and not only made quickly and with simple materials and varied easily. A few mushrooms, cloudy glasses dishwasher a little truffle oil (a and to'cha clipboard) and voila!
Put the mixer the flour, sugar and salt and the kneading hook bring these solids few rides blended. Pour the yeast in lukewarm (never hot) water and stir to dissolve completely. With the mixer to operate at slow speed, add water little by little and then olive oil and leave to ferment for 7-8 minutes until the dough comes off the sides of the bowl and gathered all around the hook. We stop the mixer, remove the hook, cover with a clean towel and leave for 1-2 hours to rise and super doubled in volume. cloudy glasses dishwasher Me who forgot for at least 3 hours, I broke from the bucket! After this time, pour the dough on a floured bench, she avenges us and deflated, we again ignore her reaction and using a little (a little!) Flour because the dough is sticky, we make a trunk. Here to say that the dough should be very elastic and slightly sticky hands, cloudy glasses dishwasher this is indeed the characteristics that makes airy and fluffy. Cut pieces of 300 g (for a fluffy pizza 30 cm) or 250 g (for thin pizza 30cm). At this point we have two options: 1) to open directly the Zymaraki with a rolling pin and hands as elastic (always with a little extra flour for assistance) and the layers in trays, or 2) leave them on a floured tray covered to re-inflate until the time you need them. In the first case since the layer should go ahead and complete cloudy glasses dishwasher the pizza (tomato, ham, cheese, etc.) and will leave for 20-30 minutes to rise slightly.
Baking has a secret. cloudy glasses dishwasher Will turn the oven on resistances to 220-230v and let it warm up well (strong thermal shock is what will make the pizza to rise further). We'll take a one disks at the bottom of the oven, not grilled for 6-8 minutes, in 5min will we check with a spatula to the bottom of to not burn us if you need to leave for a while yet. Then it will take you 6-8 minutes to rack up over over gratinated cheese and dough around to get the desired color (which meant that is neither black nor white).
2 k.soupas butter or olive oil 4 k.soupas
In medium saucepan melt butter and sauté over high heat for 2-3 minutes the pendant

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