Monday, June 23, 2014

If clothes are stained material derived from cotton or cotton, soak clothes in a hot solution of bo

This is the second part of 31 Ways to Eliminate Ink Stains and Other stubborn stains. In this article, you will find a way to remove stains is very annoying gum. Not sure if your hands are often exposed to ink stains and want to know how to easily get rid of, check out how in this article. 16. Noda Make Up
If an when the fabric / garment exposed glue, do not be confused. If the glue through, basting with acetone on the stain. But, if the gummy glue, glue stains wipe clean with a damp cloth, dry when it's new use acetone. glass base 18. Stains Rust Boil water in a kettle, then fabric / clothing dijerang rust stains steam to heat the kettle with a given lime juice / lemon. I checked a few moments. After that, wash as usual. Or used as drops of this part of the rust with vinegar and salt. Scrub clean. After that, wash cloths / clothes with soap. Repeat this method until the rust stains disappear. Alternatively, glass base Squirt lemon juice / lemon on the fabric / clothing the stained rust. In the meantime take a clean cloth and dip it into the water. Put a cloth on the stain. After that, ironing cloth / fabric covered glass base clothes clean. Repeat several times, glass base then the rust stains glass base will disappear. 19. Noda black spots (fungus)
By using Citrid Acid (citron), to make a sour taste in food (can be purchased at grocery stores). Nature of strong acids on citric acid is very effective for cleaning stains alkaline. So the base stains can be removed.
To process glass base or its operation, first prepare a bucket of boiling water to taste (home made clothes to be cleaned all the parts submerged). Put cittic acid (lemon) to taste it. For one outfit Approximately 2 tablespoons. Then stir until everything is dissolved in hot water.
Put moldy clothes into the solution, soak a while (about 10 minutes). Then after a bit cooler clothes dikucek overall. Once is enough, clothing immediately rinse with clean water several times. Please try and see the results. It has been tested and proven to clean the black spots (mold) and make it look new lebh. 20. Stains Tea and Coffee
If clothes are stained material derived from cotton or cotton, soak clothes in a hot solution of borax or tartaric acid. However, if the fabric comes from silk, wool, or synthetic, then use warm borax solution or solution ultraoksidasi edrogen (water oxygen) warm. 21.Noda Fat
For cotton clothes, stains can be removed by washing with warm water mixed with sodium. As for clothes made from silk or synthetic, grease stains can be removed with gasoline and powder. glass base The trick rub the stained part with a cloth dipped in gasoline, then sprinkle the powder, brush gently. Repeat the process until the stain is gone. 22. Noda Sweat
For white cotton fabric, use a color remover solution to remove sweat stains. However, if the color or fabric of silk, oxygen use water mixed with ammonia. 23. Noda Fruits
Milk stains will disappear if you put the stained glass base part over a piece of ice, milk stains wait until frozen, then remove. If there is still a trace, then remove the acidic vinegar. 25. Noda Perfume Perfumes glass base are sprayed onto the clothes sometimes leave scars. To clean, glass base soak the garment in warm water for half an hour. Then wash as usual. Or soak the clothes glass base in water with vinegar for several hours. Then wash as usual. Can also wash clothes with warm water and rub the stain with glycerin perfume. After that wash the clothes as usual. Alternatively, glass base perfume stains on clothing can be removed with liquid ammonia are not concentrated. Is used as drops of liquid ammonia on the stain, then dub-dub. Last wash the clothes as usual. 26. Noda antiperspirant / deodorant
How to remove: Wet the stain on clothing by using white vinegar for about 30 minutes. Then wash clothes with warm water and use a detergent with enzymes formula. glass base Alternatively, namely by rubbing liquid detergent stains section, and let stand for about 30 minutes, and wash clothes as usual. 27. Noda exposed Sauce
If exposed ketchup or mustard sauce, immediately wash clothes with warm water. Better yet, if the stain was spiked with glycerin. If it becomes red stain, do not worry as it will disappear when washed. 28. Noda Wine (Wine)
- How to remove: For red wine stains affected (red wine), if the stain is still new, Dab salt to the surface but not directly on the stain rub. Rinse with warm water after about 2 minutes. You can also pour a little white wine (white wine) to remove glass base red wine stains. As for the nod

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