Monday, November 11, 2013

BECAUSE high and dry dish rack Shaaban ALIKUFAJE? January first, 2011, Shaaban with quite healthy,

Shaaban, died and was buried in January, 2011 but on September 30, this year, was found alive, although he had trouble speaking. Since the resurrection of Shaaban is an open lililoacha lips of many, especially those who attended his funeral two years ago, he had grave lozikwa lifukuliwe to what is known in it.
Declaration Shaaban dug up the grave of a resolution of the family, especially after relatives and neighbors to recommend, since his resurrection, upset many heads, there are some who believe it is possible, but others objected that the child has only emerged now is a ghost.
Juggling GRAVES Shaaban was buried in the area of his father's house, Maulid high and dry dish rack Shaaban, high and dry dish rack so it was not attainable grave trouble, because the whole family and even neighbors are known for having participated buried. Last Wednesday, activity dug up the grave of Shaaban was done. Work that started at 2 am under strict protection of the police, before completion at 4.30 am.
News from the scene indicate that the period in which miner was carried out, juggling a lot happened, causing some surprises and even dashing. When the miner activity if quite fresh, the dogs came from kusikojulikana who came and started kujigalagaza high and dry dish rack on the tomb, while bark. Situation, was interpreted high and dry dish rack by many that the dog did not want the grave lifukuliwe, although he later withdrew bark and extinction processes kusikojulikana. At 2:30 am when the miner is in progress, a neighbor high and dry dish rack woman named Sharifa Hitler, he fell down and lost consciousness, before they regain consciousness 20 minutes later, following an effort to hold out a piece of hand soap.
After evolution, Sharifa said she'll head becomes heavy, he experienced dizziness and he lost consciousness. At 3:05 am, another incident occurred, for a period linafukuliwa tomb wall of Shaaban in his father's house, and it fell with a noise to sound great. So many iliwatisha sound, people fled in scattered, each holding high and dry dish rack his direction. The fall of the wall, making it work dug up the grave should be suspended for a period to separate the rubble of the wall of the house, high and dry dish rack in determining whether there is someone who fell and covered. However, later was ordered high and dry dish rack to be done both at the same time, some get involved high and dry dish rack with the dissemination of rubble and other dug up the grave to keep up with.
Strange IN THE GRAVE In the rubble, it seemed there was no problem but to the grave after the miner completed, some observations are these: First, in traditional Islam, in the grave, there are small parts which are dug according to the stature of the deceased, then admission therein. The section called mwanandani, so having dug up, instead of finding the body, miner met with a large pot. Second, what pot was covered with bags of parcels kind. Translation of many who witnessed the incident is that the shroud was yozikwa Shaaban it two years ago, is iliyogeuka parcels. Third, there was the painful details of the creature's bones unusual that the appearance does not correspond to any human or animal who is well known, as it was too small. Fourth, there were drugs kimimika shaped, color black. World Mrisho who was witness to the event and was there two years ago when he was buried high and dry dish rack Shaaban, said that the observations within the tomb, many yamewashangaza. "This baby we buried him with all respect Islam and his body was on the shroud, this bags into the tomb from where? We wonder also found in the tomb painful and extensive high and dry dish rack bone and the dog, who appeared and disappeared is he? Here there is nothing, "said the World who is one of the residents of the area.
BECAUSE high and dry dish rack Shaaban ALIKUFAJE? January first, 2011, Shaaban with quite healthy, he left home the morning to tend the goats on pasture. Since that day, Shaaban was never seen again, although efforts were made to find a very strong management of the police force. In pastures, goats and Shaaban who had oondoka high and dry dish rack seen in absolute numbers but the child is not found. Four days later, Shaaban was found when he died and his body was found in a well in the Street watches, Geita. high and dry dish rack After ascertaining that has died and her parents recognize that their child is, he was buried in the cemetery of his home territory.
Shaaban ALIFUFUKAJE? This newspaper was successful in talking with the child's mother, Aziza Ramadan, 45, who told how he could see his son's alive. "It was September 30, this year, I was walking to market high and dry dish rack in my career high and dry dish rack selling vegetables. It was at 1:30 am, I Nyankumbu Street, I met with my son Shaaban. "I could not believe I was shocked and quickly. I called his name, son Shaaban are you? Akaniitikia by nodding. Haku

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