Monday, November 4, 2013

My intent in the preamble above, is to try dedication of the Institute for Prevention and Combating

SPEECH renowned Kiswahili 'Silent Much has great noise', does not mean that the noise is necessary to have the grace or comfort to someone who is waiting for the dissolution of the silence. Probably, after a long silence and wait kulikovuka until someone asubiriye he found himself placed in the middle of a bitter kitahanani that can tolerated. Although there are some who say that patience is the key to comfort, but the concept dectec becomes real and sweet to those who wait has helped them achieve their goals, but lucky for me my 'black' patience for them is the hot oven.
My intent in the preamble above, is to try dedication of the Institute for Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), ipekue its files to speed up the work entrusted to the leadership of the football club Azam FC investigate dectec claims of some of his players taking bribes. My concern is that maybe the key officials dectec of the institution in the country, have forgotten that they were given the task of examining the players after their club kuwatilia concerns that have been corrupt. Players these four suspended by the Board of club Azam FC since the first week of November last year, is Said Morad, Erastus Nyoni, Deo Munishi and Aggrey Morris, were allegedly taking bribes in a game of their team that against dectec the Lions in the Premier League season of 2011/2012. In that game, I slept for Azam FC 3-1. Wanandinga they were suspended to make way for the purpose of an investigation, the work delegated PCCB. This is the fifth month now, these players have been in the loop without knowing their fate and Azam what with the season drew to a close and there is no indication as PCCB has any information related to the case. Although both of these players have continued to be called to play for the national team of Tanzania, 'Taifa dectec Stars', still have the right to have harried the investigation dectec of claims that, in order to understand what to do especially in this period where season major league seems on the brink. In my monitor this issue to the leadership of Azam, I find surprising statement that they are players and they think they will not leave despite facing charges. Despite the claim that they too are surprised by the silence of the PCCB, however, have said they will not urge the institution, saying that it was the government and knows his responsibilities. "PCCB is a government institution dectec like the police, are not working under us," he told me one of the top leaders of the club. When I asked the leader Azam as not only see the need to forgive those players and declare them out of their team to know how to organize themselves, dectec he responded by asking, as I also defended corrupt. It gave me a surprise answer to that illustrated that already in the case of Azam, these players have been convicted even before PCCB investigation report iliotakiwa make. I know for me, and I believe and others, these players are still suspected, and it would be a sin to convict them directly. But the question comes, do what PCCB late to put things openly to the public to love football and especially lovers of Azam FC to understand the fate of these players. For shown, it is clear that even the PCCB imejisahau, because I do not think it would necessarily require more than two months to conclude the investigation and service it. As I said earlier, that the deep silence, gives the players a hard time, as for now they are forced to practice and ground teams to submit research, especially for Morris and Nyoni who is among Ndinga Taifa Stars. To practice with the team of the sand especially for players who are very dependable and head coach of the national team, not good for competitive rates and they got there does not match that of the National team. Recently, Nyoni was quoted dectec as saying by one local blogs saying, practicing with the team for a long time on the street or the famous 'sand', has contributed to soften it and so kutokucheza for the projected level in the match against Morocco recently. However, I would nimpongeze Taifa Stars head coach Kim Poulsen, to be open and say that the football they are important and can not lose them. This does not mean kuwasapoti if they have actually been involved in taking bribes to waihujumu their club, Simba. But my commitment is dedication dectec PCCB, so if it has forgotten that III was hired to investigate to determine whether the players actually have to eat bribe, iamke now and give immediate results of their investigation to be made known early ripe and raw. If indeed it is proved that they were responsible for these crimes will not be punished by the objections of their club, but to ask here, is to continue to wait when something that I doubt that perhaps even his investigation begins? If PCCB would pay attention, and are committed to addressing this matter, I believe dectec that the era ingekwishafanya

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