Reader, you realize now that all European countries fall more Masharikizilionekana politics left wing of the Eastern Bloc, and their politics Ki-Marx and Lenin.
For this reason, the Western retro canisters European countries (including the U.S.) yalihaha ensure sambae prevent communism not like a cancer to the Horn of Africa, and Africa as a whole rather, their interests (colonial) became at stake!
After this battle of the Second World, Eastern nations led by Russia (USSR) and the West led by the U.S. yaliamkakugombea control of Third World countries, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Even the President of Somalia, Mohammed Siad Barre, was given military support tools and USSR. Somalia now inayolaumiwa kuwafuga al-Shabaab terrorists, comes from the auger colonial English and Italian, pretending to connect the nation in 1960.
Thus, in order to achieve retro canisters their needed weapons again kali.Ikulu U.S. (White House) ilipokawia entertain gun, the White House of Russia (Kremlin) I gave them a gun tougher these Somalis are said to be 'Harsh' live around the harbor from Mogadishu, to the Gulf of Aden and the Sea Indian.
Information, agreed or zikataliwe and your brain, but we get a clear picture that the war Horn the South (The Horn of Africa) ie Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Eritrea are the result of the White House two-Kremlin and the White House-kunyukana this area fragile even today, and as a result retro canisters they were born al-Shabaab kill people retro canisters in Kenya, Uganda Tanzania maybe they will come not many days!
When the Soviet govern these nations to 'remote' White House did not get tired, they help their supporters in these countries money and guns, to capture the White House which ingetawala retro canisters Port from Mogadishu, Djibouti, Aden, and Strait Sea of Syria, Yemen, towards Pakistan and Afghanistan .
River Nile, Lake Nyanza rises and flows 6,900 km area passes pia.Huu is the river that gives life blood of Egypt (the life blood to Egyptians), it is necessary to transport oil products important to the economy of Europe, Middle East , the addition to the North and South. retro canisters
They came to influence Somali retro canisters politics turning Ki-Marx.Utaona even the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) likahaha lobby Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in Dar es Salaam in 1964, to Zanzibar I sjekuangukia communism!
President Jimmy Carter ordered the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cyrus Vance, and his advice to the National Security, Zbignew retro canisters Brzezinski, make sure (to Move to Every Possible way) that is not even for terrorism or bombs, he said, "to get Somalia to be OUR friend ".
You're retro canisters seeing Somalia fighting Ethiopia, Somalia U.S. being behind!
Antonov-22 and Ilyushin-76 Russian horn so that they zinajongea kubyesha intense anti-American bombings who hide behind the scenes, on the back of Somali, retro canisters in the war between Somalia and Ethiopia.
Shah of Iran (he was a stooge of the U.S.) is warned not to take any weapons given by the U.S. in Third World countries, lest apply to help Ethiopia and Russians, this tough battle master!
U.S. and Somalia's friendship comes through stimulating Ogaden war, Cuba and they bring 'artillery' and many tons of bombs fell wigs, stricken Somalis fleeing back to the mountains there JIJIGA!
"The Somali government should give a declaration, we (the U.S.) have seen in this war of Ogaden, there is the hand of Russian" Two said.
Now supposedly is the USA feel that there are Russian has brought MiG-21 about 48, and there are pilots of Cuba are on the frontline to assist Ethiopia, tank 150, from Mozambique another country's politics Ki-Marx, similar to Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe whom they hate so much.
Cubans are taught to use guns Russian Yemen, women were taught to Carlos The JACKAL terrorism retro canisters and Cuba, the Russians to fight imperialism Kimarekani.Akina terrorist Osama was trained by the U.S. to fight communism invaded Afghanistan in 1979!
Want purified against retro canisters blame for the palms of their hands the blood trickle away raw and Africans, Arabs, Indians or citizens of the Third World! Every place of political and economic interests.
2013 (120) October (6) pollution African companies mafiuta enough to reject the Arab and African Arab and African colonial abolition enough WAKIUNGANA IS ... Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda and al-SHABBAB brought by SUPER POWERS September (16) August (8) July (11) June (31) May (13) April (7) February (7) January (21) 2012 (151) December (41) November (9) October (20) September (1) August (29) July (9) June (9) May (20) April (2) March (4 ) February (3) January (4) 2011 (49) December (7) November (2) October (3) Septem
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