Friday, January 31, 2014

Lecturer: Lee, Ji - Sun (media artist and multimedia design Sookmyung Women

Cover Story Review Exhibiton Book Application AliceView Interview Artist spotty kettle Media People Off the record Column World report Live! art & news media & space film & animation technology spotty kettle & tools game & play app art Voice
Part I.
9. 8 l 1 Parking: mechanical movement is implemented to imagine life
Lecturer: Lee, Ji - Sun (media artist and multimedia design Sookmyung Women's University) spotty kettle
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Add four labels on the screen stainless steel plate rack and then connects the outlet of each attri

Accelerometer Apple Attribute C # Canvas Class CoreData CoreLocation CSS Exception Handling Font Geometry HTML 5 HTML5 iOS iOS 7 iPad iPhone JavaScript MAC Mac OS X Lion Map Memory MFC Objective C OpacityMask Preprocessor Quartz Silverlight Text Text Kit Thread stainless steel plate rack troubleshooting UIKit Dynamics UIScrollViewDelegate VS2008 Web WebApps WWDC 2013 Xcode compile Xcode 4 Xcode 5 XML iPad
Apple iOS device users to more clearly through so you can see what you are looking for a variety of effort. 2010 Retina Display accomplished through improvements in hardware stainless steel plate rack and software over the side this year, improvements to Text Kit, and can be accomplished. Text Kit is an easy-to-use API for developers, especially because it provides, Pages, such as support for complex formatting makes it easy to develop apps now than ever before. Little History
iOS 6 UI object that is responsible for the text output from the Core Text, WebKit, String Drawing been implemented based. This works well enough in the implementation of the iOS, but was facing some problems. String Drawing a text output, but the easiest way there was a performance problem, Core Text, all in easy-to-use API developer was not. Core Text of UILabel text, such as the high-level API is also used to output a simple stainless steel plate rack task it is clear that it was an unnecessary overhead.
This method is mainly used in a class that is inherited stainless steel plate rack from UIView's drawRect: method used. So that the drawRect: method is invoked whenever a new string that is a performance penalty because the output off. So, when a simple UILabel with text output, it is recommended that you use the same UIKit objects. stainless steel plate rack Unlike String Drawing UIKit objects to the output string stainless steel plate rack output after the process does not require any unnecessary materials.
Apple has previously had a text processing system inefficiency, complexity, and performance while addressing the overhead exposed only to users with essential features, easy-to-use framework for developing text for many years had a repeat study. As a result, a robust, effective core Text Text Framework iOS 7 is born and tightly integrated with the various elements of the user while providing a better experience for the text became an important role.
UILabel, UITextView Text Kit, such as using the UI objects are said to be rebuilt. In particular, the UITextView and UITextField iOS 7 Kit provide stainless steel plate rack all the text in the text property of the text because it supports much richer than before, have been able to express. WebKit and the text output until iOS 6, but somewhat involved, iOS 7 was in charge of only the output of starting UIWebView. Such as a table view and Text Kit flexibly control and operation stainless steel plate rack of the collection, and support the animation without a problem. As noted earlier in this text is the core text-based kit, because the majority of the concept of sharing with each other the Toll-free Bridged implementation. [Box title = "Toll-free Bridged" color = "# 333333"] Toll-free Bridged one without any special data type that can be converted to another format indicates how. Cocoa and Cocoa Touch framework, widely used concept, and Objective-C class, Core Foundation type interconversion between the two objects is possible, "Toll-free Bridged been implemented," or "Toll-free Bridged to" it is expressed. For example, CFArrayRef formats can be converted to the NSArray class, NSString class can be converted to type CFStringRef. [/ Box]
The area in which the text is placed NSTextContainer defined. In general, however, specify a rectangular area, through subclassing, you can specify the area of the desired shape. And called exclusion zone or exclusion zone exclusion path has an array, which allows text wrapping (Wrapping) can be easily implemented. NSTextStorage
NSString * const NSFontAttributeName; NSString * const NSParagraphStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSForegroundColorAttributeName; NSString * const NSBackgroundColorAttributeName; NSString * const NSLigatureAttributeName; NSString * const NSKernAttributeName; NSString * const NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSStrokeColorAttributeName; NSString stainless steel plate rack * const NSStrokeWidthAttributeName; NSString * const NSShadowAttributeName; NSString * const NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName;
NSMutableAttributedString * str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @ "Apple"]; [str addAttribute: NSFontAttributeName value: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 30.0] range: NSMakeRange (0, str.length)]; self.label.attributedText = str; [str addAttribute: NSForegroundColorAttributeName value: [UIColor blueColor] range: NSMakeRange (0, 1)]; self.label2.attributedText = str; [str addAttribute: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] range: NSMakeRange (1, str. length - 1)]; self.label3.attributedText = str; NSMutableDictionary * attrs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; attrs [NSStrokeColorAttributeName] = [UIColor redColor]; stainless steel plate rack attrs [NSStrokeWidthAttributeName] = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 2.0f]; [ str addAttributes: attrs range: NSMakeRange (0, str.length)]; self.label4.attributedText = str;
NSMutableDictionary * attrs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
Add four labels on the screen stainless steel plate rack and then connects the outlet of each attribute is applied to the output string is a simple code. 2 line keys to the NSFontAttributeName 30pt font to be specified as a system stainless steel plate rack font. 5 times the line designated as the blue color of the letters, but the range parameters apply only to the first character limit. stainless steel plate rack In line 8, the second character to the last character to be added to implement the underlined. This addAttribute: value: range: method stainless steel plate rack or through one of the characters, you can specify the desired range of properties. Each property is passed to the value depends on the type of attribute must be so well remembered. If you have multiple properties at the same time if you want to specify a time line, such as 11 to 14 NSDictionary object after you configure the keys and values addAttributes: range: method, passing the.
NSTextStorage * storage = self.textView.textStorage; storage.delegate = self; [storage beginEditing]; [storage addAttribute: NSFontAttributeName value: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 20.0] range: NSMakeRange (0, storage.length)]; [storage addAttribute: NSForegroundColorAttributeName value: [UIColor blueColor] range: NSMakeRange (0, 1)]; [storage addAttribute: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value: stainless steel plate rack [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] range: stainless steel plate rack NSMakeRange (0, storage.length)]; [storage endEditing];
[Storage beginEditing];
In this example, the code in the text on the screen to change the view of the character attribute code. TextStorage properties of the text view the first store a reference to the text in imports

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tag Cloud Tag Cloud D3s 24-70N af-s 16-35n D2H mf35mm f1.4 Photo af 18-35mm i4r Nikon D70 D40X FUJI

Small mini tripod, I used to be so cheap, but ... one sagin Iman is not awkward to use my own. (ㅡ ㅡ excuse of "), so I bought wooden table bases an eye re - establishing fell deurideon. Manfrotto Mini Tripod 345 (482 +209 +259 b +345 bag) table-top kit could really wooden table bases take advantage of as much as dongap? Main purpose of taking wooden table bases pictures of Taranto wooden table bases are going, though well should be written. wooden table bases thought a waste of money this month, impulse buying too simhane stop yours ... ㅠ. ㅠ
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ajax Թ : Asynchronous JavaScript + XML Ŭ Ʈ ۼ ϴ , α PHP Perl Java EE(Ente

: â Ajax Ŭ Ʈ ũ ν ο ٸ , ڹٴ ũ ν ǥ ڶ ϴ . Ư , JavaScript ڹ XML ũ ν մ ٴ JavaScript, XML, ڹ Ŭ Ʈ α մϴ .
Ajax Թ : Asynchronous JavaScript + XML Ŭ Ʈ ۼ ϴ , α PHP Perl Java EE(Enterprise Edition) ٴ ϰ ϴٸ ý Java EE , ε ý ۿ Java EE SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) Բ ư ϹǷ , ռ 3 忡 ڹٷ غ ɼ ϴ ȸ մϴ . Java EE ȯ غ ϱ ռ , Ǵ Java SE ȯ ʿ մϴ . JDK(Java Development Kit) θ µ , 1.5 ġ մϴ . URL - JDK 1.5 ޱ ǽ ǽ (GlassFish, GF) ڹٸ (Sun Microsystems) Java EE 5 ҽ Դϴ . URL - GF ޱ URL , Promoted binary builds , ű ϴ . 2005 12 23 b32 , װ ϰڽ ϴ . ش ũ ġ ȳ Ҿ jar ũ ϴ . å 츦 Ϸ մϴ . GF ʸ , â 丮 մϴ . java -Xmx256m -jar filename.jar , 丮 glassfish 丮 ϴ . GF ġ ĥ Ant ʿ մϴ . URL - ġ Ant ޱ Ǭ , 丮 ANT_HOME ȯ , PATH ݴϴ . set ANT_HOME=c:\apache-ant-1.6.5 set PATH=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH% Ant Ȩ 丮   c:\apache-ant-1.6.5 Դϴ . Ƹ c:\ Ǯ Դϴ . ANT_HOME Ҿ JAVA_HOME ݴϴ . set JAVA_HOME="c:\program files\jdk1.5.0_06" JDK Ȩ 丮 c:\program files\jdk1.5.0_06 Դϴ . Ƹ ġ 丮 ġ ϸ Դϴ . 丮 ȯ ǥ յڸ Ʈ Դϴ . ȯ , ϸ , GF ġ ϴ . ant -f setup.xml
GF ġ 8080 Ʈ ٸ ȵ ϴ . ٸ α ʴ ġ ϴ ϰڽ ϴ . GF ġ 丮 ȯ ݴϴ . set GLASSFISH_HOME=c:\glassfish %GLASSFISH_HOME%\bin Ͽ GF 쵵 սô . asadmin start-domain domain1 Ŭ Ʈ JavaScript -> sample.htm <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <!-- Ajax 귯 jslb_ajax.js --> <script languege = "JavaScript"         src      = "jslb_ajax.js"         charset  = "utf-8"></script>          <script language = "JavaScript"> <!--   // ݹ Լ ( Žÿ ϴ )   function on_loaded1(oj)   {     // Ͽ ڵ     var res  = decodeURIComponent(oj.responseText)          // ڿ ȭâ ǥ     alert(res)   } //--> </script> <form> <input type    = "button"     value   = "Java EE ' ٶ ' Ͽ , մϴ "     onclick = "sendRequest(on_loaded1,'&data= ٶ ','POST','./echo',true,true)"> </form> ? -> package ajax; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; public class EchoServlet extends HttpServlet {   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) sandwich prep table throws IOException {     request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");     String data = request.getParameter("data");     data = URLEncoder.encode(data, "UTF-8");     response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");     PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();     out.print(data);   } } ? δ 03-02-01 echo.php , HTML ƼƼ ó Java EE ǥ 귯 ش ϴ ( ʿ ϴٸ ڿ ġȯ մϴ ). ϰ ϴ . ø ī (WAR) GF ġ ϵ Ǿ ϴ . Ʈ 丮(ajax-java) ϵ ũ 꿡 , â ajax-java 丮 ϸ ant ڵ ϰ , ġ ϴ .

Monday, January 27, 2014

30kg of load modules supported on a tripod makinseu Travelers Q3 ball head Emile looked up. Also su

Maenpeuroto (Manfrotto) 345 Table-top support basic components of the kit. Maenpeuroto live and studio camera support equipment is an Italian company specialized in the production. This kit is height 6cm, support load of 2kg tripod legs with 482 Micro Ball Head, 259B extension bar (column) white residue in dishwasher is composed. 482 micro ball head is fixed directly to the camera without white residue in dishwasher kwiksyu the way, and using extension rods to the middle of the screw length up to 15 ~ 25cm adjustable. (345 Carrying Case is missing) Compact size, but a little, rather than the heavy metal is heavy. Be much smaller stability.
Assembled without extending support rod kit look placed on the JVC video camera. Expand tripod height 4cm, allowing access to the lowest position using a macro lens, close-up applications may be used. Using a low-angle finder is useful for shooting at eye level, not in the form of a body may be attached. Camera flash, tripod mount, as well as all available accessories useless. 2kg load is not so basic, intermediate DSLR and flash, a fixed degree of brightness of a standard zoom lens that can be fully supported. Cork to end a tripod with a non-slip treatment. Micro ball head monopod and use it to separate it seems useless. Lock the ball head is not only simple, but solving capabilities where obstacles may take spin lock lever, pull the lever and it takes a little bit so that you can eliminate much of the problem to be designed. Manfrotto / Bogen with the support of the special effects used in the environment they are part of a meaningful retrospect.
Look into dedicated storage white residue in dishwasher case. Portability is a very good side. However, in order to install and disassemble several times to loosen the screw screwed, because the level is not very easy. All these components have different special effects maenpeuroto's support of the modules and are basically compatible with a variety of combinations are possible. Each module is separately purchased is possible, but to purchase a kit than the price considerably expensive. white residue in dishwasher
30kg of load modules supported on a tripod makinseu Travelers Q3 ball head Emile looked up. Also support for the use of heavy equipment to load up more space, use a medium head, it is great. So give reinforce class flagship 200mm telephoto lens on the camera body is okay reported to be topped. Makinseu head is great, white residue in dishwasher but this little bridge withstood 300-400mm would give long enough to focus from the beginning not even want. Support load on the poor old head of the difficulties experienced have been to see him ...
Which report that yes, I'm sure I've done is right. Sayonggi not know whether advertising these days many writings primer to think of it ... I honestly do not believe go to rot. ㅋ ㅋ saying lightning neighborhood! Contact with you ~ ㅋ ㅋ
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Sunday, January 26, 2014

reply 11.05.2007, 15:08

reply 11.05.2007, 15:08
Lotion makes the keyboard but nothing on the keys? And if the keys are moisturizing, then you may save the hand cream! ;-) Wipes - maintain the already retro housewares hands when typing! Joking aside - have no problems retro housewares with it - greasy, the keyboard is not so in any case ...
Now seriously. At least with the high-order keyboards in our company we do it that way. Every now and again, although a little bit loss - but at 80% to get back then has a "New"! usually we let the keyboards retro housewares but 1-2 days wrong lying around on the heating and shake it every now and then times. In case of defective keyboards of PC damage has never genommer.
Keyboard assy. as it is in the dishwasher. After screwing, Abrtrocknen, two leave three hours. Screwing together, continue to work. Always retro housewares works! Without retro housewares problems and Spotless. Wet wipe as a complex Qutsch. So a keyboard is never really clean
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

This type of sterilization guzzini mugs is applicable for all standard bottles. Whether made of gla

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If you are your child feeding with the bottle hygiene, the A and O. But how should I clean bottles and you have to boil the bottles today? Answers to these and other questions you get here.
In the first months of your child it is for bacteria, germs and other pathogens still particularly vulnerable because the immune system needs to develop in earnest. Therefore, it is particularly important that the bottles and accessories thoroughly cleaned, and the first six months will be sterilized once a day. How do you best clean the bottles and why sterilization is so important, we have summarized for you here. Clean the bottle thoroughly after use
Got your baby just fed, you should immediately rinse under running water the bottle. Not only is the bottle itself, but also the suction ring and the bottle of milk residues guzzini mugs must be removed. Milk residues sat very happy in all the cracks and corners. Once they dry form germs and bacteria. This happens from now on the same! So please pay attention to the thorough rinsing, guzzini mugs just this nooks and crannies.
The next step is to make the bottles and teats with dish soap and a bottle brush really clean. Practically special bottle brush that you can buy, for example, in drug stores. The bristles of these brushes are usually made of soft material guzzini mugs such as rubber or foam so that the vial is not scratched during cleaning. Many bottle brush also consist of a large, long brush for bottles inside and a small brush provided to clean the sucker. Some manufacturers of bottles and teats systems also offer equal the matching brush to their products, what shall simplify the handling even further. For all soap residue from the bottle guzzini mugs and the nipple are removed, you should after rinsing, rinse it again briefly guzzini mugs under running water. Commercially bottled cleaners / detergents are by various companies "Special" available. However, these are relatively expensive. However, a perfume-free, sensitive detergent is completely sufficient guzzini mugs for cleaning of bottles and teats. Sterilize guzzini mugs bottles at least the first six months
So really, are killed all the bacteria and germs that can settle in the bottle, you have to at least the first six months daily sterilize all bottles and utensils. Even if you own the sterilization guzzini mugs may seem superfluous, it does play an important guzzini mugs role in order to relieve the immature immune system of the baby and so mild to severe gastrointestinal infections, with side effects such as (crushing) diarrhea or dehydration, guzzini mugs to prevent.
In the dishwasher cleaned bottles must also be sterilized. Although it is common that they are sterilized in the dishwasher already by the water vapor, which is a bad misconception. Most programs have a dishwasher for low water temperature to ensure that all of the germs and bacteria that die only at a temperature above 70 C, are really killed. Even if a program is selected, in which the temperature is high enough, also other things to be cleaned in the dishwasher, which is why good hygiene as she needs your baby in the first months of life, is not given.
The oldest method to sterilize bottles to the boil in saucepan. Teat and bottle should to be placed for at least three minutes in boiling water, since only after this time reliably all the bacteria and germs are killed. For plastic bottles you have to exercise caution. The course can melt on the hot cooking pot.
When vaporizer is an electrical device that sterilized bottles and accessories with the help of hot water vapor. The bottles (in most models five to six pieces at a time) are easily inserted with the opening down to special holders inside the device. Many devices have in addition to hang or attach, can be stored in the teat and bottle rings one basket. The vaporizer is then closed with a lid, and the water in the tank heated electrically as far until it evaporates. After about 10 to 15 minutes in hot water steam vials and accessories are sterile.
This type of sterilization guzzini mugs is applicable for all standard bottles. Whether made of glass or plastic. However, an electric steam steriliser takes a lot of space in

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Silver is a high quality metal for centuries and can appear tableware in an exceptional shine. Silver is not just a commodity that can be found anywhere in the world. Silver has to be reached after silver spültisch ore, copper ore, zinc ore or ores were removed in mining. However, these ores contain spültisch all only a small proportion of fine silver. For the silver ores, the proportion is still correspondingly lower at 20% and the others. In order to produce real silver, there are still many steps are needed, such as crush the silver ores and allowed to react with various substances. For generations, is engaged in the processing of silver. Silver is very common for Tableware, sacred (church vessels) and jewelry. Silver is available in various versions (925 sterling silver, 800g silver and silver refining). Most of the silver is used for cutlery that have a silver fineness of 925 or are manufactured in a simple galvanic silver-plated type.
If you stock up your table with silver, your table will appear in an exceptional decoration and a special shine. Especially at Christmas time can not be missing silver, because at this time the common meal has a higher priority. Splendor and beauty that radiates silver, should spültisch not be hidden. With the non-consuming care, it is perfect for everyday use. It is of course dishwasher safe. Nevertheless, we recommend the knife (whether silver or stainless steel) wash by hand, because the knife blade made of special blade steel and is highly sliceable. Since one still believes that silver is difficult to clean, we show them the opposite with a few tips and tricks to store and maintain.
The property of the start-up has to be avoided by daily use. Should there still times yellowish / brownish look, it is corrected by straightforward and easy to clean with the Robbe & Berking care products (cleaning gloves, silver cloth, silver foam and silver polish).
Silver that changes color based on an organic reaction with the sulfur contained in the air. Cutlery should be briefly rinsed after use, so they are not exposed spültisch unnecessarily long time acid-and salt-containing foods. To get the silver shine and prevent tarnishing the perfect storage in the Robbe & Berking cutlery bags.
These are tailored to the size and type and are provided with a permanent tarnish spültisch protection. The soft cutlery bags are brilliant pockets for your utensils. If you clean your silver cutlery in the dishwasher would be advisable to go after flushing with a dry cloth over the pieces of cutlery, so salts are removed from the silver. Please note in the purification of silver spültisch is that you should never clean it with salt or aluminum spültisch foil, because this is the Versilberungsvorgang reversed and it is silver spültisch removed. Silver is not only beautiful and elegant, but also easy to clean and antiseptic.
Show your friends that you liked: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web with others. spültisch This entry was posted on 3 December 2013 by Corinna posted in Uncategorized. Tags: cutlery, Robbe & Berking, Silver. Article Navigation Shiny cooperation - BMW and SEAL & BERKING build a dream car Stylish dinner parties with friends
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Friday, January 24, 2014

For me, a dishwasher needs to do their job, without me having to do long maintenance. A dishwasher

Dishwasher properly dishwasher magnet cleanse | Dishwashers test 2013
For me, a dishwasher needs to do their job, without me having to do long maintenance. A dishwasher will eventually decrease work and not create extra work. Sorry, but it also works as a machine (like the car) only right round, to be distributed to a few "pats" when starting and.
Of course, the cleaning sieve is to every now and then. For years, I've only noticed when the dishes have not been clean. To prevent this, I suppose if something anyway "manually" rinse (eg, large pots, pans, plates) dishwasher magnet the dishwashers sieve out and rinse it by hand also with clean. For weekly repeat it, thus saving the long-term double wash.
On this occasion also, I look at the spray arms regularly, because, for example, dishwasher magnet often set by small eggshell remains dishwasher magnet of the small holes in the spray arms to. Here it is sufficient to use a toothpick to make the ports free and rinse with running water. During the subsequent dishwasher magnet onset of sieve and rinse arms I check directly even if the rinse aid or salt needs to be refilled.
About every 3-6 months, you should dishwasher magnet start a cleaning cycle. At least but if it smells bad from the dishwasher. For cleaning, you also need not necessarily expensive special dishwasher cleaner. Something citric acid, which you should dishwasher magnet have in the house for descaling anyway, suffice here completely.
In the first step, I usually wipe the side walls with a cloth. Above all, I count on cleaning the Dichtungnen, because dishwasher magnet often in these contact residues found are difficult dishwasher magnet washable later. Also, the screen and the spray arms should be brought in a big cleaning dishwasher magnet up to scratch. How this works I have already explained to smaller debris.
Then about 6 tablespoons dishwasher magnet of citric acid are added to the empty machine and started a washing cycle with at least 60 C without pre-wash. After washing, the machine shines in new splendor. So well maintained should last a lifetime at his dishwasher.
Greetings from Mannheim
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Try these home remedies a try. You will see that it is no longer necessary chrome glass coffee tabl

Clean Tiles - 8 Tips
Lime stains, grease stains, lime stains splattering toothpaste in the bathroom, grease stains in the kitchen and heavy dirt on the ground - who has tiles at home, who knows this problems. chrome glass coffee tables Especially those who have bright tiles. Here sting dirt straight into the eye. For this reason it is very important to regularly clean the wall coverings and floor coverings. The tiles in the bathroom are always particularly tricky. They too dirty over time and need a corresponding cleaning. Here you will find often times lime deposits or toothpaste stains.
No expensive cleaners buy the tiles once cleaned quickly, which is often much easier chrome glass coffee tables said than done. Although tiles are considered chrome glass coffee tables very easy to care for, provide many spots but also a major challenge to clean the tiles but it requires no special chrome glass coffee tables cleaners. Many cleaners are usually much too sharp, so that the tiles can take a damage by cleaning with these agents in the longer term even. In most cases, you also do not need such expensive resources from the supermarket. Some home remedies are much better to clean the tiles. Try Simply drop the following tips from.
Clean Tiles - 8 Tips tiles are again spotless and even maintained when you use instead of cleaning products, shampoo or even rinse aid for the dishwasher for cleaning. With time, more and more yellow tiles. But why you do not have to buy the same new. Here, you just take a little salt and a little turpentine and rub the tiles with it. If tiles shine which is especially nice. However, over time they become blunt. Then ammonia helps. You can enjoy the tiles rub. Then you shine again in competition. In order to loosen chrome glass coffee tables dirt and clean more easily, you should use steam. There are steam radiators, which are very expensive. Who instead simply chrome glass coffee tables turning up the hot water for a while, chrome glass coffee tables which also gets enough steam. For lasting shine and condition also ensures linseed oil. So that you have to rub the tiles and the bathroom looks like new. Vinegar is a good way to get the tiles back sparkling clean. Simply enter a dash of vinegar in a bucket of lukewarm water. Then simply wipe the tiles with it. You can remove lime stains by rubbing with a fine orange peel. Let the whole thing then half an hour to act, and then wipe the tiles with a damp cloth again. Joints are again really clean when you clean it with baking soda. To Simply mix one packet of baking soda with some water. With the porridge and an old toothbrush consequential You then need to edit the joints. There are also some other home remedies that help can be cleaned the joints. These include ammonia or nail polish chrome glass coffee tables remover.
Try these home remedies a try. You will see that it is no longer necessary chrome glass coffee tables in the future that you need to buy expensive cleaning products, in order to regain the tiles sparklingly clean. Just think, be aware that you may not use any abrasive cleaning agents to clean the tiles. So that you would scratch the surface of the tiles.
Are you also interested for this budget tips? Clean bathtub - 13 Tips Do not buy an extra expensive cleaning products The bathtub is very highly stressed. Who has no separate shower, the ... In tile drill - step by step guide example, if in the bathroom mirror is to be installed, then you have to drill into the tiles. Here ... Clean joints - Clean 7 Tips joints is really quite simple Anyone who has ever had to clean joints, the white, chrome glass coffee tables making this a truly ...
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Around 1995 the first dishwashers retro homewares hit the market, the dish actually cheaper flushed

In more than 70 percent of all German households today is a dishwasher to find. This corresponds to more than 50 million devices. Although the history of dishwashers only introduced to about 1850 goes back to the first dishwasher in Europe in 1929, they can be found in private households only since the early 1960s. The first Bosch dishwasher actually came in 1964 on the market.
Since then, the efficiency has improved a lot, but even with the first washing machines arrived quickly on the assertion retro homewares that hand rinse was cheaper. It has long been no longer the case, but the rumor still persists. It is true, however, that there are still opportunities for savings of up to 30 percent on water and electricity consumption are: through the purchase of certain equipment and their use. The energy efficiency classes of dishwashers
Around 1995 the first dishwashers retro homewares hit the market, the dish actually cheaper flushed than it is to implement by hand washing. This includes the energy required in the production of a dishwasher with. Since then, the demand for energy has continued to improve significantly. Only within the last ten years, energy efficiency has increased by 30 percent.
The better energy values retro homewares is indicated by the energy efficiency classes that are prescribed in the EU since 2011 for manufacturers mandatory. The energy saving is assumed 280 wash cycles per year, as well as stand-by time to be considered. Modern devices have all the energy efficiency "A", retro homewares however, can be found after the "A" plus sign. The more of them to count after the "A", the more economical is the device "A retro homewares + + +" is the highest retro homewares and therefore the best class. Every tenth flushing unnecessary
So buy a dishwasher in this highest retro homewares class, he has the lowest energy consumption. But of course there are more factors that come into play here. This includes the size of the devices. They are available in standard widths of 45 and 60 centimeters. The rule is that a larger dish is generally more economical. However, it is rather inefficient in single-person households, as only given an energy saving effect when the dishwasher is really turned on fully loaded.
This is also equal to one of the next issues where there are potential savings. Recent studies have shown that the devices can not be effectively charged in most households. According to the study is that every tenth wash superfluous. The manufacturers have made consumers called retro homewares the strengths of modern dishwasher too little awareness. Many consumers still think that the dishes under running water would have to be pre-washed and clean the equipment better, the higher retro homewares the water temperature. retro homewares Pre-rinsing is not necessary
However, this is a fallacy. Do you completely from a new dishwasher, range operating temperatures of around 50 degrees Celsius, which corresponds to the energy-savings programs. This includes any modern Bosch dishwasher. Moreover, it is sufficient to roughly clean dishes retro homewares of food waste to the trash can. This leftover food from drying, you need to keep the door closed the dishwasher. Additionally, many consumers use too much dishwasher salt: water hardness degree 1: no salt necessary. Water hardness 2: The use of salt depends on the quality of cleaning. Water hardness 3 and 4: salt to use.
When you are operating your dishwasher as described, cleaning the dishes with the machine retro homewares is definitely cheaper than a hand wash. Wash for example, 12 conventional settings with the hand, the costs will be up to 67 cents, with the dishwasher is a mere 24 cents.
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Related posts: Replace washer that note published in Dishwashers | Tags: I can connect a dishwasher

In my research to unravel the mystery'm in the program with the mouse come with laughter and factual stories in a very good explanation and I want you here like this Video Show. I find it very interesting to see which workflows by a dishwasher goes to their dishes clean and dry can be taken from the device. Video that happens in her dishwasher!
For all who still think a dishwasher is a water waster is also taught better, because on the other hand as shown in the video, you need the same amount of dishes 4 * 10 liter bucket of water ie 40 liter and a dishwasher only 15Liter.
Sure, you can now say to rinse by hand cost me for no power, but was to be considered easymate but the water, our most precious is Good. They also have just in the winter months while they hand washed and their light in the kitchen, they can be more meaningful tasks also indulge than to do dishes by hand. Use dishwashers correctly and save energy
Save it to idle prewash their dishes if it is not too badly done that dried up her dishwasher in addition for them and they are not unnecessarily squander easymate plenty of water. If you are buying a high energy efficiency class as A +.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dirt residues are rarely set on a non-stick pot. Many people unfortunately make the mistake to trea

Clean pots - Tips and tools
After a delicious meal, it is time to put the kitchen back to its original state. Especially the cleaning of the pots is not only exhausting, but often an impossibility. Especially with the many different materials you need exactly sure how to clean your pot, so that the dirt without leaving any residue disappear. You must also be careful that you do not scratch the pots or otherwise destroy. With the right tips and tools, however, the cleaning of cooking utensils bread bin enamel is a cinch. Handle with care and do not scratch coating
Most pots now come from having a coating that can be scratched during a cleaning process in any way. Would you, for example, damage to a steel sponge the surface, then the next cooking process is a nightmare. Food can be just difficult to remove from the pot and the ingredients are generally much faster caking. Therefore, it is important that you always very gently run the cleaning cycle. You should also make sure that you clean the pots as it is also recommended. Take therefore the safety a look at the instruction manual. Important Care Tips for coated bread bin enamel pots: Do not use steel wool cleaning gently perform A look at the instruction manual tells you more about the type of coating and cleaning stainless steel pots promptly clean
Do you own pots made of stainless steel, bread bin enamel then you should promptly relatively clean after cooking this forever. The longer you wait, the more the food particles will settle and then it will be really hard to remove it again. Should it take too long, then you do not necessarily have much scrub. Place a Geschirrspültab into the pot and fill it with water. Let the mixture boil for a few minutes bread bin enamel and remove leftovers without effort. Do you want to shorten the process even further, you can fill the pot over night with a mixture of baking soda and water. An abrasion with cold vinegar also will bring some relief with it. These cleaning bread bin enamel instructions are incidentally also applicable for pots made of copper. Important
Cleaning Tips for Stainless Steel Pots: Time near clean (residues are becoming more firmly) For baked-on food residues Spültab with water just boil baking soda and water as soaking facilitate cleaning pot with cold vinegar rub Non-stick coated pots with gentle cleaning bread bin enamel products on
Dirt residues are rarely set on a non-stick pot. Many people unfortunately make the mistake to treat this type pots with aggressive cleaners. But it does not have to be, because you only destroy the coating. In a pot with non-stick coating, you should rely solely on warm water and a little detergent. Then a soft sponge is perfectly adequate for the cleaning itself. For fixed leftovers, you can also rely on a brush made of plastic. Metal, but you should avoid, so that you make the sensitive coating quickly bread bin enamel become unusable. Do not talk rest Enameled pots
If you cook with enameled pots, you should let it cool with this water before the first contact, otherwise would jump the email. Ideally, you should clean these pots only with warm water and a little dishwashing bread bin enamel liquid. The sponge should be very soft and not have an abrasive surface. Are leftovers especially persistent, then fill water into the pot and let it stand overnight, the dirt can be easily solve the next morning. Should it go fast, helps an abrasion with salt and hot water. Care tips for enameled pots: Allow to cool after cooking the pot until warm water and dishwashing detergent are often sufficient Hard leftovers one night with water and soak abrasion with salt helps in cleaning-piece cast iron pans with salt effectively clean
With a special feature cast-iron pots can convince as before. After a certain time, they develop their own non-stick coating, which is also called patina. So that you can get this also, do not wash in the dishwasher such pots. Clean the pots with a natural brush that has soft bristles. If dirt very stubborn set, then just give some sea salt into the pot. Rub the remains after a few steps from. Cleaning Tips for cast iron pots: Do not wash in the dishwasher (destroys the patina) Nature Bela Send soft bristle brush use stubborn dirt with sea salt encounter to know in a nutshell
There are various stains that do not alltägl

Monday, January 20, 2014

What is it the tip?? Could I have even from the manual copy.

Recipes & Tips New Recipes & Tips The best recipes and tips in all forums members Browse categories simple human dish rack Top save Topics Search Tip / recipe app Members Posts Latest comments Latest discussed topics View new reader recommendations community 25 Tip Schreiber Frag Mutti TV money
Navigation New Recipes & Tips The best recipes and tips in all categories browse Tip / Submit recipe New comments Latest discussed topics View new readers Recommendations Discussion Forums Members Top 25 Tips Schreiber Frag Mutti TV drug price comparison

What is it the tip?? Could I have even from the manual copy.
Hehe I thought so too have always read the instructions. But as I recall, just stood there, that I reversed as the cutlery tray to set the machine cleaner. I thought, there was nothing of no rinse and no salt ... Thanks for the note ... 'll read the upcoming times more accurate :) I got the screen always properly cleaned by hand, I stupid, has never had the idea to expand that and to let mitreinigen in the machine.
@ Mom Mommy * laughs * clear the tip is nothing for mom moms, but for some who want to be moms mom time. Do not they say yes here too: "everything mom moms do not know"
Good idea to leave the filter in the machine, and have it taken out always ... * to the head smack * What I do not quite understand what a reason it should have the tank should be empty of salt and rinse tank? lg minette
@ Minette61: This is the ultimate money saving. Thus, no salt and no rinse aid are consumed in the Reinigungsvorgangg. So come over the years some cents, in LClick simple human dish rack the centuries even some euro together.
Clean the dishwasher I have made today. And have found that it is not done with machine cleaner. I have all the filters / strainers rausgeholt etc. and scrubbed clean. And the seals cleaned. Especially a lot of dirt was to see the bottom of the door hinge. There was really thick black goo on it. That took some time sauberzubekommen all. Only then I can go through machine cleaner. Nu thunder and flashes but also everything in there :-)
Hello, we clean our dishwasher regularly. We're clearing out all the baskets and the running rails. Of course, the spray arms and the strainer cleaned. Has proven useful in our fat cleaner and an "old" electric toothbrush attachment. An old toothbrush it does also determined. With this toothbrush you get to the dirt that have accumulated on the baskets or the rails, simple human dish rack very well off. We still lack a "tip", as it is usually the cleaned machine simple human dish rack in the port so that the dirt inside the unit be cleaned in the lines. Who has a tip? The "venal" with the machine cleaners is known to us, we are looking for an alternative!
Against smelly dishwasher sink stopper in the dishwasher dishwasher - and still not really clean? Dishwasher clean with detergent dishwasher with clean Kukident thawing in the dishwasher hoods filters in dishwasher other tips
Drain blocked Slimming baking oven oven clean shower clean diarrhea pancakes cold joints in window cleaning glass table light goulash hair loss hair herpes sore throat cough chewing gum remove cheesecake nail polish nail fungus earache pancakes pimple simple human dish rack sprouts sponge cake mold silver clean Si

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Still, people often think that large particles stainless steel table base of dirt can only be fough

Clean Tiles - Guide, tips and tools
Walls and floors tiles are generally regarded as being particularly easy to clean. The daily routine, however, shows that this does not necessarily have to be that way. Apart from the basic cleaning, it comes again and again to stains which are difficult to remove. Even with all the routine you will certainly more often curse the cleaning. This need not be, if you stick to helpful tips and tools. Even after many years the tiles with very simple tricks can look like new again. Regular cleaning routine: Clean Tiles
There is basically no matter whether the tiles are on the wall or serve as a floor covering. During the weekly basic care of the apartment you should also clean the tiles. For a classic household stainless steel table base cleaner is already sufficient. Expensive chemical products you do not need to set, because often these are in any case far too aggressive. When you clean the tiles on a regular basis, then avoid stubborn deposits. However, it is important that you change the dirty water at certain intervals. stainless steel table base Would not you do this, it is feared that the dirt is dissolved in the water settles quickly in the joints. Cleansing is the real ordeal. Remove toothpaste, grease stainless steel table base and other stains immediately
They make life much easier when you deal extra care with the tiles. stainless steel table base When cooking very much like to move the cleaning injected times the food from the heart, but on later? Right here lies the error. Because by the time that passes, the stain can wonderfully dry. The result is that you have to laboriously crawl on the floor and scrub. Therefore we would prefer between a rag in his hand and remove fresh stains promptly. Thus you will save ultimately much plaster stainless steel table base work. Effective household tips for cleaning stainless steel table base tiles Just use instead of cleaning products once a mild hair shampoo or rinse aid for the dishwasher. In order for the tiles clean not only effective, but also maintain it and get a nice shine. Even with vinegar, you can add new luster tiles. For that you should mix a little vinegar with water. The tiles are cleaned as usual. Lime is particularly persistent and annoying at the same time. Take fresh orange peel and rub lime stains so a. Half an hour you are allowed to do something else before you remove the remnants of orange with a wet rag. Linseed oil provides not only a new shine, stainless steel table base but also a great care. However, you should proceed sparingly, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect. If you want to make the cleaning even slightly easier, soak a patch in advance. Ideally, water vapor is used. Do not have a steam cleaner at hand, then just take warm water. Blunt tiles are perfectly normal. Ammonia can help you soon be able to reflect in the tiles back there. Floor tiles are slightly yellow with time. Not necessarily you need to replace them. A little salt mixed with turpentine can already remove the discoloration. See also the joints over time no longer beautiful. With a mixture stainless steel table base of baking soda and water you can effectively clean the joints with a toothbrush. Alternatively, also offers nail polish remover. If the joints so do not get clean, then mix baking soda with vinegar. This mix is a bit more effective. Take again a toothbrush, so you can reach all the spaces. Let the porridge stainless steel table base like to act for a few minutes before wiping it again. Taboo: abrasives
Still, people often think that large particles stainless steel table base of dirt can only be fought with aggressive cleaning products. Proven agrees that in any case. Just abrasives you should absolutely avoid to clean tiles. Even if these products promise best cleanliness, they can destroy the surface of the tiles. You have then not only dirty, but also broken tiles that you can not fix it so quickly. Put much more gentle detergent and various home remedies. You will thus protect both the wall tiles and the flooring.
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

That shocked me but then some and I took our time machine more closely, the edges, rubber and the s

Clean Dishwasher - Cheap and Effective |
Welcome to the family blog of Enrico Baier. Initially, this blog was created from the idea to share our private experiences with others, over time it has also not changed. Only the blog has been extended dishwasher stinks to many other subjects, so he's my little megaphone out into the world today. Since my better half the writing is not particularly here in the blog, is to give more and more my part, our experiences and adventures here for the family and the big wide world for the best. We hope you feel comfortable here in our little blog world, further we look forward dishwasher stinks of course always a little feedback.
These days when I after work, flipping through the evening TV entertainment, I came across a counselor in the cleaning of dishwashers dishwasher stinks was treated. I already dishwasher stinks wanted to continue to turn, but then I got stuck and behold, the AHA effect was not long in coming and so I can tell you today a simple, effective but also advantageous variant dishwasher stinks explain your dishwasher to clean.
I mean that you should clean a dishwasher regularly, so wipe and let go through with the special detergent the machine, I was already aware of before the show. However, what has shocked me, the evidence in our domestic dishwashers so-called black yeasts, dishwasher stinks which are sac fungi in the Gefährungsskala second place and thus directly follow EHEC & Co.
That shocked me but then some and I took our time machine more closely, the edges, rubber and the sieve our machine were still quite clean, because the final cleaning is not yet quite as long back.
When you look under the door and along the hinges startled me but then, admit with a cloth and detergent to get here really is not on. The door had from so, so I armed myself with tools and moved the machine to the body. With the result that the water in the bucket in more towards black brew went.
What experience I now took out of this hour and can give it the best here. The manual pre-rinsing the dishes increases the service life of the machine noticeably glasses corrode at temperatures from 55 C, so glasses should not be washed too hot special salt especially important in calcareous water Geschirrspülreiniger should never be placed in the container of salt or rinse aid, which it Lepatit included is rock hard and the machine is now irreparably Should you salt and rinse aid refill at the same time, best be run through the machine immediately. Salt that remains in the machine are, eats in conjunction with the rinse aid within 24 hours of holes in the stainless steel. The All-In-One Tabs the amount of rinse aid per Tab is sufficient for a wash. The amount of dishwasher salt is not. New devices do not consume so much less power than that buying a new one would expect in the short term.
But it was essential to clean the machine with citric acid or acetic acid, it is not only the most effective, but already she also your wallet. For the manufacturer, as in our case, the manufacturer Bosch recommend dishwasher stinks for cleaning the dishwasher "Calgonit Finish Dishwasher Cleaner", dishwasher stinks a special cleaner which can cost in the commercial fast times around 5 Euros. One could argue, rather two, three times a year 5 euros as hundreds of Euros for a new household appliance by mail order, certainly true but there is another way.
So smart that it can also be the machine care of KClassic & Co for about one euro, I was even already. But that it is also a known to me the very effective detergent cleans again, was then new. Pure citric acid, for me, especially from my experiences with the Senseo coffee machine or known cleans in an environmentally friendly way to save both your wallet.
To the highest temperature without prewash, engage the dishwasher water and continue. Now about half a bottle of pure citric acid (also granulate can be used in accordance with instructions prepare this in advance) in the water on ground and continue to run for a few minutes. dishwasher stinks The dishwasher stop back by opening the flap and around 15 minutes, the solution can act on the heating coils. Then close the lid and continue to run the wash program.
I think with these new findings will faithfully for a while our machine. How do you think that with the clean your flusher. Do you trust the instructions of the manufacturer, or experiment you at?
Users who found this page, also searched for: why does not cleanse our automatic rinsing Similar

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What you can also clean in the dishwasher save with the dishwasher daily for up to 60 minutes. Dishwashers are energy-and time-saving and save some money. But they can much more amazing: the dressing practical household helpers and not only cleans dishes and cutlery, but also toys, metal grease filters, brushes, flip flops, sneakers, Hundenäpfchen ... but never rags and sponges do it in the dishwasher! What should you clean everything in the dishwasher Toys
For flushing wooden dish drainer or cleaning: only plastic models, please do not wood or natural bristles in the dishwasher as they are too sensitive to be hygienically clean. Before making a rough basic cleaning, make with handles down in the cutlery basket. wooden dish drainer Sneakers wooden dish drainer + Flip Flops
Free of coarse dirt and put it in the machine, fix flip-flops, so they do not flying back and forth in the dishwasher. At the lowest temperature - with any of the dishes clean garden tools
The sticky filter from the range hood stuck at about 70 C alone in the dishwasher, then reinsert it into the hood. Once a month, then the fat dissolves without residue Others
Items such as braces, soap holder, baseball caps, baseball caps (but please only with plastic insert in the screen), drain strainer, reading glasses made of glass, wooden spoon, bread baskets and Hundenäpfchen be sparkling clean again
Never do rags or sponges in the dishwasher! You can go broke and you pay a lot of money for a repair. Lint, and microfiber are not biodegradable, constitute, and make the machine inoperable. In the manual is in it, which is not allowed in the machine cloths you can clean in seconds in the microwave
Here, the pathogens wooden dish drainer are killed up to 99 percent. Gabriel Bitton from the University of Florida in Gainesville, "The microwave is a strong and cheap method of sterilization." He advises to put sponges and rags about every other day in the microwave. However, they must be moist and should not contain metal. A little tip for wet retarded dishes
After washing the dishes in the dishwasher arise puddles that accumulate on cup trays or bowls, glasses or pots. After the program has a dry kitchen towel on the upper dish position lay everything is dry. In heat of the steam rises and settles on the dishes back and now into the towel. Clean the dishwasher regularly wooden dish drainer
Vinegar essence has descaling and disinfecting properties and is therefore used successfully for a long time in the household sector. Vinegar essence can therefore be used as a highly effective surface disinfectant that is also extremely inexpensive. Moreover, it is particularly compatible for humans and the environment, because vinegar essence is a food. (Busy, according to a study conducted by the Institute of Virology, wooden dish drainer Philipps University Marburg).
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Navigation New Recipes

Recipes & Tips New Recipes & Tips The best recipes and tips in all forums members Browse categories Top save Topics Search Tip / recipe app Members Posts Latest comments Latest discussed topics View new reader recommendations community 25 Tip Schreiber Frag Mutti TV money
Navigation New Recipes & Tips The best recipes and tips in all categories browse Tip / Submit recipe New comments Latest discussed topics oxo tot bottle drying rack View new readers Recommendations Discussion Forums Members oxo tot bottle drying rack Top 25 Tips Schreiber Frag Mutti TV drug price comparison

oxo tot bottle drying rack bäääääh, disgusting. you can brush and comb in the sink with detergent or fine hair shampoo clean. come back to after each comb the brush of hair freed Needless to say themselves, right?
I do like that. it's also not about the hair, but the siff in the comb-teeth, and the deposits in the brush. by hand you get the never as clean as in the dishwasher.
I do not mean to complain, but that's not such a good idea. This Siff in the comb and brush teeth consists of the scalp sebum, dirt and especially mites that live in the hair follicles and their droppings. The hot water in spite of detergent is not enough there to get exactly dead latter with their filth. The dishwasher is it contaminated downright bacterial. Eventually you will bring you out seriously what away because the residues are liable oxo tot bottle drying rack invisible at sponged dishes. It is better to regularly clean brushes and combs in the sink with mild shampoo, and indeed before this Siff is centimeter thick, you'll get that out also.
reply 11.10.2005, 09:49 +4
Ugh Deibel!! oxo tot bottle drying rack That must not be. Hair care utensils can be soaked with detergent oxo tot bottle drying rack into a small bucket, and then edit with a brush. Clear rinse, done. Regularly make before the dirt is centimeter thick.
reply 11.10.2005, 12:28 +4
Ok, the tip is wrong, but here's a constructive counter-proposal: At "The Body Shop" and such shops, there is a small Drahtbürstchen to clean the brushes. Sure, remove hair, but the Kleinschmodder you get so very good to get out. Then clean even with Shampoo: Perfect! Oh yes, the price of a few cents ...
reply 11.10.2005, 18:49 +2
And please never forget to disinfect their hands before loading the dishwasher (not to vergesen the nasty, contaminated with leftover food dishes), so merely no bacteria, sebum and other debris fall into the dishwasher. Here's to the sterile household.
So disgusting they are, mites are always and everywhere around us, they can not eradicate whatever you As hard as it may sound for doing tut.Sie also provide a natural part of the ecosystem in every household dar..
So natural hair brushes oxo tot bottle drying rack (I have only such) I would never (stupid if you have enjoyed ne appropriate training before tens of years) put in a dishwasher to clean. Dehairing and with the shampoo, which you use to even the very hairs on your head washes (no Spüli please to natural bristles) wash, let it dry in the air, finished the cleaning. I usually in the morning oxo tot bottle drying rack before I drive to the office to evening is the brush dry (oh yeah, like coarse dry in the towel, damits to night is dry)
knows her the story of the woman who always put their toilet brush in the dishwasher and was surprised that she had colibakter diseases oxo tot bottle drying rack permanently? far as I know, no urban legend, oxo tot bottle drying rack except the person who told me about it, totally stupid boyfriend invents

Thursday, January 16, 2014

CDs and DVDs can be cleaned in different steel table ways. There are tips not inappropriate. That

CDs and DVDs can be cleaned in different steel table ways. There are tips not inappropriate. That's why we have you here compiled the most useful tricks to help you get your discs clean again.
You should for basic cleaning CDs or DVDs getting a lint-free cloth such as a microfiber cloth use. To prevent scratches when cleaning, you should always slightly moisten the cloth with water. Alternatively, you can clean the disc by hand under running water. To do this, use cold water or apply firm pressure, wipe from the Above. steel table Brush your CD or DVD never in the reading direction, ie circular! steel table This could have the effect of micro-scratches that destroy steel table the read track so that the disc can not be read properly. Always so cleaning from the inside out and without much pressure the CD. Have stains with a damp microfibre cloth does not remove, you can resort to detergent or window cleaner. Dab the disc after cleaning steel table gently with a lint-free cloth. Alternatively, you can dry the CD or DVD and on the air. Insert the disc but never directly at the sun or on a radiator! Also in the dishwasher a CD must never be placed.
Tip: If your scratched CDs or DVDs, toothpaste can work wonders! Rub with your finger steel table to carefully remove the tooth paste generously over the disc after a short exposure time, clean the disc under running water with your finger. Then wipe the disc lightly with a dry cloth.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Outflow drain blocked drain clogged car car seats clean exterior lamp switch drilling window seal F

"Man" take the dirty keyboard and give it to the Splmaschine. The gentle cycle and low temperature set, can go through the wash and then the keyboard to dry, buttons towards the bottom, lay out somewhere.
# 2
And if you now the keyboard before even taking apart and only the plastic frame and the individual keys without the contact black dish rack mat and the LEDs put it in the dishwasher, you might stupidity medal will be revoked.
reply 27.06.2007, 14:42
Other suggestion: take apart the keyboard (key down) The keys in a pillow case and put it in the washing machine. Should wipe the frame of the keyboard so not a major problem represent (Only make the many keys always black dish rack a lot of work)
But this is not recommended! One should at least before disassemble the keyboard, remove the Eletroplatinenplatte and cable. Otherwise it may happen that rusts the electronics in the keyboard and also causes a short circuit. Bad April Fool by Roger! PS: For Cheap Keyboards: throw away and neukaufen. For expensive brand keyboards applies: out screwing, electronics, clean with a bucket and water plastic parts and everything dry well again and installing electronics again. For normal cleaning does it, a vacuum cleaner and cotton buds, who spilled liquids into the keyboard can be changed as described above, proceed (out electronics, wash with clean water plastic parts).
I've done ... naturally without black dish rack the board, etc. ... Result: black dish rack Everything was white before is now yellowed and looks around as if it would have been 10 years in the sun. (Logitech mouse and keyboard) .... REAL SUPER GREAT TIP!!
Sorry, the tip is useless in any case. In expensive keyboards black dish rack with radio and so no water should it, but I confess black dish rack I once out of desperation ne (ancient, black dish rack but it is exactly this cool) keyboard in the bath tub with the shower thoroughly rinsed so that the dust and dirt btw the keys came out. Have taken that the keyboard vlt then in purchasing. could be broken, but lo and behold it was clean and worked thereafter tadelos. Even the LEDs. The whole thing should really be done but only as a last resort.
There are various ways before keyboards. Some have a Plasik mat embedded with a carbon die under it, or even in between. Most remote controls for Gern Rather are also built this way. The film actually serves to fix, but it has a water-protective side effect. But for who totally lousy keys. With which usually goes rinse (I do not recommend'd manage it). The more expensive keyboards have usually had better black dish rack contacts are unfortunately less water resistant. As a rule: no water on it as possible, lime and impurities can damage the contacts. black dish rack Cola is actually deadly black dish rack in any case, because the phosphoric acid immediately attacks the carbon contacts. Where no carbon because no contact - rest in peace, beloved pickle ...
# 16 Justin_M
I dunno what do you have?, I'll do it too, must are a few day dry but it works I'd now in the dishwasher detergent but omit or you will with me, even if I'll do it always too many crumbs in the keyboard etc have
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! This is annoying: you open the dishwasher and hope for clean dishes. On closer inspection, however, stands out: The dishwasher is not rinsed properly - it can still be found debris on individual pieces of crockery. If the phenomenon occurs suddenly, which can have a pretty simple reason. Sufficient salt?
Basically, modern dishwashers are picky: Not every model delivers with every combination of detergent, rinse aid and salt optimal results. Some devices work best with combination bar, others dislike them. Once you have found the right chemical combination, then you should stick to it. If, however, still occur suddenly and without change of dishwashing detergent or rinse aid-type problems, retro tea coffee sugar canisters then you should verify two things. The first view of the salt container should apply, which ensures the correct water hardness. retro tea coffee sugar canisters Even in case of low salt level may suffer the washing result. Clean the filter element
Is there enough salt present, you should check if the screen is clean, which is located mostly in the bottom center of the dishwasher. Here dirt particles are filtered from the dirty water so that the pump is not clogged. After a few washes pretty unsavory residues may have accumulated here. For each wash then go back into the clean water and then deposited on the dishes from.
The filter cartridge you can - depending on the model of your machine - unscrew or just pull it out. Often show two arrows on each other when the screen is properly secured - then you can unlock the application with a slight twist and then pull it out. If you have difficulty, you look your best in the instructions for your machine. If you do not find the manual, just look on the internet on the manufacturer's website under "Service" section. Most major manufacturers offer manuals for older equipment for many years to download. Many items
Remove the filter cartridge and try to break it down into as many parts and thoroughly clean with hot water and a soft nylon brush. Replace the insert retro tea coffee sugar canisters and then back on by doing the reverse. Make sure that you lock the application retro tea coffee sugar canisters again properly. When our dishwasher cleaning of the filter cartridge works wonders every time.
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Monday, January 13, 2014

The drain pump of the above dishwasher is clogged or broken. A new pump I can order myself, but ini

The drain pump of the above dishwasher is clogged or broken. A new pump I can order myself, but initially wanted to see if it is only a conventional blockade wash dishes and no new pump is necessary.
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