Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Popular News

It was said in many studies to date, alcohol in small quantities to protect the heart, but in large quantities it can cause dangerous diseases. In a recently published long-term study some of these prejudices are out of the way, so alcohol harm only the people who are not physically fit and healthy. Continue reading
Pathogens and bacteria have been around much longer than humans. For thousands of years, man had to get used to the bacteria and pathogens. But the seeds have adapted to their new host, which today, for example, reduces the risk of gastric cancer. Continue reading
Under certain circumstances, headache could be a sign of multiple sclerosis. This was discovered at least scientists at the University of Rostock. Thus, suffered pop up electrical outlet kitchen counter 70 percent of MS patients from a headache. Continue reading
One in four workers in Germany has often or always work under noise. These are a total of five million workers. It is therefore not surprising that occupational noise-induced hearing the occupational pop up electrical outlet kitchen counter disease was number one last year. Continue reading
In a new study, scientists from Italy and Germany have found that fruit beds can detect cancer by smell. The fruit flies can not only distinguish healthy from diseased cells, but can also use the individual cancer cells with one another. Continue reading pop up electrical outlet kitchen counter
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