Friday, January 31, 2014

Add four labels on the screen stainless steel plate rack and then connects the outlet of each attri

Accelerometer Apple Attribute C # Canvas Class CoreData CoreLocation CSS Exception Handling Font Geometry HTML 5 HTML5 iOS iOS 7 iPad iPhone JavaScript MAC Mac OS X Lion Map Memory MFC Objective C OpacityMask Preprocessor Quartz Silverlight Text Text Kit Thread stainless steel plate rack troubleshooting UIKit Dynamics UIScrollViewDelegate VS2008 Web WebApps WWDC 2013 Xcode compile Xcode 4 Xcode 5 XML iPad
Apple iOS device users to more clearly through so you can see what you are looking for a variety of effort. 2010 Retina Display accomplished through improvements in hardware stainless steel plate rack and software over the side this year, improvements to Text Kit, and can be accomplished. Text Kit is an easy-to-use API for developers, especially because it provides, Pages, such as support for complex formatting makes it easy to develop apps now than ever before. Little History
iOS 6 UI object that is responsible for the text output from the Core Text, WebKit, String Drawing been implemented based. This works well enough in the implementation of the iOS, but was facing some problems. String Drawing a text output, but the easiest way there was a performance problem, Core Text, all in easy-to-use API developer was not. Core Text of UILabel text, such as the high-level API is also used to output a simple stainless steel plate rack task it is clear that it was an unnecessary overhead.
This method is mainly used in a class that is inherited stainless steel plate rack from UIView's drawRect: method used. So that the drawRect: method is invoked whenever a new string that is a performance penalty because the output off. So, when a simple UILabel with text output, it is recommended that you use the same UIKit objects. stainless steel plate rack Unlike String Drawing UIKit objects to the output string stainless steel plate rack output after the process does not require any unnecessary materials.
Apple has previously had a text processing system inefficiency, complexity, and performance while addressing the overhead exposed only to users with essential features, easy-to-use framework for developing text for many years had a repeat study. As a result, a robust, effective core Text Text Framework iOS 7 is born and tightly integrated with the various elements of the user while providing a better experience for the text became an important role.
UILabel, UITextView Text Kit, such as using the UI objects are said to be rebuilt. In particular, the UITextView and UITextField iOS 7 Kit provide stainless steel plate rack all the text in the text property of the text because it supports much richer than before, have been able to express. WebKit and the text output until iOS 6, but somewhat involved, iOS 7 was in charge of only the output of starting UIWebView. Such as a table view and Text Kit flexibly control and operation stainless steel plate rack of the collection, and support the animation without a problem. As noted earlier in this text is the core text-based kit, because the majority of the concept of sharing with each other the Toll-free Bridged implementation. [Box title = "Toll-free Bridged" color = "# 333333"] Toll-free Bridged one without any special data type that can be converted to another format indicates how. Cocoa and Cocoa Touch framework, widely used concept, and Objective-C class, Core Foundation type interconversion between the two objects is possible, "Toll-free Bridged been implemented," or "Toll-free Bridged to" it is expressed. For example, CFArrayRef formats can be converted to the NSArray class, NSString class can be converted to type CFStringRef. [/ Box]
The area in which the text is placed NSTextContainer defined. In general, however, specify a rectangular area, through subclassing, you can specify the area of the desired shape. And called exclusion zone or exclusion zone exclusion path has an array, which allows text wrapping (Wrapping) can be easily implemented. NSTextStorage
NSString * const NSFontAttributeName; NSString * const NSParagraphStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSForegroundColorAttributeName; NSString * const NSBackgroundColorAttributeName; NSString * const NSLigatureAttributeName; NSString * const NSKernAttributeName; NSString * const NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName; NSString * const NSStrokeColorAttributeName; NSString stainless steel plate rack * const NSStrokeWidthAttributeName; NSString * const NSShadowAttributeName; NSString * const NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName;
NSMutableAttributedString * str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @ "Apple"]; [str addAttribute: NSFontAttributeName value: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 30.0] range: NSMakeRange (0, str.length)]; self.label.attributedText = str; [str addAttribute: NSForegroundColorAttributeName value: [UIColor blueColor] range: NSMakeRange (0, 1)]; self.label2.attributedText = str; [str addAttribute: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] range: NSMakeRange (1, str. length - 1)]; self.label3.attributedText = str; NSMutableDictionary * attrs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; attrs [NSStrokeColorAttributeName] = [UIColor redColor]; stainless steel plate rack attrs [NSStrokeWidthAttributeName] = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 2.0f]; [ str addAttributes: attrs range: NSMakeRange (0, str.length)]; self.label4.attributedText = str;
NSMutableDictionary * attrs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
Add four labels on the screen stainless steel plate rack and then connects the outlet of each attribute is applied to the output string is a simple code. 2 line keys to the NSFontAttributeName 30pt font to be specified as a system stainless steel plate rack font. 5 times the line designated as the blue color of the letters, but the range parameters apply only to the first character limit. stainless steel plate rack In line 8, the second character to the last character to be added to implement the underlined. This addAttribute: value: range: method stainless steel plate rack or through one of the characters, you can specify the desired range of properties. Each property is passed to the value depends on the type of attribute must be so well remembered. If you have multiple properties at the same time if you want to specify a time line, such as 11 to 14 NSDictionary object after you configure the keys and values addAttributes: range: method, passing the.
NSTextStorage * storage = self.textView.textStorage; storage.delegate = self; [storage beginEditing]; [storage addAttribute: NSFontAttributeName value: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 20.0] range: NSMakeRange (0, storage.length)]; [storage addAttribute: NSForegroundColorAttributeName value: [UIColor blueColor] range: NSMakeRange (0, 1)]; [storage addAttribute: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value: stainless steel plate rack [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] range: stainless steel plate rack NSMakeRange (0, storage.length)]; [storage endEditing];
[Storage beginEditing];
In this example, the code in the text on the screen to change the view of the character attribute code. TextStorage properties of the text view the first store a reference to the text in imports

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