Friday, January 10, 2014

While held the first meeting wbp multiplex in the Village Reed, IT Ipixuna three servers CR wooden

At the meeting of the last week of November was marked Regional Committee's agenda Participatory Planning to be held in ten villages of CTLs High Wood, Trans, Pirahã and Help. The Participatory Project Planning CR Wood was thought from the understanding of what it takes to leverage the purposes of the Regional Committee. If the Joint Committee is a formal instance of public management that operates at the level of Regional Coordination and aims to include indigenous peoples in planning, monitoring and evaluation of policies FUNAI, the activities Participatory Planning is a mechanism supporting this instance admittedly one of the most interesting innovations wbp multiplex in the structure caused by FUNAI to Decree 7056 of December 2009.
The concern is to ensure a dense and permanent participation of indigenous, so servers and indigenous representatives are now struggling in late 2013 and early 2014 in bringing to the foundation of the process of review activities in 2013 and planning of projects that integrate Work Plan 2014.
On December 2, the team responsible for meeting the CTL Help boarded the boat Kagwahiwa to hold meetings in villages Reed, Big Bass and Palmeiras. The village Reed has low population density, most of the inhabitants are children. However, the small number of participants did not compromise the quality of work. After the presentation of the results of 2013 by the Office wbp multiplex Assistant, Marina Villarinho, gifts engaged in plenary review on all proposed issues, contributing ideas and opinions, while they drew their doubts about the executed projects. wbp multiplex Indians were aided by the leadership of Maria Lourdes Parintintim, resident of Reed and membrane Committee. Familiar with the process Maria de Lurdes realized qualify the assessment of their relatives. The evaluation consisted of classifying activities in 2013 in four categories: 1) liked it, have to repeat, 2) It was good but needs improvement, 3) Not good and 4) lacked, it must have in 2014. However, the debate was thorough, full of proposals and criticisms.
Projects that reached with unanimity tarjeta "liked, have to repeat" were the Social Task Forces, Indigenous and Indigenous Monitoring Assemblies and the Regional Committee itself, which, according Benedicta Parintintim, cacica the village, a legitimate body that helped make clearer how the resources are managed by FUNAI, enabling a meaningful monitoring-based, and the consequent qualified recovered by the Indians.
After evaluation of the activities, it was time to propose and elect indigenous designs that integrate the Work Plan for 2014. Included, among other projects, the Yrerua, a traditional festival of the people Parintintim will happen with the Assembly OPIPAM, the association of Parintintim, and intend to fight for approval at the next meeting of the Committee, recalling that last year did not address the cultural projects CTL Help. So, more aware of the workings of FUNAI, the Parintintim the Reed are mindful of the fact that the validation wbp multiplex of the Planning Committee will be held in Reed Village, between 19 and 21 February. Team CR Wood and villagers Reed.
While held the first meeting wbp multiplex in the Village Reed, IT Ipixuna three servers CR wooden speedboat headed wbp multiplex to the villages of the so-called Low Quinces, which includes IT Torah and Sepoti and 8 villages in the demarcation process of land with a dual purpose of making the asset inventory of FUNAI and mobilize for the meeting in the Lower Great on 6 and 7 December.
The mobilization worked. wbp multiplex Many indigenous villages claiming demarcation attended, plus leaders and inhabitants of IT Torah and Sepoti. Were more than 25 indigenous ethnic groups wbp multiplex of 3 meeting to review 2013 and Planning wbp multiplex 2014. Among the proposed projects, we highlight the qualifications of claim demarcation of the Torah / Mundurukú wbp multiplex the redemption of language Torah, the monitoring of the FUNAI Boat Father (which wbp multiplex happened that year but was not in planning) and training of indigenous leaders . Meeting in the village Grande Bass.
Rubemar Torah, an indigenous leader who lives in the village wbp multiplex Grande Bass and is also a member of the Committee bill as coming to experience indigenous participation in meetings and assemblies that had the chance to witness this year taught him not only about demand wbp multiplex and indigenous movement, but especially the importance wbp multiplex of cultural as well as political force. Defended women with the design of a craft workshop for Help in CTL, since the vast majority of inhabitants of low Quinces no longer holds such traditional knowledge in the production of artifacts and crafts

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