Friday, February 14, 2014

hikhik .. anak2 within the enlargement process so ler, patience was always suspect the mother of th

Assalamualaikum .... Alhamdulillah .... Yayan dah tido tido.Selagi not "little" tu, alahai ... YM pack, he "packed" draining board rack not, YM folding cloth, he "folding" not cloth, YM blogging too, he "blogging" do not. But, it kind of usual stuff, All tuh on his "term" lar, huhu. The most furious, if YM kat tgh bertungkus Lumus kitchen, he was lajuuu je pi drag him kete kat YM kitchen kecik tuh.Sudahnya winsome, boy street Lama, he violated the gedabak kete tu la, terpijak kecik Tomey her finger tu la.Eiiiiii ! Yayan!!! fury mom!
Sgt fury because if dah disrupt routine draining board rack process ibuan mother-ni, HE kete drag him into the room with Dia2 skli tamu.Ha! Sitting here, tgk cartoon tuh!. Ven create gilew kat he ferocious face, ala-ala draining board rack Mak step gitu.Dia may make advance "Derk" je kat YM. Slaves also name it, Where is the clueless, draining board rack huhu. But, sometimes hangin jugak, YM hands up jugak ni tu kat peha dia.Rasa period, draining board rack YM kinds of cruel sangat.Time make no guilt, when he nanges, then bberapa Minit tu off the dock when he was silent draining board rack tgk TV, glazed tetiba Pulak YM heart. YM will come close with him, hug him and capable of "Sorry ye la Yayan Yayan.Tu, Mother notty.Kaco create keje ... blah ... blah ... blah ..." Pujuk la dier. YM kid he knows, because he's not a pinch YM YM hate him, but because the boy reminded him. (^ _ ^) Various ni la kot My mum flavor with our sisters beradik.Dulu, every time Kene Babab with My Mum, YM angry sangat.Siap sulk taknak eat, though he die! kononnye la.haha! Tipu jack off because when stomach tu dah sing the song ragae not know shame, pi kitchen strips je makanan.My mum smile. Actually, I am not a Perfect draining board rack Mom for Yayan.I am Not always can be patience with all his attitudes. NO, I'm Not. But, what certainly YM, YM sake only able to make what make her HAPPY & BAHAGIA.Just like my Mom did.I love you Mom! Muchas gracias for dropping by. Love, Yayansmum
Greetings. It was. If tu furious, angry sometimes to not remember. Remove the tu sorry. But, if the kid was upset he did not hear. Sometimes she played the object hazard. Really difficult conversation with budka not understand. March 4, 2012 at 3:41 PM
sweet entry ni ... shows a mother's love. :) Kekadang bende tu marah2 was not complicated ... but kekadang jugak forget it yng kite kite was having with org that berumo 5-6 years but kite dier expect to understand seolah2 same umo with kite ... :) Ur a great mom! :) March 4, 2012 at 5:37 PM
hikhik .. anak2 within the enlargement process so ler, patience was always suspect the mother of the mother .. mmg easy ride hangin, tp Afterward glazed Pulak mrhkan child care when dh .. hee ~ its normal .. ^ _ ^ March 4, 2012 at 7:56 PM
has arrived.monday monday blues is here .... : (March 5, 2012 at 2:56 AM
He was always the same Eija x impatient when children make it / naughty .. tp mcm mane any naughty children we love & sorrow Diala bidder .. yup mmg we will be able to make anything as long as our children's sake only happy .. March 5, 2012 at 2:20 PM
YaYaNsMuM aka YM YM: Just call me, the which stand for YayansMum. Info about Me Siti Ayu Zuati Working at Home Mommy Your Shaklee Independent Distributor (ID 889 833) SMS / Whatsapp (preferred): 011-2112 1422 Email: View my complete profile draining board rack
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