Thursday, February 13, 2014

salam kak tu jee-time incident (NET) me and mama are disogo, x know what to say la time tu, just pr

Kjee feeling not too late yet Kjee want kat story korang experience Muhamad Saiful round metal table Ibrahim, Nadia sekuliah friends trapped in Sogo Shopping Centre building the illegal Bersih 3.0 rally this baru2. Two days after the rally, Nadia back home after college and tell Kjee on the pepandai Saiful went to Sogo when Kolumpo middle west laden with illegal assembly participants. Kjee big surprise! round metal table You know on Saturday that, should round metal table any class of Nadia. But the firm did not want to miss Kjee him go. Nadia then send message to this handphone lecturer to tell him not dare hit her mama order. Kjee read sms length of her stay the night before the illegal assembly to cause the lecturer told her to tell the other kengkawannya, lecture canceled. Anyway, without anyone knowing, Saiful round metal table rupa2nya been put up at the apartment of a friend of his university in tengah2 Kolumpo. round metal table More precisely, very close to the Mosque of India. Last week Saiful round metal table come visit and stay at home Kjee. Kjee asked him why he went to Sogo though the situation was highly risky. In fact that's where the location jugak police car reversed! Saiful macam2 quibble. You know guys have one. Be afraid. round metal table For your information, round metal table this Saiful orphans. Since Nadia introduced round metal table him to Kjee and Unclepali, Kjee already consider round metal table him as her own son. "Yes Aunty. Sogo I went to lunch with a friend," he said, did not dare glance Kjee points. Hmmm bertubi2 after questioning, he finally admitted that Saiful is there reason want to see up close what really happened. Under this, he forced Kjee write pengalamannnya day. Kjee copy paste without changing a single verse. "Talking about my net is an experience that can not be forgotten. Previous night clean place, I spent the night in City One. Actually one is home at City home my classmate. During the night, we see from a distance. Shouts of people shouting" reform round metal table "and sing songs my country. We feel something unusual happens tomorrow. We would to God that nothing unusual happened. following day at 12 noon today my friends want to eat at Sogo at the same time it want to see the real tragedy of the net. way to Sogo. We see so many people wearing yellow shirts. "Sit down and protest". yells here and there. Kuala Lumpur time as eagle infringed. outcry and indeterminate direction. round metal table always used sya argue why Indonesia frequent riots and these days Item has been going on in my country. saying goes "germ see any sea, elephant eyes can not see. I was shocked himself. Central yummy I eat with friends. Suddenly I heard the announcement sogo where the main door and other doors closed temporarily. We knew you'd want to clean the participant must get away from the police chased. Too many complaints from visitors. round metal table Some are angry, some even sitting stick and others. After pkul 4 pm, the door has not been opened. My head is already starting to hurt. The friends I've started round metal table to curse. Actually, this is very embarrassing and troublesome people, especially foreign ones. Exactly at pkul 5.oo pm this, I heard the announcement of where the door was opened sogo. My opinion 8 net claims should be transposed claim. If good if our own PM down and talk with the MACC and the opposition what exactly claim to be argued. Riot @ demonstrations are not the solution. Promise but only want peaceful dreams really unexpected. Malaysia has lost its identity in the eyes of the world. I do not favor the party mana2 kat. Depravity inflicted on ourselves Malaysians. What are we learning about civic education or moral-values are dilupakan.Nilai that had been practiced was devastated. But I question whether we can resist the human will? 've To ask themselves. Thank you. Assalam "Hah got him. Finally, after she said she went Sogo pusing2" by chance ", Saiful eventually confessed.'s. Was not easy to say 'pusing2' with ex-reporter know. Hehehe. round metal table Sorry Saiful. Aunty marah2 today that because Aunty and Unclepali love you. Had my late father and mother are you still there, Aunty Saiful certainly do worse. Hehehe. During this incident, Saiful confined round metal table indoors SOGO!
salam kak tu jee-time incident (NET) me and mama are disogo, x know what to say la time tu, just pray in faith that all is safe and x der fights happened .. veritable panic then. tu think jamming out today May 12, 2012 at 2:22 PM
tp k.jee kenape la tu net org Supportive people may egghead? x think whether their countries and so topsy turvy ... siki2 illegal assembly so clean ....

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