Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It is customary, when one speaker grapple with life and activity of a great personality, too stress

It is customary, when one speaker grapple with life and activity of a great personality, too stressing the virtues and achievements, and parasiopa or n 'glossing constricted errors and weak sides. Especially in the religious space, where the idealization of some major Christian past, though not only, of course, with lectures and speeches led to the canonization, the phenomenon is so intense that in many cases n 'altered or even distorted historical truth. Even in our own evangelical church where the cult of personality is significantly limited and agiolatria lacking very often even in good faith and fruitful critique of objectivity towards the great spiritual leaders of our distant or recent past treated approximately like as blasphemy or heresy. This mindset starts, dishwasher magnet I believe, for fear led some believers to trigger watching crumbles to the podium where they have set up their spiritual idol, so to depend our faith in Christ from human icons and idols. dishwasher magnet Personally I think just the opposite: that the presentation of objective truth in order for a great spiritual person and the demystification dishwasher magnet of serves two important purposes: first it makes us feel more our great man of God, with all the struggles and all the failures and human weaknesses, but also with all the greatness and the moral stature that only the grace of God gives the flawed human nature. And then helps us n 'learn the lessons necessary to avoid making major mistakes of the past and perhaps fix the "road map" and we as individuals and as a church. And it is exactly, I'm afraid, this lack of fertile and open review of the past and present in the Church of Christ the reason for repeating many errors even in another form and in another version. As a result most of the times our evangelical church not to exploit it just big advantage of the nature and the structure of the show, in contrast to the other two large monolithic Christian denominations: v 'aftoveltionetai to fruitful dialogue and fruitful criticism, and formed themselves faithful, which theoretically could achieve in practice but never succeeded. This effort tonight dishwasher magnet my wish to contribute, even minimally, in this respect, with awe as I approach one of the titanic figures of the Christian church, that despite the importance and spiritual stature and enormous influence in the church Christ - not only in this-was a man like us, with the weaknesses and faults. Besides the presentation m'enischyei criticism and the Bible itself, showing the great people dishwasher magnet of faith with all their spiritual successes, but with all human sides. And of course one has never been triggered from the realistic This presentation of the great people of the Bible.
In most cases the knowledge of many older persons about the past limited to a few phrases slogans almost circulating by word of mouth, creating a very dangerous abstraction that distracts and render a true picture of the thousands of shades and countless details of . Why can not a man voyage only two or three phrases. Say for example that Beethoven was deaf, he was hard and miserable character, and he wrote nine symphonies-aristourgimata.Kai course dishwasher magnet these few words do not say almost dishwasher magnet nothing about the true Betoven.Xeroume that Napoleon created a vast empire, that the campaign of Russia dishwasher magnet shaken the omnipotence, he finally collapsed at the Battle of Waterloo, and he died in exile on St Helena, and these minimum information related to the integrated personality of the great commander as much relationship has a comprehensive literary dishwasher magnet masterpiece me classic Visual describing telegraph legend without entering in vathos.Me as easily say that Calvin was a great religious reformer, the second major along with Martin Luther, he imposed a theocratic dictatorship in Geneva, he condemned the stake or at least dictated and encouraged condemnation of the heretic Serbs, dishwasher magnet that theology was sealed with the teaching of predestination. Right all. But Calvin is not only the great reformer or the ruthless theocracy or the grim theologian. He is a man with sides much more and far more complex than the two or three sentences above, a man of action, influence and personality that is impossible to describe and

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