Saturday, May 24, 2014

The orchistra is a perfect circle, while the hollow part of the sphere. finish dishwasher cleaner c

Few of pilgrims arriving in Tinos will know, I guess, that the church of Virgin Mary is built on an ancient theater of Dionysus, this good God that he served with devotion since antiquity, the joys of people.
The acoustics So the ancient theater of Epidaurus has the curiosity that this sounds like clean me there, finish dishwasher cleaner coupon can not be heard other languages, ie there is some kind of sound tuning, Mathematical Greek language, space and sound, and that's why Greek is music language. (Known is the relationship between musical harmony and mathematics and mathematics with the harmony of the universe, as it is also known that in ancient Greece music, arithmetic geometry and astronomy were sisters sciences)
The orchistra is a perfect circle, while the hollow part of the sphere. finish dishwasher cleaner coupon We sat 34 rows in the lower tier and 21 to give up the number 55 (ЭЄ). The sum of the first 10 numbers (1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10) gives 55 (ЭЄ), the sum of the first 6 (1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 ) gives 21 and the sum of the last 4 (7 +8 +9 +10) gives 34.
Gold number F makes its appearance in a row and the ratio of the two-tier 21/34 = 0.618 = W, and the ratio of the lower tier to the total series 34/55 = 0.618 = F. The location of Epidaurus is not at all random. That is why we selected to create there the premier hospital finish dishwasher cleaner coupon of Antiquity. A hospital alternative, as we would say today, medicine.
The word itself Epidaurus allows us to understand, if we know how, the function finish dishwasher cleaner coupon of space and the healing process. As first revealed by researcher Altani if anagrammatisoume EPIDAVROS the word, the word itself explains its meaning as Epidaurus ACTIVITY ON AURA. With the word aura in ancient Greece meant our own soul. Therefore we understand that treatments were in Epidaurus, was primarily soul treatments. Asclepius and consequently the ancient doctors of Epidaurus, as the first and foremost concern in the healing process of a patient, had to balance their psychic powers.
Ancient doctors believed that to heal the body must necessarily precede finish dishwasher cleaner coupon the healing of the soul. The soul suffers the weakness of this transferred and reflected in the body. A body that has a healthy soul is impossible to present any kind of disease. Who was the way you could achieve something really so difficult, something that nowadays is perhaps the most difficult healing?
Techniques and treatments were making at Epidaurus ancient doctors-priests finish dishwasher cleaner coupon very little is known nowadays. The truth is that inviting the patient to "slumbers", ie to sleep one night in the temple of Asclepius. There, during his sleep, God appeared in his dream and the patient cured. So the next morning that the waking egkoimomenos was healed and leaving finish dishwasher cleaner coupon healthy thanking and thanking God!
It is certain that there were other ways of treatments, always based on the same logic of balancing the soul or at least many special preparations were according to the disease should be treated.
Epidaurus is nowadays known mainly for its exquisite theater which includes the archaeological site. But how many have wondered why there was a theater and even these dimensions in a hospital? It seems that our ancestors knew more about the treatment of what we now take the modern art machines, antibiotics, and countless pills ... From past research, we discover slowly techniques and ways, which cures the soul was can be made inside the theater during performances of ancient drama.
It seems that there are adequate technical means by which a play was possible that Gd Iassos give viewers Healing-patients had specific positions on the auditorium ... but were Therapies and the various temples of this holy place, but also the famous Dome of Epidaurus, the ainigmatikotero perhaps monument of ancient Greece nowadays restored.
Seems as how the "disease" was and corresponding treatments to any particular church. But what is particularly important finish dishwasher cleaner coupon is to understand how these treatments were not fragmented and focused on specific organ or system PATIENT, but was integrated, finish dishwasher cleaner coupon holistic approaches to the afflicted soul, so that after the treatment and the removal finish dishwasher cleaner coupon of the great this space you never return ... for additional treatment.
The reputation he had acquired Epidauros

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