Thursday, April 30, 2015

Basic knowledge of H.264 vs MJPEG. That leads to a win? SentinelMost IQeye IP surveillance cameras

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Basic knowledge of H.264 vs MJPEG. That leads to a win? SentinelMost IQeye IP surveillance cameras currently in a state of their specifications on some compression standards support, mostly MJPEG and H.264. So the question naturally arises as to what they are, what are the advantages, when to use one or the other? H.264 and MJPEG compression base important distinction between MJPEG and H.264 video compression method is the algorithm used. The MJPEG compressed images sequentially, frame by frame, and is transmitted as it is through the network. Each frame is transmitted is processed independently, so that sent frame by frame to the destination and then linked into a single perfect video. Positive feature pizza prep table is the ease of compression and processing speed. pizza prep table The compression coding and decoding does not require extensive resources. Negative - high video resolution requires pizza prep table a large amount of data being transferred, which increases the network bandwidth requirements and the size of the video archives. IQeye Alliance mxH.264 pizza prep table or MPEG - 4 part 10 (AVC) is the latest video compression format that is used in a wide variety of video equipment. The basic principles are the same as its predecessor MPEG - 4: relatively full frame or Key transmitted regularly and among those who sent information only on the change of image. pizza prep table However, this process uses algorithms much more sophisticated and complex than the old version of MPEG - 4, for video decoding using not one, but several reference frame. These features are unique to significantly reduce the amount of data transmitted and recorded while maintaining the same quality with MJPEG, but at the same time requires a large amount of CPU resources for encoding and decoding video. It is for reasons H.264 compression format to experience a certain skepticism at first, but due to the rapid development of CPU H.264 standard is now used very widely, from cell phones to high-definition digital television. It should also be noted that the H.264 video stream you can integrate audio, so in general, to code the audio stream H.264 compression profile of the source, a microphone or an external source. So it seems that the benefits of H.264 compression method are obvious, so why do we still need to MJPEG? The consideration H.264 video surveillance system, the system requirements should be defined and planned as precisely as possible. pizza prep table Not in all cases of significant advantages H.264. Usually the purpose of video surveillance is visual confirmation of some events (or lack of it) with the ability to identify objects that are involved in it (identifying a person, read license plate numbers of vehicles, etc.). In the case of the identification of common observation is not required, but when the video into evidence in court or other institutions that you need the highest quality possible, so sometimes it is worth paying more for Ethernet traffic or larger capacity than the hard drive to the belief that it is necessary information will be transmitted and recorded. The most common problem in the design and implementation of the system with the H.264 format camera pizza prep table is a prediction of the amount of network data rate. It can fluctuate within a fairly large range, depending on the intensity of the image changes, environmental conditions and camera features. Typically the average data rate is selected or sometimes even worse- minimum necessary, and on that basis the necessary network bandwidth and archive size is calculated. The worst case occurs when the bandwidth limit for the camera was set on the basis of the calculated minimum value. In the case of a radical change of image and the need to transfer large amounts of data, depending on the settings of the camera has two alternatives: a) reducing the image quality (resolution), b) reducing the number of frames. Both of these actions will reduce the quality of the picture and not the expected results you will get a low-quality video. Practice shows that in most situations the proper video recording is required for evaluation. Factors affecting the size of the H.264 stream can be various: rain, snow, high winds, low lighting (very important for a camera that has a lower reduction in noise or sensitivity) or instability camera mounting. In all cases it is necessary to calculate what the maximum bandwidth to be achieved and on that basis it is recommended to plan for storage and network traffic. Other options can choose MJPEG format, the bandwidth is more predictable and varies within

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