Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Robin Williams has a De Niro odenan how the elements in the table, and says: ... is the universe in

Home Mineralogy in Pictures: Mina "Las Cruces" Mineralogy in Pictures: Hiendelaencina Microscopy Mineralogy Chemistry in pictures: Uranium Iberian granitic pegmatites in the Iberian Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula lead Periodic Table of the Elements About Spy
Life, as we know, life is chemistry. And until artificial life in silico is a reality or find alien life forms not based on chemical processes, we can assume as manageable hypothesis that all life is chemistry. pedestal base for table Since the quintessence of harmony of chemistry lies in the Periodic Table, it stands to reason that the logic of life is also contained in Table logic. In an earlier post Table show the perspective of the elements found in oxidation state 0, ie, in the elemental state in nature. In this third post about the Periodic Table of the Elements I will try to show how living things contain also an important part of the table and, as Table management is not accidental, his presence in us neither is. Even, perhaps, pedestal base for table the secrets of biogenesis may also depend on specific elements. Regular readers of this blog will notice that I am particularly interested Periodic Table: pedestal base for table no less than three posts in a row, using the proposed Roskiencia. Indeed, the Periodic Table of the Elements is one of the most beautiful human discoveries and fascinating. A representation of the underlying order in the apparent chaos and complexity of nature. Furthermore, if aliens suddenly came to visit me, I'm not mathematician, try to communicate with them first with a Periodic Table and metaloteca pedestal base for table or collection of pure elements. The Periodic Table is universal, and certainly there would begin to understand ... Who better to define it that Robin Williams in a scene from the movie "Awakenings" (Penny Marshall, 1990), in which Robert De Niro and he drink tea in the apartment of the character of Williams, pedestal base for table chaired by a poster of the periodic table:
Robin Williams has a De Niro odenan how the elements in the table, and says: ... is the universe in its essence (...) each element has its place in the Order, can not be changed. It is safe, no matter what happens ... And she says her interest in science was born with the Periodic Table. Notice that the design of the Periodic Table is similar to that seen in the photo of Seaborg in my previous post ... I always liked that scene because it happened to me something similar. It was the sort of chemical elements, the amazing regularity of its compounds, minerals (copper ores blue and green, iron minerals, alkali metal salts, yellow, pedestal base for table radioactivity and fluorescence of minerals uranium ...) that ignited in me the spark of a distant Chemistry Day at the Museum pedestal base for table of Natural Sciences in Madrid, long before modern pedestal base for table museology destroy the possibility that other mine eyes saw the mystery of that harmonious pedestal base for table ordination. The quantum logic underlying the Periodic Table is reflected in Biochemistry. Overall, the structure of the table can be defined in terms of electron orbitals. For each increment of atomic number n, which indicates an extra proton in the nucleus, an orbital is occupied by an electron. As a result of the solution of the Schrödinger equation and the Pauli exclusion principle, each orbital can be defined by four numbers, called quantum numbers. The main number pedestal base for table is called n to the values 1, 2, 3 and 4 would result in 4 layers of orbital llamads K, L, M and N. The next number is called l defines the angular pedestal base for table momentum of the electron, can have values from 0 to n-1. This defines four types of orbitals: s, p, d and f. Thus, hydrogen, is number 1 in the table, has a single electron orbital located in the first possible the 1s. Helium would be 1s2. And we have the first period. pedestal base for table The second period, from n = 2, corresponds to the row from lithium pedestal base for table (item 3) to neon (element 10). And so on. Thus, in the table, pedestal base for table called "periods" to rows and "groups" to the columns. If you understand how it goes electronic configurations, encontaréis you with what we call the "d-block" elements of the center of the table. Generally called the transition pedestal base for table metals found in this central body of the table. In particular, are very interesting groups 5-12 in the fourth quarter, with the particular case of group 6, we are interested in full. These elements have the peculiarity of having a great capacity to form complexes: the metal is coordinated with molecules (mostly organic), to give rise to more complex structures with very interesting

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