Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The commemoration took place. But after the official part, during the break before the dance, there

I was in the autumn of 1956 high school graduate, I was in Kaunas 1st high school in the city center, Liberty Avenue (formerly "Dawn" boys in high school). Troubled was the month of October, table base for glass top the Hungarian uprising and the heated secondary school heads, many gaudėme knowledge going on there in March, Hungarian armed resistance to the Soviet Army, waiting for the Hungarian sample will ignite other nations, perhaps Lithuania will rise.
While Lithuania, was weak just animate Partisans table base for glass top war exhausted mass deportations, and frankly did not have the strength to fight, the government feared the underground anti-Soviet public shares, even small children of political outrage. Class was told about acquaintances guys, "Metropolis" or someone of another restaurant in Kaunas musicians joke. At that time, was very popularized Russian song about not too long ago held in Bucharest in youth and student festival - these Moscow-funded table base for glass top pro-Communist activities were held yearly in different socialist capital. That song was the chorus: "U ByVal druzei at it again in Bucharest, no shower my vsegda i vsiudu vmeste ..." (I was at a friend in Bucharest, but in the soul, we are always and everywhere together. ") Musicians restaurant intoned the song just changed Bucharest Budapest. This has been a terrible table base for glass top political provocation. Then musicians pulled explain denied table base for glass top themselves not for them, and someone from the audience agreed perverted words.
Towards the All Souls' Day, all felt that the cemetery, many people gathered together, someone will have to take place. Our headteacher, a physics teacher Munius, party, pre pamokslėlį told us, warning that do not involve any tumults that young people tend to succumb to moods are easily provoked, table base for glass top and all sorts of troublemakers try to take advantage of us. For everything the teacher told us how they prewar high school, 1938, the escalation of the conflict with Poland had risen to go to war for Lithuania ...
All Souls Day - they were in the middle of the week - at school he was appointed kažkelintų Komsomol anniversary table base for glass top - not immediately after school and evening. After the celebration of Busi dances will even be allowed to dance for more than an hour during the evenings on weekends. Attend mandatory for all Komsomol members and nekomjaunuoliams who do not take part, you will be punished: reduction behavior table base for glass top grades, and so on.
The commemoration took place. But after the official part, during the break before the dance, there's something in the hallway pierced pin power cord. Short circuit - the hall and the first floor of the power outage. To easily that all išsivaikščiotų. Many groups caught in the central city cemetery Vytautas prospectus. Well, maybe our foursome.
It was already late, dark time, the graves of burning candles, many candles were lit and a monument to those who died for their homeland Lithuanian soldiers (and later, the destruction of the cemetery and the development of the park, demolished, rebuilt again, this time). The monument found the crowd of people chanting slogans, sued Tricolor - to senior action, there's also sews the yellow, green and red scarf, which gave women asked the crowd. It was sung and the Forbidden Lithuanian national anthem. table base for glass top (Maybe not the whole truth, says the inscription on the memorial stone in Vilnius, Adam Mickiewicz Square at the monument there in August 1987, the 23rd was the first public rally to condemn the occupation. Maybe start in Kaunas (and in Vilnius) in 1956?)
So the rally, then, in the event mark, the crowd siūbtelėjo of Vytautas the prospectus - which path through the gate is just too low in metal cemetery fence. There was waiting ready for pharaohs - dark militia uniformom in blue color with red piping, KGB contingent of civilian clothes and armed soldiers. Engaged in front of the flag, as far as I remember, once surrounded captured and pushed to voronok "- a dark colored truck with box to transport detainees, seen as voronok" quickly went, as it were flying stones from their strokes poškėjo the tin, shattered windows . The crowd on the street seems to be clustered, stopped, table base for glass top stopped a bus passing, urged passengers to get off and help. I parted from friends. I can not say how long that lasted šurmuliavimas; policemen tried to disperse the crowd, grab and bring more active and less cautious, here and there happened tussle. At one point me and a couple table base for glass top of strangers trapped policemen did not make tracks where just over the fence into the cemetery. Not to return to Vytautas prospectus passed the cemetery, a night in the streets empty headed home.
Tomorrow's the day of the class at all. Even after a day appeared two nebuvėliai that night Souls were arrested. Both had been beaten with bruises. One silent questioned said nothing, and the second - Donatas Butkus of us closer circle of friends, that evening from the beginning of the former together - told me that it is that time KGB trapped some sort courtyard, where there had not been lost. Crash the hands of one of the pockets searched, grasps grabbed the glasses with case, their feet were crushed, while others began to beat the race

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