Saturday, October 19, 2013

Start with two metals typical N and P Amphoterics Continuing with 2 As and Sb elements in a typical

They are located at the left end of the table are soft, they scratch with knife violence is oxidized (heated) Raccionan with water to form hydroxides or bases are brilliant and have grayish-white the most abundant element in the universe: Hydrogen, and a radioactive element: Francium.
They lack one quantum number possess more harshly than the alkali metals can be reduced to powder is oxidized violence are opaque and fragile possess have a radioactive +2 valence which is the Radio (it is not found free in nature)
Begin with a non-metal Boron (high melting point) They have a Amphoteric kemie (chemical element that can act as metal or nonmetal) Increase your characteristics to measures that increase the quantum numbers all end in ns2p1
Amorphous = Humus
Diamond Crystallized =
Start with two metals typical N and P Amphoterics Continuing with 2 As and Sb elements in a typical metal Finish Bi has a presentation Phosphorus allotropic all end in ns2p3
Begin with a gas that is 21% of air (oxygen) then the Sulphur, nonmetal Followed typical ancient use of Se, Te photoconductor, classic metalloid and semiconductor. It is used in the lining of shield ends with the typical Po radioactive metal discovered by Marie Curie
Starts with 2 typical gases (fluorine and chlorine), abundant in nature in the wild are chemically active as diatomic molecules X 2 They have a electronegativity kemie 2.5 according to Pauling scale Joining the C form (Fluorine-Chlorine Carbonado )
All are typical kemie gases orbital all end in p6 (saturated) except ionize helium (vacuum emit light energy to aso) In theory its valence is 0 which prevents chemical reaction, hence the name of noble gas mixtures Forms to ionize the light colors combine
All are solid state heavy metals, except Hg (liquid). The m ost have variable valence Some are amphoteric (Chromium, Vanadium, Manganese) Transition metals located kemie at quantum number = 7 are radioactive From Z = 57 to Z = 71 are attached to the table and are called lanthanides A from Z = 89 to Z = 103 are also off and actinide called all end in ns1 (n-1) d
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