Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1 month ago

Since today is a special day, we will celebrate bread bins uk with a rich dessert. From here to congratulate all Jose, Josefa and especially dads. There is nothing nicer than the illusion of a child by giving your dad a special gift prepared for him so fondly. And I've had the good fortune to see this illusion in my children this morning. That if it is a gift you never forget and always carry in your heart. bread bins uk INGREDIENTS: 300 ml whipping cream (cream) 300 ml whole milk 4 4 yolks 200 g sugar zest of 1 orange berries bread bins uk (optional) for candy eggs 250 gr sugar PREPARATION: bread bins uk Pour the cream into a saucepan bread bins uk milk, milk and chopped orange peel. We put the fire and heated to near boiling. Remove from heat, let cool and sneak. Prepare the caramel: In a pan with handles rather put a sugar high heat. Shakers the pan occasionally as the sugar begins to melt down the heat. We still shaking bread bins uk from time to time and let the heat until all the sugar is liquid candy and take the color we want. Once you have it, we distributed candy on bottom and sides of pan. Moreover bread bins uk beat the eggs and yolks with the sugar using electric mixer on high. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly. Once we all snuck shake and pour into the mold. We will put in the oven water bath until set. It takes at least 45 minutes. We took, let cool and unmold. Accompany red fruit to taste. Tips and other options is best not to use spoons or shovels to remove the candy as it can crystallize. Simply shake the pan well so that the sugar dissolves evenly. to see if the pudding is studded will puncture with a toothpick or a needle. When clean, the custard is ready. keep in mind that to cool the custard always takes more consistency, so I should not cuajarlo excess. I recommend you let it sit, it gains a lot from day to day.
Hello gorgeous! great recipe! Mmmm what a nice presence has this pudding! You know I have not ever prepared Caserito pudding? You know why? by the passage of water bath in the oven! How does queen? If I dare, I will encourage your recipe because it looks delicious! And I have been up :) A beautiful heart kiss! Reply Remove
HOla Carmen, today we agreed dessert. My house has eaten flan, custard ....... a super-surplus eggs, hens no longer so cold Spoonbill. But surely yours is much nicer. I have not said it is a pleasure to visit your blog with this song, it sounded all the way on the first trip I took with my husband, boyfriend at the time. Besinos pretty Delete Reply
Uhm! Terrific and original accompanied by fruit. A kiss. Reply Remove
Hello there! I came to visit because I've met through your blog posting Rosalia in which has given us some blog the Best Blog Award. I liked your kitchen, so I stay here follower to see that we offer. Good and very good texture custard. A greeting! I am Joseph of "My stove in your kitchen" Reply Delete
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