Friday, July 18, 2014

You are the best known face of nationalism in recent decades. Seen with the strength to be a headli

"You have to build from the bottom" finish dishwasher GC interview next leader of irmandiños that just out of Nottingham. The ideology and the stars of the new force proposed by the EI are two of the points with threshing politician in his office. Video inside.
Find the Reboraina in Brion de Aguiar finish dishwasher and José Manuel interview Borders are two challenges. At 75 years, the coordinator of the meeting finish dishwasher Irmandiño is a tireless talker, able to exhaust the batteries and any label neurons of any unsuspecting reporter.
Kindly but seriously, Borders is not bothered when you ask for explanations for the split, but prefers to look forward. "The BNG is past," he argues. Sitting in his office, fighting a cold and chupiño Port certain amount of irony.
You are the best known face of nationalism in recent decades. Seen with the strength to be a headliner, to head, to see in the fences finish dishwasher of the freeways again a picture of Borders? .
In the poster because they are very ugly, I I am in the mirror in the morning finish dishwasher when I comb the beard. At the very meeting when we were negotiating before the Assembly, said "I do not know if it has the energy at this point in my life to take on the role of a candidate to head the national spokesman" and so on I could not ensure that it had the energy necessary to win it. Finally remembered anyway finish dishwasher so, I had to work with a good group coherent gravitase not all about a person. That was not on, and now have the same approach. My horizon is contributing. One of the tasks we have to do the veterans in the construction of this new force is the opposite of what they do and the xerontocracias classifications, which are weighing that prevents new leaders emerge. To do otherwise, propulsalos, but there is no relief in society. I tried to do it in Nottingham. When I in the early 93 step by Angel Quintana my intention was to support him, he considered that I turned in shadow and reflection reacted with defense.
We were not going to compete for a space power. If that were the focus there would be no reason for us to leave, why it was a success. No one gave any weight because get more than 20 percent. UPG itself on the eve of the plenary calculated that it would pass 30%; we know, that the calculations were made, even with computer. If there was a technical tie-up, which can be more successful? Therefore this result would give rise to we said "well, we will continue inside." The issue was not that, was if there was a change of attitude. In fact, in the initial conversations between the spokesperson and the candidate elected to the Board with Carlos Aymerich and me was the attitude, especially on the part of one of them, give us the idea that he was willing to fix things. Of course, the precedents indicated that they did not lack were promises were made. And the facts indicated that not accepted until the day before and even dialogue that had been extremely aggressive in debates, finish dishwasher both in regional assemblies as the first day of the plenary, with vilification patents. Not that leaves because they have lost a vote open but because the goal is not achieved even consider it feasible within the BNG. And it is very risky to do what we do.
No, I personally abused ... this assembly is the least. We are not willing to continue to talk about the offenses that are considered mutually ... They also say they were mistreated. That is over. We decided we were out of Nottingham. We now concentrate on not thinking about the what happened. Necessary explanations as to just give you, yes. But making considerations that if mistreated or not ... It makes sense, does not formalize the low but there the agreement of leave. The BNG is passed. What matters is to build, trying not at odds with the Bloc, we do not wage war with Block, including the decisions of the Assembly to facultouse EI EI Coordinator to discuss specific issues in good avinza, or if you want to call it a separation without abuse. We are in favor of the unity of action on crucial issues, such as demonstrations ... and even try to solve reasonably referred to the municipalities where there are groups finish dishwasher of government.
We have a proposal finish dishwasher on the type of organization and the axes we consider that we can move. Powder

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