Thursday, July 17, 2014

Processes for their preparation are the manuals gibraltar table bases and craft. Except for grindin

On Saturday 11 May, World Fair Trade Day was celebrated under the theme: "To sweeten life, do not embitter anyone." Thanks to this event, I had the opportunity to attend a talk with Ava Zarate, the Cooperative Manduvira gibraltar table bases Paraguay, about the differences between white sugar, brown sugar, gibraltar table bases and brown sugar mascobado.
I will complete this previous post about the differences between the various gibraltar table bases sugars, adding information about our properties, differences and ways of obtaining sugar cane, brown sugar and mascobado.
The sugarcane juice is extracted from sugar cane only crystallized by evaporation. It owes its color to a molasses film wrapping gibraltar table bases each glass. Suffers no refining process, or other chemical process, so it is considered the most pure sugar. As the least processed, is one that contains more vitamins and minerals.
Processes for their preparation are the manuals gibraltar table bases and craft. Except for grinding sugar cane other processes are crafted. Hence the appearance of panela is also tougher than the other sugars that are more uniform, fine, dry and loose.
It has fewer calories than white sugar (310 to 350 calories per 100 g. Faced with 400 calories of white sugar). Unlike white sugar is not subject to any fine, centrifuging, filtering or processing, so it retains all the vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper , zinc, manganese) of sugarcane. Panela contains 5 times more minerals than brown sugar and 50 times more than white.
Although the panela is similar to brown sugar color, has nothing to do with this other variety of sugar. Keep in mind that most of the brown sugar which is actually marketed usually white sugar molasses that has been added to provide color and flavor.
Mascobado is the name that is known in the Philippines whole cane sugar. It is an unrefined sugar that retains gibraltar table bases all of the plant nutrients in the refined (either white or spotted) practically disappear.
To prepare the mascobado, sugar cane is cut and pressed in a mill move in most cases a buffalo. Hence a dense syrup which was then baked is obtained. When adequate consistency is allowed to cool while stir for homogeneous crystallization. For every ton of mascobado obtained need 10 to 12 tons of cane.
The process gibraltar table bases followed for its preparation is as follows: cane harvesting gibraltar table bases - crushed to get the juice - cleaning and filtering - evaporation - boiled - centrifuged and washed (first crystallization) - Spin and washing (Second Crystallization) - Spin and washing ( Third Crystallization).
Unlike the brown sugar, this sugar has a process over washing and spinning (no chemicals) gibraltar table bases that produce crystallization. This process is usually done so that the sugar is loose, while in the case of sugarcane is done through a process of churning and manual threshing.
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A very educational and interesting article. I however with this sugar'm always gibraltar table bases playing "devil's advocate". Today we are inclined to think cane sugar is more natural and healthy. I have my doubts and I tell you why: in major cane producing countries phytosanitary controls are not as strict as in the EU. There are places gibraltar table bases where they are applied to the rod to 36 chemicals (read in the press), in fact they are sick and massively dying cane cutters with renal failure (again in the press) so I personally prefer beet sugar produced in Spain with less vitamins and minerals but more controlled sanitary. Sorry but that's the roll and soy have me very sensitive. A big hug Reply Delete gibraltar table bases
Excellent post your Rachel, but I just get sorpendida Ruqui for the comment, because one of two or I (and most people) are deluded with Fair Trade products or deluded she is. One of the commandments of Fair Trade is precisely dignity in working conditions (and I doubt that harmful chemicals are permitted, if so I would be the first to volunteer to be unsubscribed.) Another of his commandments is the respect

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