Thursday, July 24, 2014

. 11 - LABOR WORKING CONDITIONS: complaints to the technical direction of 105 will arise colleagues

Then on the day of election of delegates on Monday, October 8th instant, the inauguration of charges is done. The Directorate's Core Base 105 is composed of five delegates and five alternates:
Monthly meeting: a monthly meeting of delegates in sink dish drainer was held.
Ongoing discussion: "STANDING TABLE" formed by a core management retainer week, who will be available for urgent issues union is created, and only emergency, which are distributed as follows:
The nature of the meetings of the 10 elected delegates will be open and working, it can participate in all medical officers of 105. If there is no agreement among all present, will be called assembly. The assembly is sovereign over decisions.
As for the measures to take to specific events affecting colleagues, resolving assembly remains: AMBULANCE: just go to key 1 and 2, leaving the phone in 1 hour if key 3 or 4 returns

In this respect this basic direction of the core aims of the SMU 105 wage claim to awards of CTI (grades I, II, and II-radio, ambulance and coordination respectively), which should come necessarily included in the budgeting equation.
Group wage claim: they begin to develop a database in order to perform group wage claims. In order to perform group wage claims, we requested to be sent your next bill for the month of November 2012 collection, scan to mail the secretariat in sink dish drainer (, or failing to provide a photocopy of the same delegates .
b) - accumulation of charges: for colleagues who are already budgeted in another state agency, they will create a new budgeting for the 105, regardless of the year of entry into service 105 (Law 18193). in sink dish drainer
It will work to achieve Colleagues in sink dish drainer Awareness and compliance measures. We understand that the strength of a union lies, inter alia, measures to sustain and maintain the union of its members.

It will work to crystallize the formation of a Core Base Hospital Emergency Pre, with a view to forming a PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY COMPANY nuclee that all activity, awards, etc. and all the country pre hospital emergencies.
8 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS: will seek to improve the relationship between the mobile units, the central table, coordinators and technical direction. It will work on the issue and raise it to the DT.
9 - DIALOGUE WITH TECHNICAL DIRECTION OF 105: a halt nearly a year of dialogue, the last meeting in sink dish drainer resolved REINSTALLING thereof for among others, to improve the relationship.
. 11 - LABOR WORKING CONDITIONS: complaints to the technical direction of 105 will arise colleagues have kindly in sink dish drainer send is requested upon complaints in writing to the Core ( mail
! You vote Nov. 8

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