Tuesday, July 15, 2014

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Paradox. The day of the elev decades the excitement of this Twilight Tour. Snowy fresh air in Prato, the first Alpine stage. It was the place chosen by the CSC of Sastre metal table leg and Schleck family for their ambush. They tightened metal table leg mild port. If all the thread break them unaa Evans will be the leaders of the Tour. They did. The CSC cosi with the thread broken a new yellow jersey: the Frank Schlek. Now, between the leader luxemburgusy Sastre, 49 seconds and only four other runners: Kohl, Evans, Menchov and Vandevelde. All fit in less than one minute. Curious: metal table leg the Tour trompicado for domin of doping is revitalized in step with more cyclists on the floor. Tour slippery.
Drop cabbage Agnello. Crystallized metal table leg by rain. Suddenly feeling a slight Pereiro empujn the sign on a curve to the right. A scream without a voice. The bike is embedded in the handrails and l fly. It is clear from his shadow. Each plumb. Ms five meters. The two stories. Lands in the bottom echelon, at the exit of the curve, the loop. On asphalt. The dems cyclists metal table leg row, I found all lying. Paran. It moves, it moves, metal table leg said Sastre. Pereiro, desnortado, touches his face. Without a helmet. What I have? What on my face?, Chilla. It feels disfigured. No. His companions put the brakes on. You have nothing, reassures David Lopez. What happened? Insists Pereiro. Do not know. Le left arm, crushed hurts. Valverde, petrified, mouth with her hand cover. I began to shiver to see him. Frightened by the each. Dizziness.
Pruned killing sighs Unze, director of Caisse d'Epargne, metal table leg looking up to the point where the curve has precipitated his rider. metal table leg The alarm ambulance transferred him to the hospital in Cuneo. Talk with your wife. Tranquility in the telephone exchange trip. And quiet to hear the doctor part: slo hmero fracture. Slo. Nothing that does not cure the cast. Pereiro Tour runs out, but whole. sa was the first every.
The second result also spectacular. In a roundabout. Cyclists zipper closed. Distributed between the right of the roundabout and left. And, as in a dance two simultneos gaffes. Echo On both sides. Cunego, expected for their hobby in the Italian stage of the Tour, is varnished clay. As another dozen ridges. By then, the CSC and danced metal table leg on a straight road going to Prato Nevoso. Voigt and Cancellara, the couple tumb Valverde in the Tourmalet, squeezing the lungs rest. By Sastre and Schleck. Another CSC, Andy, the younger of the Schleck, redoubled the requirement. Once in the port. Suba fast as the fuse that goes to the dynamite. A provoke the explosion of Evans, the leader alone. With no one around. 'Robinson'. The Tour 10 riders stayed with us in: Evans, Schleck, Sastre, Kohl, Valverde, Menchov, Vande Velde, Kreuziger and Samuel Sanchez.
Shift to third each. Complet fan. The Pereiro was falling; mass, on the flat, and Menchov in full ascent. Just when five kilometers from the summit had just taken off from everyone. When he looked at them Travs a curve ahead. He got up from the floor without fuss. It is Russian. Engarz chain your bike and reenganch the group. All Segua Evans. Was suffering rate. Sticky like a magnet. Slope only Frank Schleck, second overall at just a second. Evans went up obsessed with retaining the jersey. And I took advantage Sastre.
His team, CSC Snowy Prato had become a minefield. Exploited rivals. metal table leg Avila, melancholic gesture suffering. Climber pata negra. The breath of the other music They seemed to him. The oaa blaring. metal table leg By Sali at Kohl amazing and l came to the goal. Menchov metal table leg WILL TURN at the end-cedi metal table leg Sastre kilometer 20 seconds. A few meters further metal table leg back, Frank Schleck metal table leg by eight seconds STDEVA Evans of his yellow metal table leg jersey. Emotion. The Tour yesterday opened a window in the wall of doping. Air among many decades. And a foul. The Gerrans, who won the stage.
Theirs is an old accident. From time tena 17 years and was motorcycle racer. As is par knee. Phil Anderson, his neighbor and the first Australian metal table leg to visti yellow metal table leg in the Tour, perst him a bike for rehabilitation. Le gust. Gerrans did not come to Europe to lose. And yesterday had to cause each other: to deceive navarro Egoi Martinez, his companion to escape. I'm wrong. I will not contest the stage, I Repeta. Egoi cay in the thymus. The worst each.
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It could have been the day
IN ANY CASE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: reproduction is prohibited distribution, put

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