Tuesday, August 19, 2014

4th - Niagara Ahui - Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia Nuku Hiva is the largest island of the Marquesas a

We can only imagine what he felt the first man to hit a waterfall. Total fascination. And even now, after people have become accustomed to them, more are fascinated by them. Whether this is because the visual effect bread bin enamel they have, their rarity or our inability to perceive harm vertical waterfalls have always been of extraordinary beauty. This is a top of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.
Rank 10 - Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe / Zambia width was about a mile from the Victoria Falls forms the largest width in the world and the largest attraction of Africa. bread bin enamel Towering at height rainforest that houses the entire range of African wildlife, Victoria Falls is an unforgettable view.
9th - Nachi Waterfall - Japan Over Mount Nachi in Japan, are strung no less than 48 waterfalls, but the one called Nachi Waterfall clearly stands of all, being at a height of over 120 meters bread bin enamel - making it the largest in the country - and representing bread bin enamel almost a cut slope in the woods. Rows of stone stairs placed on both sides of the falls are visible from a distance. As with many elements of nature, waterfalls have always been considered sacred in Japan, but this was considered a divine entity.
Place 8 - Niagara Giessbach Switzerland Giessbach Falls is located in the middle of a specific bread bin enamel landscape dominates the Swiss and the attitude. The name is perhaps known, because there in the summer of 1999, several bread bin enamel tourists have died being caught by the torrent of water. This tragedy has affected tourism in the region, people continued bread bin enamel to come here to enjoy rafting and paragliding, bread bin enamel or just air this part of Switzerland.
7th - Upside Down Waterfall (upside down) - Oahu, Hawaii The name says almost everything about it. Springing from culmileMuntelui Konahuanui water price falls cascade a few feet and then wind and strong currents to push up. Just the sight worth a visit there, but on arrival you'll see why Oahu is the most visited of the islands of Hawaii. bread bin enamel History enthusiasts can go for a visit to Pearl Harbor.
6th place - Gullfoss - Iceland bread bin enamel Gullfoss bread bin enamel waterfall is the largest in Europe and pass as the most beautiful in Iceland. In contrast to many North American waterfall, Gullfoss and today is 100% natural with no man to have influenced the course of nature. Tourists bread bin enamel can go just above the falls and they can even move your hand through the water, if you will. This waterfall has a mythical aura and bieninteles that in the area there are several legends about it. One such legend says that the wall of water, in a cave, there is a hidden bread bin enamel treasure, which every year brings here some treasure bread bin enamel hunters.
Place 5 - Angel Falls (Angel Falls) - Venezuela At a height of over 822 feet, Angel Falls is the highest in the world and is located in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela wild. It is an experience in itself a trip to the waterfall: no roads, and travelers must choose between a walk a few days, a road, or an experienced pilot boat to lead a DC3 in the mountains. On arrival you can learn in a state that requires you to venture and decide we need to take advantage of the recent legalization of skydiving community over the waterfall.
4th - Niagara Ahui - Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia Nuku Hiva is the largest island of the Marquesas archipelago, a region that has caught the eye of Charles Darwin. Well, when people at CBS were ready for another series of the reality show "Survivors" it began to seem natural oasis of increasingly artificial, so you must hurry to see it before these changes will be irreparable. And the best excuse to make such a visit is Niagara Ahui. At a height of 300 meters, is one of the highest in the world and the rainforest that surrounds it makes it the most important landmark of the island.
3rd Place - Raul pressed bread bin enamel - Russia not far from the river are the remains of one of the prisons hold Stalin and while people then did not have time for the beauties of nature, today's traveler finds it beautiful alpine region Kodar. Niagara Gorge is in Marble (Marble Ravine) and falls from a height of about 10 meters into a canyon dotted with ancient glaciers. Make sure the ground is very hard, not for nothing was chosen to build a prison here.
2nd place - Niagara Falls - Canada / USA border between Canada and USA, Niagara Falls is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, but impressive and certainly the most powerful. Every minute, over 130 million bread bin enamel liters of water leaving the

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