Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In this sense, Cristiana without The opposite

Well that ends this campaign, totally different from what I experienced so far in our fragile democracy. After opening in the cascade of cultural centers, if you held a campaign this week, it fell totally ridiculous. I think the only notable event was withdrawing from the race for leadership candidate CJ PRM. They could follow suit, and others, but have lost the opportunity.
To run a marathon without embarrass you need a serious workout. CJ heads and mayoral Bistriţei likened them crossing the finish line after a marathon race type. Many get started, few cross the finish line. Most drop fainted on the first turn.
The people want bread and circuses. Not so the Romans called? black bread bins Bread was hardly (June 1 packets to children discreetly out of the nursery, the same political foundation filantropico not count), and circus arena gave us only those who have allowed, which is a expensive black bread bins and require serious budget campaign. Do you think Anna Lesko and Mandinga showed their legs and buttocks alms in Bistrita? And you think Smiley brings us nothing on Mars?
Instead, we had plenty of "circus shit." In this category I would say that was part and scrap I pulled her mailbox daily. What I learned again the propaganda sheets? The speed test I could say anything.
The principle of "the best defense black bread bins is attack" PDL threw the first punch. But, as I said a few lines above, athletes cam ring has missed training because they had no idea they would compete. In the past four years, one has seen "landfill business," another common. None focused on the opponent. So I have been given many punches, but mostly they got attached. That does not mean that supporters were not agitated public. Clear evidence of panic in the camp is that I received in the mail the same number of propaganda sheet three times a week. At one time I really came to say their style front page, "Stop, I am." When you understand, understand first. There's no point to cut trees to tell me the same thing 15 times!
Towards the end of the race ran without looking black bread bins left and right, black bread bins as if he woke up and USL of numbness. We see some movement in the ring, showing that teachers from both parties also had their say. Before you sentence, do a review and synthesis.
Evidence that PDL and USL are the two parties that matter is that they fought black bread bins on all levels and continues to do so. Others believed that success in elections is provided by the number of banners hung from poles or the multitude of beliefs transmitted in dozens of press conferences where they put nothing in many forms. The latter does not know or have forgotten that we live in an autonomous region, the local leader of any activity depends on the money they receive from the county and national black bread bins level. About Basescu, now famous, "Give me a board and lead Hall."
Folks at the end of a campaign that some may not have understood nothing, who are the best or that are wicked, meditate on what you say now: a mayor with council to support projects without heads to county that does not tangle and no government that is on the side of nothing. For four years you will hear from him explanations about what failed to do. Do not waste your votes elsewhere! Who wants to make minor policy so remain. Who agrees to sing in a large orchestra after score his first discreet in the crowd, and as a soloist, that you see the world and receive applause lines halls. Others will be great in small places and applaud themselves to pass their depression.
November 12, 2011
Therefore, the conclusion black bread bins would be that we politicians are divided, just follow personal interests primarily black bread bins from interest group (party), only the last place in community voice is hardly stand to hear, but want to turn by personal standards, like, once in its forehead and owners reached its opportunity to cut and hang liking. Or in other words: be voted one political color from top to bottom, ie from local council members, continuing with the mayor, black bread bins county councilors, chairman of the county council, and in May in autumn-winter, ending with deputies, senators - all of whom should be policy to be a single color (red in each deducted), just as there will be cohesion will not be chicanes, everyone will get their money as they will not ask the concerned than high mastery black bread bins ... what projects, what value Personal ... I know the top let us needful to us. Heavy time we arrived!
In this sense, Cristiana without The opposite

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