Friday, August 22, 2014

RSS - Recent Comments 2012 to the end of my world oldest written story close to heaven as you leave

Today I walked through the rain, I left her freshness to go through me and I had a wonderful day. If once I was hiding under the umbrella rain leaving upside down, this time I looked up at the sky and for a moment I let the drops fall on my face. Befriending me as the rain, I wondered what we learned from these wonderful phenomenon of life-giving nature.
If you listen to the song carefully, you notice that it's never the same. Sometimes wind and thunder, sometimes is short and soft, sometimes it's quiet. Listening cadence drops, I noticed that her message is different depending on how it falls. I understand that rain is not rain than falls. It starts from the clouds and drops her soon break ground becoming one with it. I do not know how he lives a drop of rain, but no different than human life. Then I realized that as there is only rain falling, my life than when I live there really. Rain unites heaven sink mats and earth, as well as man. Live to unite heaven and earth through the essence of my being not to make the shadow of the earth. Rain does not discriminate sink mats between flowers and weeds, she wet all life equally, like someone who fulfills its mission discipline. Rain does not differentiate between those who need it and those who do not need it, but they spread droplets sink mats everywhere. In fact, rain is nothing but another form it takes water. The water flows out on the ground, flows through the ground, but in contrast to this it can be lifted in the form of vapor, can float and can be in the form of passing sink mats air enters. Here I noticed the resemblance amazing what people call spirit. It changes its form of existence, but its essence remains the same as water. Like water, the spirit can dwell a while in the bodies of living beings and not by chance, the human body is 70% water. Like water, the spirit can float or freeze for a while, but it will always remain free. The rain falls on the earth, penetrate the earth, becoming sink mats one with the earth, like making love to the earth and yet out of the earth in the form of spring. I can only bow to the miracle sink mats created by God to open my eyes like a child who sees first drop of rain can rest on his nose. I'm only falling waterfall are only burning fire are only flight and wind are land only when I combined with water, sink mats the fire support when the wind caress me. I am alive only when living with his whole being.
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RSS - Recent Comments 2012 to the end of my world oldest written story close to heaven as you leave behind? Fun Items you distract December 2012 October 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 Blogroll Andrei Rosca Astrocafe awakening journey Heart House Oil Paint Marius Stan Moses Roxana Raluca Radu Neag Dragus Stefan Teisanu SuntSanatos sink mats Zen Habits
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