Thursday, August 28, 2014

Scary down there and caught the horse by CAPA

When he reached the foot of the mountains ... the sun was already up and shining brightly. Fascinated by the grandeur of the mountain penetrated between some narrow gorges among grasses and alders beside table top racing the stream of water that rolls whirling and noisy, but crystal clear and ice cold. Just stopped to admire thirst and stone ridges. He took the horse by the bridle and slipped beside river. For centuries this area had not been walked and it was natural that the wilds of nature to reinstall. Finally discover a path that stepped out from everything that happens around him. When far from the torrent of water birds trill discern that neither sinchisiră his presence. In his ear that persists only continuous and harmonious roar produced by small waterfalls. Hair and cheeks feel the cool breeze of the wind that's comforting and forces to carry out the mission to which they engage.
He walked table top racing along the water, but after a few tens of meters that were stuck in rush falls increasingly higher and more angry. It crept gingerly beside table top racing steep mountain walls to the river slipping increasingly stormy. Suddenly docks are opened table top racing into a clearing where a huge noise broke through. He stood stupefied by the spectacle held in front. A huge gush of water poured from above the mountain and hovered table top racing noisily empty, table top racing then hitting the rocks are bringing down foamy in a small lake. Before this picture of fairy magic to feel his cheeks water flow created by the rolling load and spray cooling mince his face. He wondered whether dreaming or passed to another dimension of existence. From this pleasant reverie spectator, I returned to reality defending horses jerked his head flies four Valdescu feel bridle in hand.
- So, you disturb my nights beautiful waterfall !? He deserved to know you! Once you climb steep to find the place where your water springs. So far not yet ready, but I assure you I will keep that promise! I'm glad I discovered the beautiful kingdom of my dreams!
Finally in May took a last look this wonderful and marvelous views of taking the horse by the bridle down slowly and thoughtfully among the rocks, trees and small waterfalls table top racing until he came out of hiding deep docks the many wonders of their foreign human eyes.
It was midday and something like that in his dream he whispered longer table top racing showed some rocks, then a steep and a black spot. It abătu instinctively in his way besides massive walk in a narrow valley, without water, a kind of slope with conglomerate, then plunges into a dense forest. Did you look in these places? He walked disoriented not knowing what he wants.
After a while the forest is rare and only here colea arose after one rock group of shrubs. There was a silence that even the wind was not felt. I could see no living thing and did not hear any trill of birds. Around him floated an oppressive atmosphere. After a steep rocky massif had appeared in front of barren, cold and menacing. Some creepy shudder him instantly wondering what these places look like rock devoid of any sign of life. His eyes slowly descend from the dizzying peaks which gathered around him a huge bucket. Somewhere, in front, table top racing under the slope, observed a rock with a little black spot about two feet in diameter.
- Oh my! exclaimed surprised. That's the area that I appear blurred dream and nightmare Beginning black shadow that rises above the heights with giant eagles with feathers ... Brrr ... I shudder! What will be there? To unravel the mystery while we're up here!
And Valdescu who had never showed fear, he sat next to steep brown and carefully climbed up under the rock in question. When he got up and looked, discover that actually the big black spot was nothing but a cave in the mountains.
- Gee! exclaimed astounded. As work for a cave! ... But if there dwells Martin Carpathian some godforsaken santa? My pielicica Woe! Running back until He awakens!
But before you implement the plan of refuge, table top racing yet instinctively cast overview and was surprised when he noticed that the walls were excavated rocky few letters. Read carefully: "The area of evil spirits." table top racing
- Eheee! ... That means that there was some way! ... Or to be hundreds of years? ... Impossible! Only then did not have the same writing now! ... Or know? ... View cumetre four if you learn the book, do not know everything and you can not explain! to scold young. But after all what's the guilt that I was born poor and democracy does not give me the chance to be with the smart !?
Scary down there and caught the horse by CAPA

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