Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The economic damage caused by corrosion numerous and important, where the cause of this failure is

Engineer magazine causes corrosion and harms
Known corrosion that dissolution of metal because of its interaction dec tec with the medium in which exposed him or the failure of the metal for any reason is why the mechanical purely, or sometimes known as a reverse operation to extract dec tec the metal from raw materials and corrosion failure affects the surface dec tec of the metal is produced dec tec due to chemical agents or due to chemical agents assisted by mechanical factors available in center, which employs metal.
The examples are numerous, including corrosion steel bodywork and cans of food, plates dec tec and sections of steel pipe and eat buried in the soil, and there are other examples of the erosion dec tec of metal parts exposed to many industrial circles, such as acids and bases and salt water, and so on.
Cause corrosion to weight loss due to the dissolution of the metal and thus to change its dimensions, so often given some allowances to eat (Corrosion Allowance) when its existence and when the design and these allowances largest thicker in the circles dec tec in which the rates of high wear them in circles where the corrosion rates low . To change the dimensions dec tec of the piece of metal corrosion due to the effect of the mechanical properties, with less ability to withstand external loads, any increase Kablathaa of plastic deformation (Plastic Deformation) and distortion flex (Elastic Deformation).
The use of metal in the community to help corrosion leads to lower values of many of the mechanical properties, especially resistance to metal fatigue (Fatigue dec tec Strength) and the emergence of cracks (Cracks), which lead to fracture the fragile obtain rapid (Fast Fracture).
Influenced by the appearance of the metal significantly when the injury appears to fade as the metal always look bad. So you must use corrosion-resistant metals such as aluminum air or stainless dec tec steel without carbon steel, such as materials Us virtual clips windows and materials, especially in the facades of buildings and external appearance Hassan attributed to these materials to resist corrosive atmosphere. The metal with weak resistance to corrosion, they coated the different types of coatings to improve their appearance through the reduction of erosion.
The economic damage caused by corrosion numerous and important, where the cause of this failure is often stopped factories stopped work for non-programmer, and agrees that additional economic cost of the unexpected. Also, for corrosion leads to the high cost of periodic maintenance where required, in many cases, switch the metal part of the damaged part last New .oppema particular sometimes dec tec be possible to save some money when choosing a metallic material with a higher dec tec corrosion resistance for the manufacture of this damaged portion. And there are plenty of examples that indicate that the choice of material dec tec high costs relatively, but with good resistance to eat economically better than the use of certain material cheaper and Nha subject to rapid deterioration due to corrosion, which should then be changed periodically in both cases noted that corrosion causes damage because of the increased dec tec economic costs. The preventive measures to reduce dec tec the corrosion within the cost of operation and maintenance.
The corrosion sometimes leads to unexpected failure occurs in the metal parts in the factory and here lies mainly seriousness of the problem of corrosion, as Ahudt sudden failure may lead to a significant damage greater than those caused by corrosion expected occurrence. In this regard must stand precisely on the rates of corrosion in metal parts during the course of the manufacturing process through continuous measurements and periodic dec tec corrosion rates and examination of continuous cutting metal to take preventive dec tec measures before the arrival of the degree of corrosion to the extent that it causes the stop factory work or influence the course of the manufacturing process.
The outputs dec tec of corrosion leading to change the chemical nature of the medium, any contamination often be undesirable as the commercial requirements are getting a pure product with specifications and free of pollution .walomthelh so many, including contamination of food products, canned due to get minor degree in corrosion In the box that keeps those food item. In light of this, the age of the coin or the device is not the primary factor in determining the period of failure, dec tec for example, it is possible in some cases to use for the purpose of the steel the normal and long period of time without the arrival of corrosion to a large degree However, we find that the use of higher cost, such as stainless Sdoho The most common, because the ordinary steel product contaminates Badasthaddamh for a relatively short period due to corrosion during this period, even if slightly, and then not be valid for use.
Lead corrosion sometimes or often to get disaster if action dec tec is not taken Allowaqaúah ensure stop it or reduce it for example, dealing with hazardous substances such as gases and toxic hydrofluoric acid and concentrated acids such as sulfuric acid and nitric and materials recoverable Allastaal, radioactive materials and chemicals at high temperatures and at a pressure of High requires the use of certain metallic materials are not eroded dec tec significantly in such circumstances. For example, may lead get eat piezoelectric (Stress Corrosion) in the metal wall that separates the fuel oxidizers in the missile to confuse early between these two mediums and thus to the loss of economic and human resources, and often leads for corrosion in the metal part to a small ended their Osagot the origin of the whole, has been cause corrosion product sometimes turning to materials harmful to non-explosive materials.
In this area there are many considerations, health dec tec and safety, such as contamination of drinking water because of erosion of pipes or water tanks, as well as plays corrosion dec tec an important role and a major role in choosing the type of metal materials for making metal parts used inside the human body, such as hip joints (Hip Joints) and platelets medical dec tec and Valves Heart and other
With Ola

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