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This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 at 5:20 pm and is filed under Children and paren

Questions lock (VII). Now you see | Surprise
(Suddenly, the car): "Daddy, I imagine my life as a movie. I mean, as a man says something, then sees the other, australia chinese daily what's the answer, and so, never ends ... How do you imagine your life? ... "(Directly in plex).
This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 at 5:20 pm and is filed under Children and parents. You can follow any responses to this entry through australia chinese daily the RSS 2.0 feed. 17 responses to "Questions lock (VII). Now you see '
Multiple story a twist every day. somewhat australia chinese daily open. Sometimes it is with film fragments. or as a dream. but approaching the picture :) cabbage (or onion: several sheets until they reach the center, but it makes you cry sometimes pischatoare sweet.) see and feel and live but little in 5 sizes. viatza as a drop. Chinese sometimes: australia chinese daily D waterfall and spiral though. viatza it now but then. viatza the battle, a gift and a ushurare. viatza in one (I), and in two (you and me) and 3 (us and him) to infinity. australia chinese daily viatza like a tree, samantza, roots, fragility, growth, dryness, fruit.
I thought this question yet. How do you imagine your life? Like a road that I have a duty to go through, and how I will travel up to me, and all up to me at the end of the road if you get happiness or sadness. Now, of course, think it over 30 years, but until recently my life was like an onion mean others makes others cry makes me cry. Life is a journey, or "just a moment wi th between two eternity." [I want to remember who said it, but I am getting old!]
It might sound cliché, I see my life as a book (file in the book of life, carevasazica ... :)), a book that apparently does not happen much, but it actually happens ALL. A sort of "Magic Mountain" Hans Castorp and I a female ...
# 4473
Mine like a book ... that has blank pages that are filled as time passes ... so just sometimes agin that must be skipped or broken ... even glued together ... anything just to see what he is not there ... there are some I want to keep things secret ... so ... a book ... a lock can be opened only when I am present and I can control what is read ...
it's hard ...
Life ... as a chain of afternoons to suet different people, sipping tea and maybe spicy fragrance. Or maybe like some paintings, sometimes black, sometimes australia chinese daily color the landscape changes daily and so did the characters. Or maybe a book to which I add every day a new tab, the page that echoes the flavors of teas above and in the above mentioned characters trickle
I (or you) and they are placed on another in this scene where each wake up with a tool in hand, trying to decipher the score of face eyes, everyone australia chinese daily is the protagonist, in small or big his is no instrument more.
Some abandon play to end inning, australia chinese daily while others are drawn out longer wants to stay on the scene, some of them falling asleep on chairs instrument in hand, some are not so importantzi even pull one falset australia chinese daily others shake too much and then faint, fall down and are inlocuitzi, some tired and abandons australia chinese daily the scene causing a gap and shock each other among other numa-numa is strofoaca the pan and after she gets out something, some seem favored by acclaimed conductor and audience others trying to pace mentzina generally to keep them in check and others australia chinese daily are categorized either disliked or viewings etc, you can "fantastic" as much as you want from here.
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