Wednesday, March 25, 2015

20:49 h. The City Council will catalog the work of Prego Oliver in his centenary 20:45. The PPdeG o

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20:49 h. The City Council will catalog the work of Prego Oliver in his centenary 20:45. The PPdeG opened disciplinary proceedings against Emilio Pascual 20:35 h. Cal, the most successful Spanish Olympian in history 20:31 h. The judge orders continue the case against Louzán, his wife and Deputy Reguera 20:24 h. Chicote gives the keys to "wake up from the nightmare" at 20:06 h failed restaurants. Bodies evacuation begins 20:03 h. Samsung presented in A Coruña new S6 19:54 h. The Camp Nou, home to the final of the Copa del Rey 19:43 h. Louzán expressed his "full cooperation" with justice 19:25 h. The restoration of the Shrine of Muxia angers neighbors
The buildable 'Xardín from Burgas' is reduced by the PERI area from 19,000 to 4,000 square meters. The document incorporates the plot in the same area as the former prison and the Baths do Outeiro and space to the river.
Two and a half years after that in February 2007 the regional government declared Burgas and its surroundings as a Cultural Interest, the City Council has just received joseph joseph arena dish drainer the Special Plan of Integrated Rehabilitation (PERI) of this area. The document drafted by the company Vázquez Arquitectos Calatayud now have to be analyzed by the municipal officers prior approval by the City Council initially and subsequently and permanently, by the Xunta. One of the main proposals in the document is the integration in one area of distribution (would be the AR-49th and would have an area of 12,070 meters square) of the plot of 'Xardín joseph joseph arena dish drainer das Burgas' apple including Bathhouse do outeiro and former prison and existing roads between these parts and Barbaña bank of river. This unification joseph joseph arena dish drainer mean 'unha guarantee that a maior part é da delivery area public titularidade and PODES dirixir you or planeamento devel area and redefine os seus uses' says the deputy mayor, Andrés García Mata. PERI practices which delimits as thermal (the principal) and hotel, commercial and office joseph joseph arena dish drainer (complementary). Maximum area But perhaps the main feature of this area deal is that sets a maximum building area of 14,000 square meters for the entire set, when only buildable joseph joseph arena dish drainer 'Xardín das Burgas' was 19,000 square meters at the 2520 meters in area. The plot now happens to have a stable two buildable 4000 meters, which can vary substantially negotiations between the company and the City Council to unlock joseph joseph arena dish drainer the conflict with the company that owns this farm. 'Nós are Abertos to falar with Xardín joseph joseph arena dish drainer das Burgas to tempt chegar to unha negotiation or as soon as possible,' joseph joseph arena dish drainer says Garcia Mata, who recalls that although the company lowered its urban rights cases from 20 to 12 million euros, the amount is still considered very high by the City Council, who at the time said only assume 4.1 million in compensation to the company for the loss of rights. In addition to this area of distribution, the PERI from Burgas ranges from rúa Cervantes and Vilar up Avenida de Portugal, through the hot springs, the Market Square and Barbaña Park. Proposes to value public spaces and articulate traditional areas and improve accessibility and connectivity. The document makes the protection of the environment from Burgas and will develop the projects included in the Plan Estratéxico Thermal. Possibility of a competition joseph joseph arena dish drainer of ideas Among the observations made by the editor is PERI company of the architectural project must be unique for the whole distribution area AR-49th. joseph joseph arena dish drainer If not, a study of detail to determine the alignments, grades and aesthetic ordinances governing the subprojects will be required. In addition, the editors propose the inclusion in a joint project that encompasses joseph joseph arena dish drainer not only this area of distribution but also the unity of intervention Josefinas school and planned actions on bridges, with the aim of incorporating the thermal whole city. They suggest also that this joint project may be subject to a competition of ideas that establishes the actions that can be done in this area (although the Estratéxico Plan and proposed Thermal and thermal hotel for many of these parts of the city). In order to function as a single equipment, editors propose joseph joseph arena dish drainer to conect

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