Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The highest organ of the democratic nation, the Parliament, is called upon to rule on a reform of t

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The highest organ of the democratic nation, the Parliament, is called upon to rule on a reform of the labor market that will clear up the access, exit, and working conditions of men and women, deeply affecting their life choices. Reform that bears the signature of a Minister, Elsa Fornero, the result of a discussion with ups and downs where they had a prominent role two women, the president of the industrialists, Emma Marcegaglia, and Susanna Camusso, leader of the largest Italian trade union. The National Organizing Committee of If Not Now When he recently presented dish sanitizer a paper to clarify the vision and mission of the group as a new political entity, claiming its autonomy from other political organizations and their transversal to all the Italian political spectrum. I believe that If Not Now When should express themselves on matters of such great importance, and that at the same time I believe that it is not easy to identify what is the point of view of "gender" of this labor reform. E 'was finally clarified in the document, "transversal" means a willingness to be a plural subject not only compatible with different political, (women of parties, trade unions, dish sanitizer feminists and women that do not refer to any other organization) but also strong of these memberships plural. And this plurality and transversality is based on a condition that the center has some content, dish sanitizer the document that we strive to summarize. Transversality means that If Not Now When women must be able to adhere to Confindustria, the Syndicate, and all political forces, as they did in the square February 13, where there was the political spectrum that goes from the Future and Freedom Left and freedom, through the Catholic Center dish sanitizer and the secular, and there must be room for women who have taken a critical stance towards all the current parliamentary and political forces that are fighting for a profound renewal of the political class of this nation. A renewal of which all three women mentioned (Fornero, Camusso, dish sanitizer Marcegaglia), who also represent three different cultural settings and policies, however, are an expression. Transversal also means that If Not Now When is different from autonomous associations of women in recent years have firmly and dignity kept alive the cultural heritage and politics of feminism. Precisely because it contains women's politics and institutions, and women who have generously put at the service of this cause their media visibility and professional, much or little dish sanitizer it was. Women of parties and institutions are stronger, than the male establishment of their organizations they belong to, because they have behind If Not Now, When. Women of feminism, or otherwise those who have chosen to have as the only one belonging dish sanitizer to If Not Now When you have the possibility of a hinge with the political decision-making, from which they were almost excluded from the methods of recruitment female politician practiced by much of the old politics. Criteria often deleterious that included youth and attractiveness when not even the sexual availability. This mutual reinforcement requires the ability to make a continuous balancing act within the group, by some, and external policy "politicienne", not to accuse the women of the policy of connivance with the male establishment, dish sanitizer to be in receipt of system of co-optation that sometimes excluded precisely the most autonomous, and / or hegemonic intent of their groups and parties of If Not Now, When. By some other, dish sanitizer those which are political institutions alongside men, requires you to fully recognize the contribution and the alliance with the contents of only those who are part of women's dish sanitizer and culture femmista widespread that showed its vitality on 13 February. We come to the labor reform. The controversy on Article 18 was born in the context of the economic discussion in the late 80s, when it happened that America Clinton left for a road of prosperity and employment growth without inflation growth, dish sanitizer which is lasted more than a decade. Europe at that time was at stake, with high unemployment rates that persisted over time, and monetary dish sanitizer unification, the manner in which it was implemented, has not had the desired dish sanitizer expansionary effects. dish sanitizer At the time

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