Saturday, March 28, 2015

In a joint statement released late Friday morning, the IGC and UGT trade unions restaurant stainles

Savings in the City Council itself, say IGC and UGT, but also in salaries of senior officials and the mayor Savings yes, but not at the expense only of officials. CIG and UGT say in Concello restaurant stainless steel tables savings plan must also be the salaries of senior officials and the mayor. restaurant stainless steel tables Concelleira ask the HR to analyze the matter which has to and not in the media. And relate the case with a smokescreen to divert attention from issues more depth and 3.6 million euros have been spent in the Botanical Montealegre now closed
In a joint statement released late Friday morning, the IGC and UGT trade unions restaurant stainless steel tables in the Council of Ourense reject announced this week by the responsible staff and concelleira Human Resources, Carmen Rodríguez Dacosta, what the mentioned unions described restaurant stainless steel tables as "unilateral suspension" restaurant stainless steel tables of certain social benefits contained in the Regulatory Agreement workers Council restaurant stainless steel tables of Ourense. The unions accuse the concelleira and municipal government that the discussion of the issue has taken the media and therefore the public.
"First of all we esiximos or cumprimento strict do vixente Acordo Regulator approved polo Concello co persoal commitment do Alcalde do all seu cumprimento, and urge Body to faga or correspondente debate is not legally body established to elo to negotiation table, and non us media communication, "reads the statement issued by CIG and UGT. Unions relate the controversy that aims to reveal restaurant stainless steel tables the contents unleash the Regulatory restaurant stainless steel tables Agreement Concello staff with the need to overlap other matters of greater significance and could commit the government of Francisco Rodriguez. restaurant stainless steel tables In this sense, the note states that it is "smoke curtain unha intended to cover or social debate or wastage that occurs dende a mayor and algunhas restaurant stainless steel tables concellerías with cases like or do Xardín Botanical where 3.6 Millions of buried proxecto euros nun who clausurou years three months da sua inauguration. "
CIG and UGT "openly advocates" a plan of spending cuts, is always that this is serious, they say, and ending with the outsourcing and "or widespread waste that occurs hoxe not Concello". They note that within this Plan must be reduced positions inlcluidos work in RPT, "moitos give them duplicate polo whim da non management restaurant stainless steel tables A competitive restaurant stainless steel tables transfers"; and reduction of the highest salaries Concello, among those who will be the senior officials and the mayor himself, "before starting unha review gives social Axuda". Both unions recognize the need to implement a savings plan and reducing current expenditure, as say they would be willing to cooperate, and conclude by showing his satisfaction that the other two formations, CSIF and USO, reminiscent always opposed judicial recourse against the approval of the Regulatory Agreement, "agora is manifesten for sociais das axudas that I propuxeron class unions and defenderon".
For its part, the union CCOO has also expressed his displeasure Friday because the issue has transcended first media that the negotiation table where they should have been treated. The union does not refuse to reopen negotiations, especially restaurant stainless steel tables in the current restaurant stainless steel tables economic situation, he says, "but semper seguindo or procedure established, non declaracións a crossing through two means of communication."
The union points out that some time dese issues restaurant stainless steel tables related to social assistance should be managed differently and properly checked, ligand, for example, the amount of income support the family unit and / or municipal worker; it is necessary to revise that list of aid; living restaurant stainless steel tables wages that "it fixeran such axudas unnecessary"; and that aid must be widespread and not to respond only to specific contingencies.
ONE YEAR AGO TODAY 24, FRIDAY PP plasma in a motion theses ADEGA and Agricultural Unións to stop forest fires propose to the Deputation of Ourense support the general strike on 29th La ourensana capital can only have 7 urban buses during day strike next 29 PSOE Health challenges to teach lists nonstructural expected in the province of Ourense TSXG agrees with the City Council claiming 10% of urban use for the city

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