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23:48 h. Start the VIII Cycle Jazz 1906 23:17 h. Four news that will speak Friday at 22:20 h Ourense. The ERE will affect 332 employees Blanco 22:15 h. A dozen injured in the collapse of a building in New York after an explosion 21:58 h. Apple chief donate his entire fortune 21:51 h. Alberto metal table Garzón claims to have received a threatening letter signed by a convicted 23F 21:47 h. The Supreme dismisses the RAG against the decree of multilingualism 21:22 h. Rabies in the family at the foot of the mountain metal table where the plane crashed 20:50 h. Baltar metal table guarantees that the PPdeG open file to exgerente party in Ourense 20:26 h. Traffic metal table Control Transportation in the City
A new favorable opinion of the Xunta -now xeral a report from the Secretariat of Planning assuming good processing the specific modification of the Plan 1986 in Burgas, undertaken by the City Council as an alternative to the possibility that should not be included in urban planning provisionally ensures metal table the viability of the model that the current local government intends to implement in Burgas and its surroundings, which has become metal table the 'Gordian knot' of ourensano metal table thermal development.
But in this space, under the strict conditions of a Special Plan and marking the Cultural Interest (BIC) in which it was stated, is a fundamental element metal table of Xardín Solar das Burgas, now, after some reluctance autonomic metal table the development of this area, has become the main problem for the City Council. The plot of the company, owned by Basilio Martínez Serodio, is in a strategic location, attached to the Praza of Supplies and esplanade from Burgas, but with urban rights granted by the former mayor Manuel Cabezas (19,932 meters square) to quadruple the subsequently established the PERI (4000). There is a multimillion request compensation and, therefore, the negotiation that will make the City Council is imperative. For her, the local government and designed the strategy-the payment metal table of a certain amount, the exchange of land or granting rights edificatorios elsewhere in town (it has a big spot in A Lonia, for example) -, but with a novelty: metal table the reduction, even more, its buildability the legal minimum, the one that existed when the sun was in the bathhouse 'Modern', now demolished; ie 2,300 square meters. Municipal sources have stated that the City Council has a gun in his hand, a new Urban Plan, now being drafted, which could include such qualification, while recognizing that the best choice is a negotiated solution to avoid a lengthy lawsuit that could block the plot (which will use thermal but is not specified), not the cast area where the old prison itself, Burgas, baths Outeiro and Praza de Abastos could be developed.
Ourense Common overrides the primaries in a tense meeting in June
Investigating the discovery of ten traps, hunting in the park Xurés
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