Monday, March 30, 2015

The possible release of the situation of the Bank of Spain with the assignment to the City Council

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The possible release of the situation of the Bank of Spain with the assignment to the City Council of the noble part of the building has not left anyone indifferent in the city. The mayor, Francisco Rodriguez, acknowledged yesterday stainless steel chair that "we satisfeitos and hopefully, stainless steel chair will hai non no inconvinte, nas next sexamos weeks capable of Asinar a commitment to, unha time you take to decide to continue co process', as should be reshape the draft reform of the building.
He explained that the initial protocol would result in an agreement that would establish the agreement, which could happen that the City Council is the holder stainless steel chair of space for a while and took only the cost of adapting the space to municipal use. Your partner stainless steel chair in municipal government, Andrés García Mata believes that the current situation "é a hybrid that is loxicamente non pechado but é or start to tempt save situation vestments. Eu quixera that fóra whole or building for municipal use but difficult moi é '. In fact, the deputy mayor sees the agreement stainless steel chair as "a starting point, non as definitive. All or sexa envision that sexa city or building seems ben '. In opposition, however, the assignment of a single plant, even noble, for municipal use not like, because it is considered insufficient. "I think a handout. That of all floors of the building only one is for the City Council is a bad bargain, would have to get all the building since it is very important to the city, 'says the spokesman of the municipal group of PP, Enrique Nóvoa. Different is the perspective stainless steel chair Monxardín Alfonso Vázquez, who once was a champion of citizen claim for recovery of the building for cultural purposes. For him, "starting any agreement that's fine, because it's always a bad deal better than a good lawsuit." However, he stressed that "we should carefully study the use of that space, but should be linked with the projection of the city because it is such a central space that could be a first reference for anyone visiting Ourense '. In this sense, Vazquez Monxardín remember that the city needs "a contemporary art space 'and notes the importance of unlocking the situation of the building of the Bank of Spain, since" there are many paralyzed cultural infrastructure, such as Caixa Galicia, the Arqueoloxico Museum and Historical Archive and Library '. However, to the mayor, the use of municipal space in the building of the Bank of Spain "non é agora or worrying máis, xa will decide no seu moment that prune adicar" because, he said, the important thing now is consolidate achieving this tentative agreement. In any case, the will of the City Council since they began negotiations with the Ministry of Economy to restore the building to the city is that it is intended for a sociocultural use. Negotiations on the possible agreement with the state, Francisco Rodriguez explained yesterday that negotiations progressed considerably towards this possible deal more than a month ago, in an interview in Madrid with the Secretary of State, stainless steel chair Joan Lazarus, in which it was underlined the willingness of both parties stainless steel chair to consider an alternative to the transfer of the entire building. This alternative is the one that is now in analysis and which provides that the City Council can enjoy the main floor of the building, although continuing stainless steel chair to be state property. The mayor, who said the project should be implemented together, also wanted stainless steel chair to emphasize that, as he reported from Economy Ministry had seized the building because 'ninguén ask for it, because either mellor is houberan asked locais Administracions, provinciais , regional ou estatais, or non houberan purchased and we would be a falar doutra stainless steel chair cousa '. To reach this agreement, the City Council shuffled

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