Sunday, May 17, 2015

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E like this ... I'm Fluffy, a new member of this interesting foruma.Vase messages and topics are really interesting so I decided to open one temu.Dakle this: I read in one of the posts (not sure who wrote it, but I will not to cite), that klinke of 16 years only to fall looks and money. Well, I have a different opinion: since the era of the 12th-16th During the first years of love and falling in love, I think that such love most hurt.
When you fall in love for the first time in one and the feeling that the whole world is yours, then you are all knocked down, then who will think about the money? I have a "friend" who chase the guys who "face" in the community and look nice, just to make and they were with them. I think it's pathetic. NASA (at least, my) heart is not for sale for I do not know what amount of money! I could not be with someone just because he is handsome and rich. Her ex-boyfriend I loved because metal dish rack of its properties, and not because of looks. He even was not nice my friends or the environment.
But he had a good heart, although we eventually split up due to some problems. The look is one that we may make to turn to for some boyfriend - girlfriend, but if we have nothing to talk about, then it FREE which is nice. It is important to find a heart that loves you and that you love! This is the real thing! Yes, I think teenagers can love with all my heart! Then we are honest, the first time in love and do not go after all the boy because of the beauty and wealth! Well, to hear and your opinion ...
I read your words, and I can only say that in this direction and further nurture his views on love and people can see that you do not get the only Foreign look but want to zagrebes below the surface which is commendable, beauty is only a first impression, or if no surface gloss she quickly fades, you just read people their gestures metal dish rack and the way to talk, what they do and you will never get burned alive
Teenagers are able to love, perhaps metal dish rack even more, and more honest than adults (who have had all sorts of things in my life). Every living being can love and worship with all my heart. Children are the most skilled at this, because the innocent, good and uncorrupted. I firmly believe in the fact that to a girl of fourteen years or less could fall a very long time, and frankly that shoots loves you for who you are, and not for the money or looks (What's immature). So, I have a personal example or at least I hope so, yes teenagers can be serious to love someone
What's the difference? Love recognizes metal dish rack the reality and love is - rejected. When you're in love, you have a healthy and realistic approach to any problem in the relationship. But that does not mean that love is trying to diminish the importance of the problem that arose, on the contrary, she is viewed from all angles, metal dish rack and the partners remains to provide an adequate solution.
Infatuation rejects social, racial, educational, character differences which will then when you come to the surface. Infatuation says that it is not important, that if you love all this will by itself to resolve. Well, she's metal dish rack not! Can one time to cover up but sooner or later will surface. The couple in love passes over all the differences.
You have to consider that love is not easy, not everyone knows that she loves. Can someone be caring and gentle but if you do not know how to love everything collapses. Most people are afraid of love, they want to have it but are afraid. In fact they are afraid to open one, because then become vulnerable.
Often mixed concepts infatuation and love. A similar but very different. With infatuation love begins, but it does not last! Falling in love is related to the short and long love for a people person. Falling in love is a gift, and love needs to know to maintain ...
Falling in love is a transient state in man and is of limited duration; usually is seen at the beginning of the intimate connection, the pr.prije braka.Dovoljna to start and both partners feel excitement, but not enough for a quality long relating to the thoughts of marriage. This situation still is not love, but the basis on which it can, with our activity, develop love .. Only love, not infatuation, it can be a guarantee of a satisfactory, long intimate relationship such as marriage.
The main characteristic of the state of being in love is a selective perception and subjective interpretation of reality. All love to see and hear only that which suits their inner needs friendly.On are able to turn off everything that does not suit them, they matter. Each "love party" metal dish rack easily recognize what a loved one wants and needs, and offers metal dish rack just that ,, while the rest carefully hides. So both live in the magical reality of their selection.
Falling in love is "behaving" like a filter: because all seen and listened takes on color, appearance and significance of what is desired

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