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- MICHAEL AFANASʹ EVIČ BULGAKOV and words about freedom, heroism, love and death, the words spoken by the doctor and writer, and a rebel prisoner, satirist and poet, two man only seemingly can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes lost in a complicated story, the double novel that is no more than a metaphor for the search for simplicity, the "sancta simplicitas" that's all "just not as much as it should be, but no simpler than that" (AE) -
- "Freshness visitor only crats - first, it already and the last," and all the things that have no name, have no reality and can exist only in fantastic dreams in which they live and have names like beasts Behemoth and Leviathan -
For those who do not want to see is not worth showing pictures, can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes not worth them even talk about the pictures, but also to take a handful of words, colors and pile tufts divided sleep, be silent and of all this just to make a picture, make a reality .... and then there will be loud to yell "no, this picture was made, no, no!", but then you need to buy the secretive kale (or any other flowers) and in gratitude give to people who can sanjaju.Ljudima need - fairy tales, should they so strongly that usually would not have admitted as much to them all fairy tales, legends, myths, fantastic can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes stories and descriptions of everything that has a name, and there is, how much is all this compelling need to have everyday - color. All colors can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes of longing.
The legends can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes and beliefs about Behemoth queuing interesting belief that reached us ... Last Behemoth on which the story is from the book "Maestro and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov. Who is (what) Behemoth [ò]?
Who first had the name of Behemoth? At the beginning it was a double name and pronounced it as Behemoth and Leviathan as ... and then not so any .... "... And there was evening and there was morning can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes - the fifth day ......" Then created Behemoth and Leviathan, two beings, the master of the land and the mistress of the sea, a man and a woman, can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes both creatures of chaos. One belief says that the beast at the end of each self-destructed. Baffling are quoting the legend that mentioned a banquet that are still beasts themselves made, instead of destruction. We know definitively that they enjoy in all the senses, including can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes the food .. In the Bible, can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes they are most mentioned can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes Isaiah and Job. They say they were created one female and one male, but they had to destroy (kill female) in order not to reproduce because their offspring would mean the end of the world. Another legend can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes says that the skin of those first beast created the first clothing for Adam and Eve, after they had had to cover because they ate an apple from the tree of knowledge. The myth of Behemoth and Leviathan are found in countless books, philosopher Thomas Hobbes, author Herman Melville and of course - in the name of a cat Mikhail Bulgakov (although it is claimed that his cat was in fact - black, brindle, but nobody wants to believe, of course) . Behemoth must be black, as you are ....
And the fact that Bulgakov sought and found one such ancient name to name the cat, an animal that can not be tamed, which is a metaphor for all the wild freedom (and sense of enjoyment through exaggeration, of course!), Talking about Bulgakov almost all those who want to hear and listen. This is the name of a metaphor for how far the message he wanted to reach out in search of symbols, for a fantastic and fairytale until humans invented can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes in the beginning of his time.
Experts who write about Bulgakov, almost regularly searching through all the layers of his words for the link and the inspiration that led to the "Maestro and Margarita" or "canine heart" or "White Guard" .... Most often the first book associated with Goethe "Faust" or even Euripides ("The Bacchae")
Whatever has been made films and performances, can never replace reading Bulgakov, just nikako.Ja I do books "Maestro and Margarita" came quite by accident, (circumstances that now seem unlikely, when the recount), namely, someone had forgotten in one train compartment in which I entered. And after that book, as well as a valuable edition is purchased in Kiev - donated.
So we kind of self-made, Bulgakov and I had a secret, silent, only our alliance - he left me a word about the duality of a single human being, to say the unquenched longing that this duality can you use laundry detergent to wash dishes of division, he left me j
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