Wednesday, May 6, 2015

First, chanca Mince garlic and herbs. Then, in a bowl mix half the wine (or juice half Granada, if

In general eat meat only occasionally, for ideological reasons and simple personal preference. So I have a few popular dishes containing meat. The only thing I usually do, apart clear aji de gallina, is this. In this version of this dish I wanted to celebrate that right here in Granada are two of my favorite season fruits: quince and Granada. So, I used juice and quince compote Granada to spice marinated meat, and sauce. In other seasons I used blackberries, and also looks good. Although the truth, without adding this plat tabi ningna fruit is delicious, and is more like my initial inspiration, Rehrücken im Röstimantel , Lea Linster. Use very thin fillets of pork or beef, both are good. I usually buy back, but above all because I know a lot of steaks. Possibly also it works with many other cuts and who knows more flesh know it is better to buy. 2 servings table bases for sale - two thin fillets of beef or pork - 3 large potatoes or several small - salt, pepper, nutmeg (if the entire shopping and stripes at home is more aromatic) - 2 cloves garlic - half cup red wine - 1 tablespoon butter and a little olive oil - a little parsley - 3 tablespoons of jam or quince compote, or blackberries, or caramelized onions table bases for sale - 1 onion, preferably dwelling - 1 teaspoon sugar - 3 tbsp cream (optional) - Average Granada (optional)
First, chanca Mince garlic and herbs. Then, in a bowl mix half the wine (or juice half Granada, if you have), half of the chopped herbs, mashed garlic and a little salt and pepper. It also adds half the quince compote or jam you want to use. Put the meat there and leave it for at least an hour, marinating, absorbing the flavors.
Put the grated potatoes in a dryer or towel and exprimelo to get rid of the liquid. the truth, this is the best way but will leave a stain on your hair, and do not guarantee that it is a beautiful spot, or that is the face of Jesus or some other allegorical form, or lamancha go out when the wash . So if you want to avoid this, you can use a strainer and a spoon, or squeeze in parts by hand (this option tends to leave some mess in the kitchen)
Now, Season the potatoes with a little salt, pepper and nutmeg. In a large skillet, melt half the butter and a little oil. Pour half the potatoes in a thin layer across table bases for sale the pan like a pancake. Frielo simmer. Desu about 5 minutes, you can go up the edges with a spatula, and when you see that the bottom is golden brown amarillito but not yet, turn the rösti. You can do it with a spatula, using a plate, or, if you're good pro, haciedola spin in the air with a pulse of the wrist. I seldom have succeeded. But if you do, it is nice to see that someone table bases for sale is watching, to maximizes the effect. Also fry the other side until golden. Then repeat table bases for sale the process with the remaining potatoes. Meanwhile, turn the oven and let it preheat to 190-200 C. Place the rack in the middle, and one level down, the metal tray. This is to pick up droplets that might fall from the packets when they are browning table bases for sale in the grid. Now you can make the sauce. Fry onions simmered with remaining butter and a pinch of salt, the remaining half of wine or juice Granada, and sugar. Browning leaves half an hour over low heat until the onions are soft and sweet. Add the jam if you want, and also the cream. Cream is one more German, more forceful sauce without cream is rich too. As you prefer. When the two rostis are made and thrown on a flat surface, placed on one side of each meat with garlic etc. Fold the Rösti in two, covering the flesh like a sleeping bag for meat, or a pie. Now, carefully placed the packages on the oven rack, and left there about 15 minutes, until the meat is cooked.
Our self breakfast
Ginger biscuits, chocolate and almonds

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