Although I now live a few years in the northern half of the Republic, there are things which I can not deny my Rhineland origin bad. One of those things is my penchant for liverwurst in all states of aggregation. linksys e1200 vs e1500 Previously, preferably on a half bun. With lots of mustard. And a slice of brown bread on top. Himmmmmmlisch. Chris can not get anything and the many readers will shake their heads - Rhinelander know what I mean.
Ingredients: 275g lean pork (here Minutensteaks) 1kg pork belly with rind 400g veal liver 1 onion 30g (equivalent to about 1.5 tablespoons) salt 1 tablespoon marjoram 1 tablespoon white pepper 1 tsp nutmeg / mace 1 tsp gem. Ginger
After an hour, remove the pan with the meat from the heat and add the liver for about a minute into the hot water and let it run through. Thereafter, liver and meat from the water company (the cooking liquid linksys e1200 vs e1500 does not pour away!) Bone the pork belly and cut everything into pieces. The pieces of meat with some of the onions linksys e1200 vs e1500 turn through the medium fine plate of the mincer. Who does not mincer, meat may alternatively chop in the food processor (food processor attachment).
Then the sausage mixture is filled into very clean, best-boiled linksys e1200 vs e1500 screw-top jars. The jars should be filled to a maximum of three quarters, as this may boil over during linksys e1200 vs e1500 sterilization fat and meat juices.
A word to the glasses: In principle one can use any type jar, but especially suitable those who have a completely smooth inner wall without bulges. They can be completely empty and clean very well.
To extend the life of the glasses must be sterilized and the sausages are cooked. The best works in a preserving. If something does not own, you can use a normal cooking pot for boiling. These are the jars in a large pot, fill with water (until the glasses linksys e1200 vs e1500 are about to float) and the water to a boil. From the Siedezeitpunkt linksys e1200 vs e1500 boil 120 minutes. linksys e1200 vs e1500
Anyone who would like to let off steam with labels templates found on the net - for example here. You can either print labels on self-adhesive sheets, or use plain paper and glue the plates with milk on the glasses.
In many instructions linksys e1200 vs e1500 to pressure cookers to find instructions for canning. In this case please read the instructions for the particular model consult pull, here are some rules to follow!
My pressure cooker experiment failed: linksys e1200 vs e1500 I have to put the glasses on the bottom of the pressure cooker, added the appropriate amount of water (for my 6.5 L model, which according to instructions 3/8 l) and the lid closed. After parboiling, I sterilized the jars according to instructions 25 minutes on the highest heat setting. Unfortunately, the amount of liquid was probably not sufficient. linksys e1200 vs e1500 After the cooking time and the cooling laaaaaaaaangsamen let the pot was Selbiger fallen dry. A glass had burst, the mass in the other was burnt from inside the glass. Too bad. A case for the ton.
Boiling in a pressure cooker, we put the glasses (usually fruit) in the strainer and then pour water on to about 1/3 of the glass height. Has worked so far. It is also sometimes linksys e1200 vs e1500 get a glass burst (but also in other Einkochmethoden). Rolf
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Hi, I'm Moni and I think I have too many hobbies. ;-) In addition to a photo podcast I still have a blog with a focus on photography. Because I did not want to constantly bored with my (frequent) trips to the culinary world my readers linksys e1200 vs e1500 there, I "Crust & Crumb" started as my "eating blog". This is about everything that comes out of the oven or off the stove. I hope you enjoy reading it and cook at / bake and look forward to your feedback. Follow me on Twitter
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Recent Comments Mark Volkmann at Dark logical bread A strange experiment | crust and crumb at Delicious tuna meatballs, low carb Rolf at Leb
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