Thursday, December 26, 2013

argghhh father dta hti gilos expensive .. ooo okay laa guess ikea brand that last for 7 years .. i

and this is a used laundry soap dish.
but then, Baba advised not to buy that kind of ni. He's dta hti not afraid of durable dta hti materials, he'll loose. Kalu nak jugak, betul2 purchasing expensive. And Baba said, kalu nak wash vegetables Until now, the search jelah buleh dizziness
kat house i use tap water that u nak tu .. make present again ok laa .. hehh heh .. ok .. the boy asked soalan xde relation to sink .. where u buy mattress yer? survey2 u liked it .. no i dah dah nak survey Larat .. Kurakura-Reply-Delete
Kurakura, U fared well interchangeable tu tap water. I already taken the precaution. hehe I bought mattress ikea kat. wehh serious savory. Also buy for kids. Buy skali ngn tau.Dia existing mattress protector for baby jugak. Because I choose brand Von boy dizzy * la, la Dunl * pill *. Puluh2 thousand new price shock. Until now price rm5k kebwah, takde la tu.But sink effect, then right into her wide price tu? Pulak Sukahati he buleh turun2 price. Delete Reply
alaaa .. ikea? i test are ikea latex mattress spring mix .. the most okay je tu for i .. i like the mattress 'firm' .. terlebih2 not like spring .. to be durable ikea mattress? i kid not curse any ikea stuff .. many je i cap ikea home stuff .. but if you get in chapter couch with mattress .. i kind of illness cuak son bought a brand ikea .. i said to my son once bought saiz king divan with .. i king coil brand central aim .. always wear brand hotel king coil .. i always feeling2 dta hti nak tido kinds of booths for the hotel .. hahaha illicit money was not much .. koya! No one brand is from Germany, right? price of twenty thousand .. not able to confirm! i did not understand apesal expensive price, but it may come down in price gile2 lacquer .. haissshh long laa ehh Pulak comment ni .. hehehehe-Kurakura-Reply Delete
Indeed bnyk ikea perishable goods. But, he dah entry mattress 7 years kitorg pkai. Ready Kene lompat2 by bebudak ni. Nk Teringin not good for the brand, but which one is good betul2? Price kemain. I was koya son cubicle style hotel. kihkih. Haritu dah kat Aussino comforter survey. Indeed cam hotel has. After sales, RM699. But, Kene hold first. Delete
argghhh father dta hti gilos expensive .. ooo okay laa guess ikea brand that last for 7 years .. i really important: the cushion .. for it is not subject to exchange objects tiap2 year boy .. I'll buy alang2 satisfied dta hti .. but now no longer able to .. first maternity waiting .. tetibe kang hit slices of stomach, die laa nak pay bil .. home u, u do not shoot the wallpaper? where stalls selling wallpaper comel2 and moden? dta hti ahh bored english style and floral wallpaper besar2 cam mak Datin .. waahhhh lebih2 i ni je kinds of existing bungalow house .. kehkehkeh .. Kurakura-Reply-Delete
Yes Tilam once to buy sake only. But, tiap2 day we sleep over it. Takpe, I will make another survey article ni cushion. We also bought jugak Nakk. Pulak suddenly regret buying katil saiz king. Huaa ni Until now no longer lies the wallpaper. Skang there macam2 style wall paper. Even dah there is any kind of mural. Check ni Cuba. We were there in advance wallpaper ni first exhibition period. Until skang, decide not lag. Good luck u asked. He is not the story bungalow house to house what .. us.We promise entitled chestnut.)) since kecik again like chestnut. Hikhik Reply Delete
okay! i know i bnyk cation dta hti soalan .. hahaha .. but i still want to ask .. y? y? y? why regret buying dta hti king? For dining space to ape? competent crowded dta hti loss buy queen .. i always feeling nak tido king because i like lots of pillows .. lagipun i nak tido train my baby in the baby cot since she came out of the belly .. but when PK2 behind, very large sort out beds king je .. Delete Reply
Beza King and Queen only 2 ft. But, the price Beza. Eg Comforter Beza prices up almost RM 200. It is best king. kitorg first tido foursome. Tapikan Hehe, I've read the prophet's dta hti message: ibubapa sleep together dta hti until well children are old enough to be separated beds. It's a way of bonding with the child tightened. Zahirnya, we as parents dah pegi keje half days. See you kids close dah nak night. Toktek tok tek dah tido time. Kalu tido not once, dah tenuous sense with the child. Best woo Kene hug with diorang. Delete dta hti Reply
oohh really? i just teach my baby boy was timid independent n .. i lies the edge of her cot baby katil i .. but he did not want laa tido one katil .. later he hit a cushion i pee .. hahaha basis mak stingy! Delete Reply
I never make first. The location of the edge katil baby cot. last2 i is not tido. Kejap2 g check him. Kat flavors dta hti nasal airway. Kan, a lot of Patience SID (Sudden Infant Death). Try consider this: Delete Reply
LAVENDER dta hti is a mom for Zarifs and just reach 30s with a mission .. to have our OWN LIVING in our OWN HOUSE (after years living with PIL) This blog is dedicated to the HOME beginners .. just like Me. View my complete profile
** All posts in my blog are from my personal opinions and my truly experiences the which may varies from time to

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