Philosophical aesthetics (Bassus sarcophagus Iunius)
Sculpture. Portals, capitals and devotional images.
Treatment conceptual art we now know does not correspond to the design that was the same in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages (ss. VX) artists were always anonymous, grouped into craft guilds that enjoyed little social vintage kitchenware prestige and working under the orders of classes with more power. It was not until the s. XV when the craft passed growers be considered as fine art, with the consequent increase of prestige vintage kitchenware and social status that they had enjoyed in previous centuries.
The concept of "ars" focuses on the theoretical knowledge that has the artisan's craft when executing the task. There was a subtle distinction between ars and scientia. The skill understood as knowledge. Each type of art can achieve natural beauty conviction. Art had a didactic and moralizing function the idea that art could help to know the truth. The art was valuable and had to cultivate. True artistic representations were shown allegorically. vintage kitchenware
The medievalist Georges Duby explains the functionality of medieval art was not focused on the pursuit of beauty, the functions that went artistic representations are specified in specific aim of serving as an offering to God, saints and the dead in order to obtain grace and forgiveness, also provides a pedagogical and didactic vintage kitchenware function of Christian faith throughout the social sector are illiterate and also claimed that art was an affirmation of the power levels of more powerful at the time, the clergy and merchants initially at later times. vintage kitchenware
Medieval society beauty linked with the visible world. The feelings caused by the works of art were studied throughout the Middle Ages, it was understood that "the perfection of the work and the beauty of art brighten the souls of those who contemplate ( admiratione delight)
In the Middle Ages retains the aesthetic achievements of antiquity had reached the conception of beauty as well as the different classical canons. Remained the systematization of the scales of values.
As for the artistic conceptions of antiquity should be noted that develops and eventually resulted in the following concepts: vintage kitchenware conceptual separation of beauty and goodness, beauty sensible separation of spirituality and the ideal, the beauty world was in its entirety, the beauty of art (human) depended on the nature and beauty of nature depends on the time of Art (Divine), beauty was considered an asset that could prove to be desired the essence of beauty was harmony of proportions vintage kitchenware (you claritas consonants) and objective conception of beauty deepening subjectivity experiences intellectuals perceive and appreciate the beauty of it.
It should be noted the originality of all medieval aesthetics and religious uniformity that limited the possibilities of art as a source of expression. Achieved vintage kitchenware a deep conceptual unity between beauty and art with aesthetic principles imposed by religious dogmas, especially vintage kitchenware the creator Christian conception. vintage kitchenware There was a growing concern for the psychological issues that focused toward religious solutions. The aesthetic at the time is predominantly symbolic reflection of a reality that has not seen the light. Empirical beauty is a reflection of the eternal. Among the medieval belief prevailed metaphysical / cosmetic and aesthetic / religious.
The concept of "ars" medieval liberals sought to achieve the purpose of training the free man and prepare it to absorb a combination of philosophy and theology known as scholasticism. Can distinguish seven "ars", which are divided into two groups: the first deals with grammar, rhetoric and dialectic knowledge related to studies of language, logic and oratory and the second group, which comprises the arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music disciplines mathematical / physical arts known as real or physicae.
The first group is considered elementary arts or trivium is called trivial, the second group was known as the arts or Quadrivium quadrivium. In the medieval period, the ideological dominance of the church was a sharp contrast between liberal arts and mechanical arts subservient, these contrasts at the time of the study, the first being reserved to the privileged classes. The lower class of people could just choose to incorporate their children as learners in a workshop and learn a trade like this, being encompassed within these guilds that were regulating learning.
With the decline vintage kitchenware of the Roman Empire and the strengthening
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