Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reminiscent of older people, blue bread bin who before the war on the day of Corpus Christi in the

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Manager We are a group of people interested in the history of Ayelo and its dissemination. We created this virtual space to spread so far published studies and new contributions from there soul. The group is open to all, if you want to merge and join us: Ver todo mi profile
5.) - The children of communion and large parties Ayelo:
The feast of Corpus Christi is one of the most important festivals of the year celebration that starts from the year 1246 and was started by the Bishop of Liège. In Valencia was promoted by Bishop Hugh Fenollet in 1355 and is considered the oldest religious party in Spain. Catholics celebrate the sacred dogma of her first take the Body of Christ in the Eucharistic celebration of the mass.
In Ayelo Malherido of the party, large and solemn, is held from time so remote blue bread bin that even the memory of the people remember. We do not know exactly what date began to be celebrated, but the file remains a parish booklet dated 1837 ( ) that is already talk of the festival and the procession. Over time has undergone blue bread bin some changes in order to adapt to the way of life. For a while it was no longer celebrated as tradition Thursday, now all events are held on Sunday.
"They agreed that vengan When parents missionaries, to receive the music, and that touch is in the procession of the Most Holy Sacramento that Proyecta, for which it is the indemnizará with 30 pesetas 30 céntimos Chapter of the unexpected." Minutes of the Plenary blue bread bin City Council Ayelo Malherido of 26 February blue bread bin 1893.
"It's Festivities celebrate blue bread bin las Stmo. Corpus Christi and S. Pedro de costumbre from previous years and that these expenses blue bread bin are yet to con ... Chapter 9 presupuesto." Minutes of the Plenary Hall of Ayelo Malherido, May 15, 1921, and Minutes of the Plenary of the Council of 31 May 1922.
Reminiscent of older people, blue bread bin who before the war on the day of Corpus Christi in the morning, the band, starting from the church, was playing for all the people passing by the house where

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