Wednesday, December 11, 2013

then cut the elastic accommodation. Cut diagonally dec tec at an angle of 10 with respect to the

The concept of arc is in principle very simple: two armed wings by means of a rope that keeps tension (Hamilton, 1982). In arcade meant by the length tension which may have an arc. This voltage stores potential energy in the arc is transferred to the string when the arrow is fired. The potential energy is the product of the tensile force generated along the spine or curved exterior and compression force that develops inside the womb or curve. Any arc must adapt to these forces dec tec in order to avoid tearing. The old arches are classified into three categories dec tec according to the materials used in its construction (Bergman et al, 1988)
- Reinforced arch: a simple bow with a sinew gummed on the back that can increase the speed and distance of shot, while reducing the risk of fracture in need lower voltage.
- Arch composite consists of a thin wood core in a tendon which attaches to the back horn belly. The combination of these materials allows the arc withstand a force of traction and compression, with a negligible risk of fracture but the arms are too short.
The arrow is formed by the handle-crested or not its proximal end, and the tip of the projectile in the distal end. Have a size and weight varies depending on the length of the arc voltage and the own function dec tec for which it was designed arrow. It is designed like an arrow to kill a bird and its feathers get another destined to hunt buffalo on horseback.
I should clarify that the medieval crossbows were very ornate and had a certain amount of accessories and details here we will ignore sacrifice simplicity. This is medieval crossbow while it is a synthesis of rustic dec tec design, dec tec materials affordable for forumers and more metallurgical knowledge that carpinteriles.
Let's split from the base components of the crossbow into 4 parts, making each and see the final assembly. THIS purposes only crossbow parts are:
The initial section of the body of the crossbow gives basic ways: the grip, the butt, the accommodation of the firing mechanism and socket Hosting elastic. First of all it is necessary to correct the 4 principal planes of wood and mark accurately the longitudinal central axis of each of the sides.
Keep the thickness of 7 cm from the beginning to about 23 cm, there gradually reduced to 4 cm. The thickness 4cm begins dec tec by reference from the start about 26/27 cm.
then cut the elastic accommodation. Cut diagonally dec tec at an angle of 10 with respect to the vertical axis, the elastic dec tec wedge inclined. Then cut the socket, leaving 1cm up and down to ensure it will not move. How then cut the elastic arched not be made straight cuts, but must respect the shape of the bow is wood house, above, must have the form ^ And the bottom dec tec of the same, but inverted. The tips of the two cuñitas must be perfectly centered with respect to the central axis horizontal dec tec wood. For this stretch, the widest part between the two cuñitas is 4.5cm, but vary according to the measure because dec tec it is made to cut the elastic. If you cut the elastic in the middle is straight, you can prevent this complication.
Then according to the previous picture and practiced drilling dec tec with a wick palette of 12 to 15 mm from side to side, about 5 to 8 cm depth as the base centered with respect to the central side of the wooden body.
Finally practiced vacuum which will be hosting the firing mechanism. This begins counting at 28 cm on the top of the crossbow will have a width of 1.5cm and a length of 4.5 cm. With a wick we 10mm 4 perforations from side to side (top to bottom) and it ended up shaping with scrapes and lime wood.
Finally there is the slot for calcium dart. This should be almost semi-cylindrical and have a radius dec tec of less than 1 mm caliber darts that we use. As used here darts 10mm in diameter, then the prof

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