Monday, December 2, 2013

Preparation: Take it to the TMX and oil heating 5 minutes dishwasher magnet clean dirty Varoma temp

My kitchen is pretty small, but not change it for the world. dishwasher magnet clean dirty My laboratory is particularly between the walls I can relax and I love to see is the food like bread or cake goes into the oven.
I still remember the day we went to choose the kitchen, we had a map of the house and the carpenter made us a little drawing would look like. We liked it and we ordered the furniture, it just had to wait. With the drawing that I did on another level with all the details. dishwasher magnet clean dirty The day we installed the kitchen, dishwasher magnet clean dirty I took the picture I had done and the kitchen was exactly as I had imagined! How excited I was!
Here began my romance with cooking particular, sometimes the results surprise me and others, better not tell it. A year ago my parents were giving Thermomix: the revolution had begun. I am delighted with it, it has a special place in my small kitchen!
Some people say that the Thermomix is used by those who can not cook with it all the leaves well. I do not think so, you must first learn to cook and do things for yourself, at this point any help is welcome Thermomix is a help, but not replace the cook ... or I would not let me replace: I'm still in my kitchen the boss (for now!).
To learn how to do things with the machine I looked at books and discovered the Block "Velocidad Cuchara", from which I learned a lot. Last year on this blog organized a series of challenges made a proposal for a recipe and prepare the home fans, after sending the photo and these are published.
I participated in two challenges: making a quiche and risotto (which I will show you another day.) The quiche was my first foray into the blogging world, but now find many flaws in the picture I did, I must admit that I find it funny because it's the first picture of a kitchen made serious purpose.
A quiche is a savory cake of French dishwasher magnet clean dirty origin. It consists of a pastry base or quebrada is filled with a mixture of milk, eggs and flour, to which you can add ingredients to taste and baked. One version is the most typical quiche lorraine.
First we prepare the dough quiche, we can use a pastry or dough quebrada, unless we do so much work, we can use the already made sell. I did a quebrada dishwasher magnet clean dirty too, since it was a culinary challenge had to do it all, or not?
Preparation: in mixing all the ingredients dishwasher magnet clean dirty until it is all well integrated (with TMX 15 seconds, speed 6). Let dough rest in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Stretch the dough with a rolling pin and cover a quiche mold about 28 cm in diameter. Let stand for 15 minutes. Typically the entire dishwasher magnet clean dirty surface dishwasher magnet clean dirty with a fork because it rises during baking. Enfornam about 15 minutes at 180 C, the base should be almost done but not quite as copper finish when baked quiche.
Ingredients: 200-300 grams chicken bacon to taste 2 leeks (about 150 grams) 4 eggs 30 g oil 100 g chopped dishwasher magnet clean dirty almonds 200 grams of cream Salt and pepper Spices: A teaspoon cardamom Half a teaspoon of turmeric A teaspoon of cumin, chopped Cinnamon to taste (I got there two teaspoons, so that their taste prevailed)
Preparation: Take it to the TMX and oil heating 5 minutes dishwasher magnet clean dirty Varoma temperature, speed 1. Add the leek and sauté 5 minutes, Varoma temperature, speed 1. Then salpebram chicken that we cut small strips, bacon and almonds and fry it whole 6 minutes varoma, speed 1. Once it is cooked to taste trituram, I crush a few seconds I speed progressive dishwasher magnet clean dirty 5-7-9 at home because they do not like lumps found. Reservam this too. We put four eggs in the TMX, cream and spices. If you want the taste of a species dominance over the others will much more (in my case I put more cinnamon) Add this mixture to the dough and reserved in mixing dishwasher magnet clean dirty until it is all well integrated. We distribute on the ground stretching almost cooked. Decorate the surface with chopped almonds dishwasher magnet clean dirty and cinnamon. Enfornam about 30 minutes, dishwasher magnet clean dirty until a toothpick stuck in comes out completely clean. Once the quiche is made with almonds decorate the laminated surface that contrasts with the dark tone of cinnamon and chopped dishwasher magnet clean dirty almonds.
We should simply follow the steps listed before but vigilant so that everything is well dauradet fire and stir continuously for not sticking. So first Heat the oil and fry the leeks, then add the chicken, bacon and almonds and it

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